Do you remember January-November 2001?

BobbyMcR: my time here is limited...

BobbyMcR: must download all files in the entire world

Ermac: /download internet

Ermac: /download *.* *.*.*.*

Ermac: *.* being every file, *.*.*.* being every ip address

BobbyMcR: wow

BobbyMcR: it's that easy, folks

Ermac: it sure is!

BobbyMcR: WARNING: You are about to download top secret files from a government domain. Continue? (Y/N)

Ermac: at least they give you the option to turn back

BobbyMcR: yeah, whew, good thing

BobbyMcR: Pressing Y will lead to us tracking you down and arresting you.

BobbyMcR: Pressing N will still lead to us tracking you down and arresting you since you accessed this domain illegally.

BobbyMcR: ah, manual sex

BobbyMcR: no power tools

BobbyMcR: or automatic changing of gears

BobbyMcR: either way...what a ride!!

BobbyMcR: "hey, could you put it into 4th for me!" "no! we just started going!" "oops!!"

BobbyMcR: "you killed it! i told you to lay off the clutch!"

BobbyMcR: [rimshots abound]

Famous: heh

DelMonte: you shouldn't use eggdrop anymore... otherwise you aren't a REAL vegan

Famous: hehe

{Gabe}: heh

Famous: yes, when i think of the animals that were enslaved to bring this bot program to my "table"... i start to cry

DelMonte: poor robochickens

BobbyMcR: maybe i shouldn't blame CoC for car troubles

BobbyMcR: it's just not fair to them

Famous: it should be pointed out that CoC sucks

BobbyMcR: oh! now i remember

Famous: therefore, blame whatever you want on them

BobbyMcR: i vote that we adress anthony by 'tony' from now on

BobbyMcR: who is with me?

BobbyMcR: address, that is

Ermac: alllright

BobbyMcR: good

BobbyMcR: 2 against 1

BobbyMcR: so, TONY, how is it going?


BobbyMcR: hmm

BobbyMcR: i think TONY stopped listening a while ago

Ermac: TONY is stupid

Famous: heh

Famous: who's tony?

Famous: who are you guys talking about?

Ermac: are you tony?

Ermac: 8ball who is tony?

Lizadrin: Ermac, John Proctor

BobbyMcR: mystery solved

BobbyMcR: hey, he ain't tony!

Ermac: you ain't tony!

BobbyMcR: i'm his brother, asshole

Ermac: huh huh..hey ASSHOLE!

BobbyMcR: FUCK


Famous: bet you didn't see that coming

* BobbyMcR changes his legal name

BobbyMcR: there!

BobbyMcR: from now on, call me Cocksucker!

Ermac: sure thing... COCKSUCKER!!!

Ermac: hmm...that just didn't have the same feeling

* Famous changes his illegal name

BobbyMcR: yeah!

BobbyMcR: can't make fun of that

BobbyMcR: my illegal name is I. Rob Banks

* BobbyMcR dodges bottles and cans being hurled at him

* Ermac is providing said hurling

BobbyMcR: providing hurling

Ermac: yep

BobbyMcR: actually, my illegal name is L. Ron Hubbard

Famous: oh

Famous: you're really cool, then

BobbyMcR: yeah

BobbyMcR: have no fear

BobbyMcR: scientology is heere

BobbyMcR: here

BobbyMcR: along with it comes battlefield earth

Famous: good

BobbyMcR: and to a lesser degree, phenomenon


Famous: is phenomenon scientology-related?

Famous: i've never seed it

BobbyMcR: nah

BobbyMcR: i'm just saying that john travolta sucks

BobbyMcR: and he should die

Ermac: i second that

BobbyMcR: i third that, even though i 'firsted' it

Ermac: well, in that case, i'll fourth it

BobbyMcR: i reserve 5th through 999th

Ermac: i...SHIT!

BobbyMcR: "you go do actual work, i'll sit here eating nachos"

BobbyMcR: "it's a deal"

Ermac: and what a deal!

BobbyMcR: done and done

BobbyMcR: and i mean done!

Famous: see, i'll make an excellent sectionhead

BobbyMcR: sounds good to me

BobbyMcR: "okay, let's see guys go do everything, and i will do this fair?"

BobbyMcR: "yes, sectionhead anthony!"

BobbyMcR: "good, get to work"

BobbyMcR: "i'll be in my office, that they built especially for me, when i became sectionhead"

BobbyMcR: [office is just some drywall propped against the corner of the music section]

Famous: heh

Famous: i would certainly need an office

BobbyMcR: "what are you doing 'in' there? there are no chairs, or a desk, or anything except a floor and drywall?"

BobbyMcR: -? +!

Famous: "umfjhkfmm... nuufffing" (sounds of eating nachos are heard)

BobbyMcR: eating nachos has a distinctive sound


BobbyMcR: ['nachos theme' plays]

BobbyMcR:'s a spin-off of that old show, CHiPs

* BobbyMcR dodges bottles and cans, once again

Famous: anyway... super deluxe lead to this channel being started... me mentioning the channel on the super deluxe mailing list led to nicole coming here

DelMonte: yay

Famous: without that... no nicole, no brooke, no tons o' fun times... our lives would be drastically different

Famous: yep

BobbyMcR: i'd probably be in a wheelchair now

Ermac: hey anthony

Ermac: also, bring your muthafuckin' cd player, complete with fresh batteries..or, if you don't want to, tell me, and i'll try and round mine up

BobbyMcR: haw

Ermac: actually, brian, just bring your cd player face

BobbyMcR: hwa

Ermac: i believe it works that way

Ermac: "portable!"

BobbyMcR: uh..yes...

BobbyMcR: now just stick the CD through the slot...

BobbyMcR: oops, it fell out the other side

BobbyMcR: hmm...maybe i'll just hum the CD to myself!

Ermac: hmm..maybe that's a feature

BobbyMcR: there we go!

BobbyMcR: hmm, hmmm hmm, hmm

BobbyMcR: it works!

Ermac: this is the best cd player ever!

Ermac: it plays every song!

Ermac: even songs that we just made up!


BobbyMcR: that's amazing

Ermac: it even plays the "i'm going to fucking kill brian rogers" song, never recorded to cd!

BobbyMcR: that's a collector's item

Famous: i imagine there will be some stuff i can eat... if that sandwich place is back this year

Famous: however, i plan to smuggle in some essential foods wraps

BobbyMcR: you can eat shit

Famous: i guess i could eat shit that was just left behind by an animal

BobbyMcR: heh

BobbyMcR: or your own shit

Famous: but if the animal was in captivity to produce it, that would be wrong

BobbyMcR: eat your own shit

BobbyMcR: you can't go wrong!

Famous: are the people going to pat me down or anything? and/or will they keep me from bringing in food?

Ermac: don't you remember last year? i don't remember them doing anything

Famous: okay

Famous: hopefully it will be alright

Famous: i seriously spent like $25 on food that night... plus there's a lot less i can eat now

Ermac: "hmm..wait a that a sandwhich in your pants??" "'s a gun.." "..very well."

BobbyMcR: what kind of sound card is it?

BobbyMcR: SBLive (PCI 1024) or lower?

Ermac: i beleive so

Ermac: also known as Cheapass Edition (tm)

BobbyMcR: SBLive! Value

BobbyMcR: ?

Ermac: let me check my driver cd

BobbyMcR: sblive is like "pci 1024" or something

BobbyMcR: the rest range from pci 512 to pci 32

BobbyMcR: which i believe has something to do with MIDI, or something

Ermac: nope, not that cheap..128

BobbyMcR: haw

BobbyMcR: i win

Ermac: damnation!

BobbyMcR: except i don't...the sblive is a picky son of a bitch

BobbyMcR: which makes my life difficult

Ermac: ha ha

BobbyMcR: it has so many issues with motherboards, OSs, other devices...

BobbyMcR: boot

BobbyMcR: it's a good card when it works correctly

Ermac: "Warning: incompatible with everything."

BobbyMcR: but like they said in my assembly programming class..."a program that only does 50% of the solution is better than a program that WOULD do 100% of the solution [if only it worked]"

BobbyMcR: "you will not be able to use any devices besides this sound card while the device is installed...continue installation?"

BobbyMcR: "installation complete. please turn off your computer and enjoy the sound card!"

BobbyMcR: "i don't know...maybe you could hook your stereo up to it?" [product slogan]

Ermac: hehe

Famous: kristin says john travolta is one of her favorite actors

Famous: she liked "phenomenon"

BobbyMcR: HAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BobbyMcR: HAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Famous: she hasn't seen b. earth though

BobbyMcR: HAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BobbyMcR: HAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DelMonte: it doesn't get much more "emo" than the words to this song, folks

DelMonte: 1. "hard heart"

DelMonte: 2. nostalgic cutesy-thing (photobooth)

DelMonte: 3. "time to move on"

DelMonte: now that's emo!

BobbyMcR: 4. you're a gimp

Famous: gnu image manipulation program

DelMonte: 5. reference to the summer ending

DelMonte: emo!

BobbyMcR: 6. hey, did you realize you included #4

DelMonte: 7. shit! I hope I don't do anything like that again

BobbyMcR: 8. yeah...for your sake and mine

BobbyMcR: 9. [for some reason]

DelMonte: 10. [there was no entry #10, just the number "10," for Chris passed away after typing the number. -ed]

BobbyMcR: how sad

BobbyMcR: i can't go on with this list knowing about his chilling demise

BobbyMcR: it's too painful

* Ermac cries..and writes an emo song about it, including the 10 hints of an emo song

BobbyMcR: i challenge you to write an emo-sounding song with the lyrics "you're a gimp" somewhere in there

Famous: so, you include #10... and then die yourself?

Ermac: shiiiiit

BobbyMcR: i think it's just an account of chris' death

BobbyMcR: so you're safe

Ermac: phew

Famous: boy, i love how jabber tells me when i'm disconnected

DelMonte: hehe

DelMonte: that is loveable, isn't it

BobbyMcR: what a scamp

DelMonte: a loveable scamp!

BobbyMcR: that was implicit, shithead

DelMonte: a regular charlie chaplin

DelMonte: <charlie chaplin> Brian Rogers is a fucking asshole!

BobbyMcR: ouch

BobbyMcR: the seldom used charlie chaplin XML tag

DelMonte: <charlie chaplin> I should know, I'm one of the biggest stars in motion picture history!

BobbyMcR: yes, big stars tend to know XML

DelMonte: <charlie chaplin> how that applies to this situation is yet to be seen, however

Famous: that's why it's called eXtendable markup language

BobbyMcR: nope, i see it already

BobbyMcR: eXtensible, actually

Famous: or eXtensible or whatever

Famous: yeah

BobbyMcR: HWA

BobbyMcR: stupify yourself

DelMonte: it doesn't stand for xylophone markup language?

BobbyMcR: that was the preliminary name

DelMonte: ah

BobbyMcR: but they thought the applications were too few and far between

BobbyMcR: so there you have it

DelMonte: then they didn't want to change the name

DelMonte: and EML was taken, anyway

Famous: yeah... they realized it could be used for much more than xylophones... MUCH more!

BobbyMcR: "people just don't like xylophones...but they do like self-describing documents!"

BobbyMcR: except the xylophone in that "gone daddy gone" song by the violent femmes

DelMonte: noooo

DelMonte: it's true, though

BobbyMcR: it was great...someone today at that intern picnic i went to remembered the "sugar in the morning...sugar in the evening...sugar in YOUR VITAMINS?!" commercial!

BobbyMcR: i made some small reference to it...and he recognized it

BobbyMcR: so we determined that we were not crazy...since no one else seems to know it

DelMonte: haha

DelMonte: yaaaaay

BobbyMcR: or maybe...we are both crazy with the same mental illness

BobbyMcR: shit...didn't think of that!

DelMonte: since the dawn of time, mankind has been plagued with this illness

DelMonte: even before anyone could know what "sugar in your vitamins" meant

BobbyMcR: [caveman 1] aargh ah gah...

DelMonte: in fact, that's where those words came from

BobbyMcR: [caveman 2] your vi-ta-minz...

BobbyMcR: [caveman 1] garggh????

BobbyMcR: <they kill each other, simultaneously>

DelMonte: [caveman 3] your vi-ta-minz?!?!?

DelMonte: [caveman 3] *lonely bellow*

BobbyMcR: let's write, direct, produce, and cast this play

BobbyMcR: and put it on broadway!

BobbyMcR: i see john travolta as caveman 3

DelMonte: john travolta might have a good lonely bellow, yeah...

BobbyMcR: yep, that's what i was thinkin'

DelMonte: I see Kelly Preston as caveman 3's beautiful wife

BobbyMcR: HWA

BobbyMcR: Kelly S. Preston...esquire

DelMonte: John Theodore Travolta

DelMonte: (hey, it could happen!)

BobbyMcR: (MCWORLD!!!!!)

Famous: i need to get writing for tp7ct

BobbyMcR: go 4 it

BobbyMcR: connect [tp7ct]

BobbyMcR: watch for the [writer's] block

BobbyMcR: forget it, you're stuck!

Famous: damn, and i haven't even started yet

BobbyMcR: go for the glory [of emo music], go for the score [-ing with chicks, because you're emo]

BobbyMcR: go 4 it

BobbyMcR: connect [tp7ct]

BobbyMcR: go 4 it

BobbyMcR: too late, joe [he wasn't emo enough]

BobbyMcR: connect [tp7ct]!!

DelMonte: hehehe

Famous: hehe

DelMonte: I win!

Famous: that could be our album opening song!

*** sladernbw is now known as jackass19

jackass19: heh e

jackass19: cool

BobbyMcR: D00D, R U LIKE 19?!

jackass19: he h


* Famous is away, bed [log:OFF] [page:ON]

Famous: as much as i'd love to stick around... death

BobbyMcR: go ahead!

BobbyMcR: go to bed, ASSHOLE!

BobbyMcR: just remember one thing...

Famous: nooooo :(

BobbyMcR: be a stupid....ass...hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BobbyMcR: [bum, bum, bum, bum!]

Famous: audiogalaxy wouldn't work because i use internet connection sharing

Famous: i found a work-around

BobbyMcR: ah

BobbyMcR: what is the work a rowned?

Famous: some script

Famous: that's linked on the site

BobbyMcR: ACT I: The Work Around

Famous: zzzz

BobbyMcR: wake up there, buddy

*** Now talking in #calculus

Famous: woo-hoo

*** BobbyMcR changes the topic to 'calculus help, that is, when i'm actually here'

BobbyMcR: hey, what are YOU doing in here?

BobbyMcR: what's the derivative of x^3 with respect to x?

BobbyMcR: quickly!!

Famous: noooo

Famous: i'm here for... help

BobbyMcR: okay...what is your question??

BobbyMcR: i'm waiting...

Famous: uh...

Famous: what's the derivative of x^3 with respect to x?

BobbyMcR: 3x^2

Famous: than-x

Famous: okay, i'm setting up liz for #calculus

Famous: i need some values...

Famous: when a ban is set, immediately kick all who match the ban?

BobbyMcR: that would be helpful

BobbyMcR: like a ban on *!*@* for instance

BobbyMcR: would that even work?

Famous: i leave it off, usually... because then you can ban someone and be like "hey, i'm going to kick you..." and then not, and then unban them... it's hours of fun

Famous: but this is a serious channel

Famous: yeah, you can ban *!*@*

BobbyMcR: that would be righteous

BobbyMcR: does that mean the bot would kick itself?

Famous: heh

Famous: i don't know about that...

BobbyMcR: "let's try it"

Famous: okay, you're a "massa" on #calculus now

* BobbyMcR ignores the 'racial slur'

BobbyMcR: haw

Famous: so you can add users

BobbyMcR: <bobbymcr> add this user!! <lizadrin> yes, massa, anythin' you say! don't get out the whip!

DelMonte: ASU needs a sportsmanship theme

BobbyMcR: take the time to taste the welch's

BobbyMcR: take the time to roll it 'round

Famous: "i've been rolling this grape juice around in my mouth for 32 hours... can i stop now, please?"

Famous: "wait... how am i talking?"


BobbyMcR: he has a stephen hawking device type thing

DelMonte: hehe


DelMonte: hehe

DelMonte: lawl

BobbyMcR: lowell

Famous: well, in "yay" news... i was watching this tech report show on tv, and it was at the unveiling of new videogame shiz...

Famous: they said nintendo gamecube = the shiznit... x-box: crappy

BobbyMcR: the x-box will soon be the EX-BOX!!!!!! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Famous: "x-box has better specs... but no one cares about specs if the games suck... which they do"

DelMonte: I would imagine

DelMonte: microsoft video games have not been great, historically

BobbyMcR: as won't be a box for long!!!!!

BobbyMcR: AN EX-BOX!!


BobbyMcR: SHIT!

Famous: "nintendo's system is not superior as far as power goes, but has much better games"

DelMonte: <some kid> what happened to my x-box?

Famous: it's no longer a box!

BobbyMcR: perhaps it's still an x

Famous: depending on how that transition works

BobbyMcR: i don't know, that has yet to be studied

DelMonte: "nintendo's system is not superior as far as power goes, but has much better games" <--translation: "dude! it's mario! and link! and they look cooler than they did before!"

Famous: look, the important thing is i like nintendo, i'm going to get a gamecube the first day it comes out, and the tv show said it's better

Famous: and i don't like microsoft, i'm not going to get an x-box, and the tv show said it's not that good

Famous: so i win

DelMonte: strange... the video game reports on the news section of seemed to think that the x-box could hold its own

DelMonte: the companies that own the news TV shows also own everything else, of course... but the msn/x-box thing is a more direct example of news bias than usual

Famous: any company that is big enough to publish reviews about itself... that's a company that is too big

Famous: "top story: we rock!"

BobbyMcR: Dear Sirs, Your company is too big. Please consider getting smaller. Thanks, Anthony

BobbyMcR: there you go

BobbyMcR: send that off

Famous: "holy shit... he's right!"

BobbyMcR: it will go directly to bill gates, and he'll read it and be knocked off his ass!

Famous: Hipster fast-food franchise Taco Bell known for quirky and catchy commercials joins the Xbox wave for a huge promotional deal. Makes you wanna yell, "Yo quiero Xbox!"

Famous: kjsfdlafdjlskfjdslkfjdklfdjklfdljkfjasdklfjasdklfjksdl ;sdfsdklf hdsjlhJF SKDLHFASLDKJHDSLJ;G

BobbyMcR: hmm...they're half right

BobbyMcR: it makes me want to yell

BobbyMcR: but not THAT

DelMonte: I assume "yo quiero" is spanish for "I would like to kill the members of the promotion department of the company that manufactures the"?

BobbyMcR: loosely translated

Famous: * Built-in "rumble" feature to increase gaming realism

DelMonte: booooooooooooooo

BobbyMcR: rumble pax r gay

BobbyMcR: no matter what system

Famous: yeah... the rumble feature makes games more realistic... "i just drove my car into a wall... something in my hands is rumbling!"

Famous: rumble packs only increase gaming realism in shooting games when you are shooting

DelMonte: rumble pack is the most terrible consequence of mankind's technological progress

Famous: otherwise... stupid

DelMonte: purt much

BobbyMcR: rumble packs are for losers

DelMonte: controllers these days seem far to involved

DelMonte: the dumbass little screens on dreamcast controllers = dumbass

Famous: eh, sometimes they can be helpful... for example, in madden 2001... if some guy brushes by you, it rumbles a bit so you kind of "feel" it... which can help you pay attention, but it doesn't make the game more "realistic"

DelMonte: +o

BobbyMcR: yeah, dreamcast in general = kind of dumbass

BobbyMcR: don't you remember all the hand rumbling that occurs in the game of football?!

BobbyMcR: huH?!

DelMonte: heh

Famous: i generally leave my rumble pack on while playing n64... but it's dumb to think that it makes the game more "realistic"... except for in the case of games where you are firing a gun, like i said

DelMonte: "I just got tackled by a 300-pound linebacker! My hand's kinda rumbling!"

BobbyMcR: scroo rumble packs

DelMonte: I agree

DelMonte: bad in all cases

Famous: i disagree

DelMonte: even when they make it "more realistic"

BobbyMcR: anthony is bad in all cases

DelMonte: now, if they had dildo rumble packs

DelMonte: that were compatible with pornographic video games...

DelMonte: oohhh boy

Famous: the anal rumble pack

Famous: we've already invented this

DelMonte: damn

Famous: brian and i came up with this a while ago

Famous: there's going to be a pornographic video game for x-box

BobbyMcR: i think i recall that

BobbyMcR: it was late, if i remember correctly...

*** Quits: SPdreamer (all I want for my birthday is the hat, and for you to die.)

Famous: so... that hat was pretty fucking stupid, huh?

SladeRnbw: Girl, Interupted

BobbyMcR: pretty much crap

SladeRnbw: i loved it

BobbyMcR: it was trite as my dick

SladeRnbw: :|

BobbyMcR: oh gawd

BobbyMcR: chris would kill you

SladeRnbw: h eh e

SladeRnbw: we already discussed this

SladeRnbw: it's a chick flick

SladeRnbw: .period.

BobbyMcR: chick flick is no excuse for bullshit movie

SladeRnbw: you have to be understanding to like it

SladeRnbw: i loved it :P

Famous: understanding?

* SladeRnbw stands ground

BobbyMcR: right

BobbyMcR: "i understand that this movie sucks...therefore, i like it!"

Famous: "these people are incapable of making good movies... i understand"

BobbyMcR: heh

BobbyMcR: there we go

SladeRnbw: speaking of crap movies, i saw cats & dongs today

BobbyMcR: haw

SladeRnbw: i do't think i've ever left a theater feeling so dumb-ified

Famous: and you went because...?

SladeRnbw: (with the exception of Inspector Gadget)

SladeRnbw: my mom paid

BobbyMcR: cats & dongs?

BobbyMcR: what the hell?

BobbyMcR: inspector gadget?!

SladeRnbw: i go to the movies no matter what

BobbyMcR: heh...that may be a fun rental

SladeRnbw: i never pass down a ticket

BobbyMcR: pass up

SladeRnbw: yea..

SladeRnbw: see? the movie's taking effect already!!!

BobbyMcR: what is cats and dongs?

Famous: -n

Famous: it's a "look, animals talk" movie

BobbyMcR: oh

BobbyMcR: oh yeah

BobbyMcR: ah gahhhd

BobbyMcR: looks like bull fucking shit

SladeRnbw: hah a haha "cats and dongs"! ha hah

SladeRnbw: he he

* SladeRnbw still laughing

SladeRnbw: that movie hurt my brain

Famous: apparently

BobbyMcR: she's gone crazy...strap her down

BobbyMcR: the movie has had ill effects on her

Famous: strip her down, you say?

BobbyMcR: uh...yes!

Famous: gladly

BobbyMcR: i DID say that!

* SladeRnbw goes with it

SladeRnbw: :\

Famous: ooh ooh

* Famous ignores the :\ part

SladeRnbw: eh e

Famous: brian webley, he's such a dick!

Famous: "hey, why don't you like that guy?"

Famous: because he's a stupid son-of-a-bitch asshole, and he's not a very good teacher!

Famous: dunn dunn dunt

SladeRnbw: what put you on that?

Famous: i was listening to "bob turkee" by nofx

BobbyMcR: anthony must be listening to maximumrocknroll

Famous: which reminded me of "brian webley" by brian rogers

BobbyMcR: heh

BobbyMcR: yes, the famous song

BobbyMcR: the song itself sold millions of copies

BobbyMcR: not in any specific media, just the song

Famous: yeah

SladeRnbw: the brian webley song? i wanna know about it!

BobbyMcR: you just heard it

BobbyMcR: there's not much to it

BobbyMcR: it might help to have "bob turkee" by nofx as a 'reference'

SladeRnbw: hm.. ok.

BobbyMcR: i'm going to kill someone

BobbyMcR: his name will be...

BobbyMcR: let's make it jim

SladeRnbw: why?

BobbyMcR: his time has come

Famous: jim jimson

BobbyMcR: jim jimson, exactly

BobbyMcR: you're not friends with him, are you?

SladeRnbw: don't know him

BobbyMcR: good

BobbyMcR: i gotta go to bed

BobbyMcR: i'm going to kill myself tomorrow

Ermac: hurrah

Famous: better sleep up for that

Famous: most successful suicides are done after a full night's sleep

BobbyMcR: that's a good statistic to know

Ermac: "another botched suicide..this young man didn't get enough rest beforehand."

BobbyMcR: haw

Famous: wait

* Famous asks the question

BobbyMcR: speaking of funny stuff such as this...we need another beast-off

Famous: yeah

BobbyMcR: wait a minute...i won't kill myself now

Famous: "Listen to that song of. . .combos up the dick? combos up the mother fucking dick? hmmm. it was repetitive. but funny."

Famous: when that song gets old, life will no longer be worth living

BobbyMcR: who said that?

Famous: kyle

Famous: on the ol' LJ

BobbyMcR: oh

*** Joins: palkyle (

Famous: commmmmbo up the dick

palkyle: I've had combo up the dick in my head for 5 hours today at work

* Famous harmonizes with brian: "commmbo UP the DIIIICK!"

BobbyMcR: that combo up the dick song really gets to me

Muskry: sadlkfjasd;lfihasrt;lkj

Muskry: we were just talking about it

Famous: yeah, it speaks to my soul

palkyle: I had many weird looks for accidentally singing it aloud

BobbyMcR: hehe

BobbyMcR: yeah, i hate that

Famous: haha... someone actually bought dr. mario 64 from me today

Famous: and of course i started singing it under my breath... but gradually got louder without thinking about it

BobbyMcR: so many times i want to just break out into that "i want to be a stupid...ASS...HOOOOOOLE!!!" song

BobbyMcR: but i think better of it

BobbyMcR: what a shilshole

BobbyMcR: what a beach club

Famous: what a bay, at that

BobbyMcR: what a the

Famous: <bugs bunny> "what a maroon. what a knucklehead. what a shilshole. what a beach club."

Ermac: boo memory leaks

BobbyMcR: hello, windows!

Ermac: <windows> *eats memory*

Ermac: fawwwwwwwk windozewe

Ermac: i'm a big stupid asshole

Famous: what about me?

Ermac: you're..hmm..

Ermac: you're just stupid

Famous: hey! why you... wait a minute, that's not so bad...


Famous: ..

Famous: .


Famous: ...

Famous: ..

Famous: .


BobbyMcR: bum, bum

BobbyMcR: bum, bum

BobbyMcR: bum, bum

BobbyMcR: [orchestral hit]

* Famous (now impersonating the audience) cheers and throws roses

Famous: bravo!

Famous: encore!

Famous: (and other crappy movie channels!)

BobbyMcR: [Famous has a rose in his teeth]

* Famous watches as entire audience boos him for that joke

* Famous is killed by audience rioting

BobbyMcR: damn

DelMonte: heh

BobbyMcR: my favorite opera singer!!

Famous: no, i was a guy in the audience at that point

DelMonte: oh

DelMonte: the riots never reached the stage?

Famous: that ol' irc narrator and i never said if they did or not

Famous: i wouldn't worry, though

Famous: the "stupid asshole" singer probably escaped in time

BobbyMcR: good

BobbyMcR: we'll have to wait for the chilling conclusion to be sure

Famous: yep, the conclusion where he finally realizes his dream of being a stupid asshole

BobbyMcR: lol

DelMonte: haha

Famous: and then sings "i'm a big stupid asshole, you're just stupid"

* BobbyMcR doesn't even know what that would entail, but has a good time imagining...

DelMonte: I have come to the conclusion that if a video box says "madcap" on it at any point, you should probably shove the video up your ass instead of watching it

BobbyMcR: i've known that for years

BobbyMcR: words to watch for: madcap, zany, wacky, antics, misadventures

BobbyMcR: also, animals as main or prominent characters

DelMonte: the word "antihero" is almost to the point where I will default to ass-shoving instead of watching

DelMonte: but not quite

BobbyMcR: yeah

BobbyMcR: critically-acclaiming buzzwords...who needs 'em

DelMonte: well, those are idio-critic buzzwords

BobbyMcR: true

BobbyMcR: raj ebert would never say that!

DelMonte: real critics use big words

DelMonte: raj ebert even declared a moratorium on the word "sophomoric" except for one review

Famous: "one of the greatest films ever made!" -- joel seigel, good morning america

Famous: so says the box of crouching tiger

DelMonte: he'll do that

Famous: sure, it was good and all... but i don't care how good your movie is, how could anyone possibly put that quote on the box of their movie?

DelMonte: hmm

BobbyMcR: joel seigel is a fucking idiot

DelMonte: I dunno, if you can get someone to say that about your movie, you might as well say it

DelMonte: if a somewhat respected reviewer says that, you know it's at least a pretty good movie

BobbyMcR: as our mothers always told us, "if you have something nice to say, put it on the box of your movie"

Famous: heh

Famous: good ol' dude where's my car

Famous: "Funny!" -- (some guy from some local newspaper, i can't remember)

BobbyMcR: "Funny! I remember a day when movies weren't total shit!"

DelMonte: "[dude, where's my car?] is one of the greatest movies ever made!" --joel seigel, good morning america

Famous: if "Funny!" is the best you can get from any review, resorting to a small local newspaper... hoo boy

BobbyMcR: "This movie rocked!" --Billy Swanson, 6th Grader at Williams Elementary School, in the school newspaper

Famous: "lukin" is a rap song

Famous: you'd think lesbian music would be cool... you know, like lesbian porn

*** Quits: BobbyMcR (i would like to be an unintelligent jerk (i.e. 'asshole'))

DelMonte: hmm... jerk = asshole, eh

Famous: yeah, i wasn't going to question it

DelMonte: now, is the quit message under the authority of the narrator, and therefore infallible?

DelMonte: because it starts narrator-like...

Famous: no

DelMonte: the narrator is just saying that the guy said that while leaving, then?

Famous: the narrator is saying that a person quit, and then telling us what the person said while leaving

Famous: because... channels are rooms in a building

DelMonte: macht sense

Famous: but, when you quit... you walk out the front door of the irc building

Famous: and check out with the narrator

Famous: he's at the "front desk"

Famous: #superdeluxe is a small room on the 20th story, by the way

DelMonte: in glendale, CA

Famous: we decided years ago that it must be... since we can push people out of the channel to their death, and jump out windows after bad jokes and stuff

DelMonte: it's a long commute, but it's worth it

Famous: oh yeah... in the interview, i was asked the five pace steps!

Famous: i almost fucked that up!

Famous: "five pace steps? sure! uh... oh shit...."

Famous: but i ended up getting them right... just haven't thought about the "sequence" in a while

Famous: i "strove" for "fove"

Famous: if you will

DelMonte: hehe

DelMonte: screw dat

DelMonte: I say "thank you" if I feel like saying "thank you"... I stay with the customer until s/he is satisfied if I'm not busy!

DelMonte: I take a makavelli approach... if the 2 pac CDs aren't straight, more customers will be upset than just the one guy you're ignoring

Famous: 1) half-acknowledge customer after they start bothering you while you're working on something more important

Famous: 2) listen to their question, make demeaning face, point at item

Famous: 3) go back to work

Famous: 4) if they can't find it, hit them... then grab their collar and drag them to the item

Famous: 5) tell them to leave you the fuck alone, go back to work

Famous: there... five pace steps

Ermac: we have like the 7 steps to being a homo or something like that

Famous: 1) dress like shane regan

Famous: wow... you have step one down, shane!

Famous: 2) find available man

Famous: 3) not be tired

Famous: 4) finish joke in funny way

Famous: 5-7) zzzzz

Ermac: aw damn..that had potential

Famous: 7) ejaculate in ass

Famous: there

DelMonte: I thought that finished rather strongly

Ermac: excellent

Famous: i "brought it home" for ya

DelMonte: sure did! *points at own ass*

Famous: rjhesakojfalksd

Famous: lol

*** Famous changes the topic to 'WERE AWAKE'

Ermac: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Ermac: SHIT!

* Ermac dives out of the way of tundra/desert

Famous: heh, as it comes flying out your speakers

Ermac: fortunately you can hear it coming

DelMonte: computers are for jerks

moonrock: which is why you have one, right?

DelMonte: SHIT

DelMonte: you got me there

moonrock: not calling you a jerk or anything, just questioning your comment :P

Famous: heyo, heyo, heyo, heyo

Famous: no diggity

Famous: ...and no doubt.

DelMonte: Hmm. I like the way you work it.

Famous: than-x

DelMonte: I am determined to bag it up.

Famous: good... you work on that

DelMonte: no doubt

Famous: see, i'm a good pic

Famous: even though in that case scott was pic... whatever, i "took charge" and sent him home

DelMonte: pic can kma

* Famous is away, bed [log:OFF] [page:ON]

Famous: kiss my ass?

Famous: if so... it took me an hour to get that

Famous: anyway *bed*

DelMonte: hehehehehe

*** Joins: JUPES (

*** sets mode: +o JUPES

*** JUPES sets mode: +o Lizadrin

*** Parts: JUPES (

* Famous has returned. [gone:4h44m22s]

Ermac: hey anthony, did you see JUPES? i didn't know EFNet did that..must be new

Famous: yeah

Famous: i noticed that

Famous: jupes is a good guy

Famous: we should try to be friends with him

BobbyMcR: you guys should come over

BobbyMcR: fried mess and vegan tacos

BobbyMcR: we cook'd

Famous: i'd have to come over naked

BobbyMcR: "no problem"

Famous: is that acceptable?

BobbyMcR: i'm getting a lot of "ums"

BobbyMcR: so, go right ahead!

Famous: well... no outright "no"s

Famous: so there couldn't be too much of a problem

BobbyMcR: not at all

Famous: i should come over, and so should shane, and then i could give him cds

Ermac: i'm going to a movie

BobbyMcR: IDIOT!

Ermac: :/

Famous: he should come over after that

Famous: which would give me enough time to clean clothes

Ermac: maybe, but i have to get up early

BobbyMcR: IDIOT!

Famous: so do i

Famous: but who carez

BobbyMcR: IDIOT!

Famous: alright, that's it... i'm coming over naked... right now

BobbyMcR: calling people idiots always works

BobbyMcR: the next thing you know, they're naked

Famous: i thought you were calling shane an idiot

BobbyMcR: both of you

Famous: hmm... i should try that

BobbyMcR: "i don't think i'm ready to have sex with you..."

BobbyMcR: "IDIOT!"

BobbyMcR: "alright, let's go!"

Famous: next time i have trouble getting someone naked, i'll try that

BobbyMcR: right

BobbyMcR: tried and/or true

Famous: not that i've been having a lot of trouble recently... heh heh heh

Famous: i'm so great

Famous: i think i'm going to play guitar on a bed, in various poses

Famous: who's with me? guys?

BobbyMcR: will do!!

*** Joins: BobbyMcR (

Ermac: brian sjlfia

*** BobbyMcR is now known as agirlwins

Ermac: meg

agirlwins: indeed

agirlwins: but brian is here

Ermac: well, he sucks, anyhow

agirlwins: that he does

Ermac: anthony

Ermac: meg really wants you to take the "find your place" survey

Famous: i just did, biznitch

Famous: and just gave her my results

Ermac: so i noticed

Ermac: but 8 minutes ago you didn't!

Famous: heh

Famous: providence, ri baby!

* Famous goes there right now

Ermac: yeah..i'm going to connecticut, FUCK PROVIDENCE

Famous: *heard from distance* why the fuck did i go here right now?

* Famous comes back

Ermac: i wonder where you would be if you put strongly disagree on everything

Famous: they tell you to go to hell, obviously

Ermac: haha

Famous: chris: get kyle

squee: you have to get me?

squee: oh, get me

DelMonte: psh

Famous: you're closer!

squee: I like to know where we'd be going

DelMonte: I don't know where he lives

DelMonte: meganz

squee: alright

squee: i have easy directions

Famous: directions to megan's: 1) start going the right way, 2) have kyle tell you you are going the wrong way, 3) listen to him for some reason, 4) go the wrong way, 5) kill kyle, 6) drive like an idiot, 7) accidentally find it

Famous: there... seven easy steps

DelMonte: man, it's a catch 22

DelMonte: you get yelled at if you listen to loud music late at night...

DelMonte: but if you put off headphones, you can't hear them if they're yelling at you for something else, so they get mad and yell at you more

DelMonte: what IS a boy to do?

BobbyMcR: haw

DelMonte: scrambled eggs all over my face!

BobbyMcR: the aristocrat's comedy

DelMonte: maybe that's why he gets so much money

DelMonte: it doesn't seem like such a super-popular show... but if rich guys like it, then the advertising money would be worth a lot

DelMonte: a lot of money, that is

DelMonte: money usually goes for a lot of money

BobbyMcR: it takes money to make money

DelMonte: I should start a site called

DelMonte: just to talk about how good olives are

DelMonte: then anthony could bitch about it at first... but eventually he would grow to love olives

DelMonte: it's how these things usually go

Ermac: 8ball who is my own worst enemy?

Lizadrin: Ermac, Buzz Lightyear

BobbyMcR: 8ball it's not me?

Lizadrin: BobbyMcR, Of course not, you asshole.

Ermac: ooooh

BobbyMcR: damn

Ermac: liz applies smackdown

Lizadrin: You should call him the captain, 'cuz Cap'n sounds real dumb.

Famous: yeah, that's up to angela... angela and i are "chilling" tonight though, so i'll bring it up

DelMonte: "chilling" eh

BobbyMcR: ?

Famous: we're working together, just the two of us, after store hours

Famous: which is very unusual, since i'm joe closer and she's jane opener

Famous: but she's working on stuff for inventory

BobbyMcR: mr. closer, ms. opener

BobbyMcR: kind of like mr. crunch, and mr. munch

Famous: yeah

BobbyMcR: "we'll call it crunch!"

Famous: you'd think they don't get along...

BobbyMcR: "...and munch!"

Famous: "hey, fuck off, munch!"

Famous: "oh yeah? you wanna start somethin', crunch?"

BobbyMcR: do you think mr. munch's first name is Ass?

BobbyMcR: it's a common name

Famous: yeah... he makes cereal too

Famous: he made that by himself, so he didn't need to split the title

Famous: hehe... ass-munch

Famous: like buttface... it's "vintage"

BobbyMcR: woot

BobbyMcR: vintage insults

Famous: you should slap someone in the face with a glove after calling someone buttface

Famous: it's that vintage

BobbyMcR: very true

BobbyMcR: give 'em the middle finger, as marky ramone says

BobbyMcR: they'll all understand

BobbyMcR: it's the universal language

BobbyMcR: you've got one on each hand!

Ermac: it's SO FUCKING TRUE!!!!

BobbyMcR: yes

BobbyMcR: it's true, because the middle finger is 'universal'

DelMonte: heh

BobbyMcR: eh, i still like the song

BobbyMcR: what can ya do??!

Ermac: the middle finger language

Famous: doesn't it mean good luck, elsewhere?

Ermac: "the first word you'll learn from the middle finger language is, the middle finger. uh..end of class"

BobbyMcR: you all get As

BobbyMcR: except that guy

BobbyMcR: he was talking during class

Ermac: Guy 1: Shit!

DelMonte: hehehe

DelMonte: *guy 1 gives teacher the middle finger*

DelMonte: okay, you pass

BobbyMcR: extra credit!

Ermac: haha..damn's too late at night to laugh in my room


Famous: hey... i thought it only works for paying assholes

Ermac: ah!

Ermac: consider my asshole paid!

Ermac: or..don't..that's kinda gross

Famous: i can't believe it... i came to work today to find out the warehouse had re-stocked a bunch of stuff they haven't had for a while

Famous: old mfatgg, millencolin, a.f.i... lots of stuff i've been out of for a while and haven't been able to replenish

Famous: and... they re-stocked stereopathetic soul manure... but not midnite vultures!

Famous: "waaaahhht?!?!" i asked

Famous: the terminal said nothing in return.

Ermac: haha

Famous: too bad alien ant farm did something cool, because they suck

BobbyMcR: yeah

BobbyMcR: it's not a bad cover

BobbyMcR: i have a feeling i will tire of it quickly, though

BobbyMcR: so that's a good thing

BobbyMcR: i don't want to have to say i like it

Famous: SEARCH PROHIBITED -- You cannot request this song due to copyright restrictions. Please try a different search.

BobbyMcR: what search?

Famous: damn... audiogalaxy gets the ol' death

Famous: alien ant farm - smooth criminal

Famous: that's what comes up

BobbyMcR: that's the only time i've ever heard of that happening

BobbyMcR: maybe the music i listen to is public domain...

Famous: ah well, i'll just have to download "Smooth Crminal"

Famous: hope it's as good

BobbyMcR: heh

Famous: i could also download "Mooth Criminal" or "Smooth fdjkCriminals"

Ermac: haha

BobbyMcR: ah, the song about Steve Mooth

BobbyMcR: an outlaw on the run!

Famous: holy shit

Famous: guys

Famous: have you considered this?

Famous: 1) Let's say you... Sell a $24.95 PRODUCT or SERVICE.

Famous: 2) Let's say you... Broadcast Email FREE to 500,000 PEOPLE DAILY.

Famous: 3) Let's say you... Receive JUST 1 ORDER for EVERY 2,500 EMAILS.


Famous: [Day 1]: $4,990 [Week 1]: $34,930 [Month 1]: $139,720

Famous: ----- ---- --- -- - -

Famous: You now know why you receive so many email advertisements...


Famous: holy shit, they're right!

Famous: here i am working for a company that advertises ethically, like a sucker!

BobbyMcR: what the shilshole bay beach club is going on?

* Famous goez away

* Famous iz in anuther room

Famous: hey, shane, over here! away from previous conversation!

* Ermac wanders into the clean walls of the #superdeluxe family room

Famous: hey, what's up?

Ermac: nothin', just lookin' at this clean slate of a channel

* Famous hands shane a /clear if he didn't have one already

Famous: here, use this!

Ermac: wow!

Ermac: it really works!

Famous: /clear: it really works.

Famous: jesus christ, this site...

Famous: buy something? [ ] yes | [ ] no | submit

Famous: are you sure? [ ] yes | [ ] no | submit

Famous: address: ______________ | submit

Famous: this is your address? [ ] yes | [ ] no | submit

Famous: you want to buy these things? [ ] yes | [ ] no | submit

Ermac: hehehe

Famous: how will you be paying? [ ] visa | [ ] mc | [ ] american express | submit

Famous: you're buying stuff? [ ] yes | [ ] no | submit

Famous: those crazy modest mouse guys

Famous: try as i may, i cannot keep up with their zany antics

Ermac: nor can i! and believe me, i try!

Famous: <new jimmy eat world album> grrraarrr!

Ermac: holy

Famous: <me> no, please don't kick my ass!

Famous: <new jew> grrarrrr! *killz anthony*

Famous: <me> noooo... but it was so worth it

Ermac: that's kind of a sick pleasure

Famous: yes... i'm... a... mortaphiliac

Famous: i derive pleasure out of being killed

Ermac: i'm sure it's very common

Famous: anyway, it's saturday night

Famous: you have to do stuff

Famous: it's law

Famous: i left work 20 minz. early

Famous: if i came back tomorrow and tell everyone that i didn't do anything fun, will they let me leave early again? i don't think so

Ermac: true that

Famous: if i have great tense agreement with my verbs, will they let me leave early again?

Famous: man, if they saw that sentence..

Famous: hoo boy

Famous: came and tell

Famous: same tense

Famous: yep

* Famous goez away

Ermac: yay

* Famous comez back

* Famous killz shane

Ermac: shiiiiit

* Famous goez away

* Ermac cannot say anything (death)

Famous: yeah

Famous: i know how that is

Famous: wait a minute

Ermac: at least i didn't GET OFF from it!!

* Famous cannot hear anything (goezded away)

Ermac: sicko!

Famous: yeah

Famous: i'm such a freak... nothing left but suicide

* Famous kills self

Famous: oooohhhh yeah

Ermac: masturbation at it's finest

Ermac: involves a little suicide

Famous: no... i can't even escape this through suicide!

Famous: jeez... is mapquest drunk?

Famous: 11: Turn LEFT onto 14TH AVE SE. 0.1 miles ( 0.2 km)

Famous: 12: Turn RIGHT onto 3RD ST SE. 0.1 miles ( 0.1 km)

Famous: 13: Turn LEFT onto 15TH AVE SE. 0.3 miles ( 0.4 km)

Famous: 14: Turn RIGHT onto 7TH ST SE. 0.5 miles ( 0.8 km)

Famous: 15: Turn LEFT onto 23RD AVE SE. 0.3 miles ( 0.4 km)

* Famous drives around in circles, crashes car, dies

Ermac: haha

Ermac: <mapquest> what have we doooneee..

Famous: nothing like showering on one's lunchbreak

BobbyMcR: hwa

BobbyMcR: shah'r on the lunch brake

Famous: salt sweat, shah'r on the lunch brake

Famous: uh huh

BobbyMcR: jimmy eat world sings songs for "the common man"

Famous: yeah

Famous: steve bless them

BobbyMcR: heh

* BobbyMcR lol'z, apparently

Famous: woot

BobbyMcR: heh, that just "struck me funny"

Famous: "i've still got it"

BobbyMcR: hotmail.coom

BobbyMcR: doesn't exist, surprisingly

BobbyMcR: i typed it correctly....

Famous: idiot

Famous: it's hotmail.colm

BobbyMcR: damn

BobbyMcR: hotmail, in conjunction with Colm Meaney, is bringing you the world's best e-mail ever!

Famous: hyuk... izzz coalld... but it izzznt coaarrs lite!

Famous: hyuk hyuk!

Famous: sure would be nice if efnet servers worked

Ermac: hehe

Ermac: all three of them

Ermac: haw

Famous: well well

Famous: looks who's paying attention to irc

Ermac: yeah you know me

Famous: we need to get off this lousy network

Ermac: then go!

* Famous leaves

Ermac: forever

Famous: not only forever, but currently!

Ermac: *** Permanent Quits: Famous (

Famous: so... like what are the effects of not having a world trade center?

BobbyMcR: hmm

BobbyMcR: not sure

DelMonte: nobody's allowed to hang out from this moment forward

Famous: i mean, what was lost today that's going to fuck stuff up?

BobbyMcR: "capitalism is destroyed!"

BobbyMcR: that's what happens

Famous: like fight club

BobbyMcR: we switch to socialism

BobbyMcR: as of 7am tomorrow

Famous: eastern?

BobbyMcR: pdt

Famous: ah

DelMonte: whew

squee: shane is fucked then!

DelMonte: I didn't want to have to stay up that late for socialism

Famous: i think it should be 7am everywhere

DelMonte: I can get up early for it

Famous: it would "roll out"

BobbyMcR: heh

BobbyMcR: right...

BobbyMcR: i think it should go in 'real time' with the path of the earth around the sun

BobbyMcR: as sort of a gradient

DelMonte: but then they'd edit it for rebroadcast in the west... not as cool

Famous: no, just based on time zones

BobbyMcR: no, let's do it as a continuum

Famous: so, you could get on a state border

DelMonte: hmm

Famous: and jump back and forth

BobbyMcR: i want a continuum!!

DelMonte: just make it sunrise

DelMonte: that would be easier

BobbyMcR: so you could follow it, like in a plane or something

Famous: "capitalism! socialism! capitalism! socialism!"

Famous: i'm getting dsl soon

Famous: hopefully shaq dsl

Ermac: sweet! that would be awesome

Ermac: with a big ol' picture of shaq required to be your desktop background

Ermac: "Shaq DSL -- Faster Speeds Than 'Yo Mutha's Asscrack'(tm)!"

Famous: okay, finally got to VGS

BobbyMcR: heh

BobbyMcR: i know

BobbyMcR: however, his voice isn't completely terrible in this song

BobbyMcR: but i can't take a lot of that 'trumpets doing the vocals' thing

* Famous sticks middle fingers through his skull, alternating left and right along with the rhythm of the song, while smiling and singing along

Famous: i hope you have as good of a mental picture of that as i do

BobbyMcR: i do

BobbyMcR: it's raucous

Famous: great

ManicPop: you should pick a nickname you're going to use and register it

DelMonte: Boot

*** DelMonte is now known as Styrofoamw00ts

ManicPop: hawh?

Styrofoamw00ts: this is my nick from now on

Styrofoamw00ts: i'm sure it won't be annoying

ManicPop: kfjldsa;jf;

ManicPop: i'm fucking hungry

* ManicPop is away, ho, ho, ho... i'm huh-huh-hungry [log:OFF] [page:ON]

BobbyMcR: santa?

ManicPop: my pebbles!

BobbyMcR: your pebbles??

ManicPop: BARNEY!!!

ManicPop: of course, we just traded off lines, and didn't act out individual parts

BobbyMcR: [santa] 'tis the season to be sharing, fred

ManicPop: but whatever

BobbyMcR: yeah

BobbyMcR: heh

* ManicPop has returned. [gone:35m9s]

BobbyMcR: haw

ManicPop: food

ManicPop: it's fan-fuckin'-tastic

BobbyMcR: "we're live!!"

ManicPop: shit!!

BobbyMcR: "goddamn it, i said we're live, you asshole!"

ManicPop: i'm fucking sorry, you son of a bitch!

ManicPop: wait... are we still live?

BobbyMcR: hell yes!

ManicPop: shit!!!

ManicPop: i can't believe i fucking said all that live on air! god damn it!

ManicPop: i'm going to get in so much fucking trouble with the station manager!

BobbyMcR: -- "Don't let this happen to you. A message from the FCC."

ManicPop: heh

ManicPop: the beauty of it is, it's a PSA that runs unedited on network television

BobbyMcR: of course

DifferentAngel: i'm hungry.

BobbyMcR: have some spaghetti

ManicPop: ho, ho, ho, you're huh-huh-hungry?

BobbyMcR: santa, your pebbles?

DifferentAngel: barney!!

BobbyMcR: subwoofers r00l

BobbyMcR: you'd think they're only for "rap guys," but it adds to any sort of music

ManicPop: heh

ManicPop: plus, rap guys don't know how to use computers

BobbyMcR: heh

BobbyMcR: rite

BobbyMcR: as shown by that "ca$h money page"

BobbyMcR: "mr. bling bling"

ManicPop: actually, check out any fan site for any rap artist

BobbyMcR: heh

BobbyMcR: i'm sure you can "marvel" at the html skillz

ManicPop: well, there are profesionally done sites

ManicPop: like

BobbyMcR: of course

BobbyMcR: fan sites, though

ManicPop: I LIKE SNOOP DOGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

BobbyMcR: heh

ManicPop: chek back later for more

ManicPop: !

BobbyMcR: Unda Konstrukshun

ManicPop: either that, or it's people that try to "type out" their ebonics

ManicPop: haha


ManicPop: case in point

BobbyMcR: holy shit

BobbyMcR: what an awful color combination

ManicPop: i assume there's supposed to be a background

ManicPop: but the link is broken

BobbyMcR: heh

BobbyMcR: some people

DifferentAngel: hey i have a question for you anton

ManicPop: ?

DifferentAngel: how do you make your mouse not squeek? :)

ManicPop: huh?

DifferentAngel: my new mouse... it squeeks and it's driving me crazy!

DifferentAngel: any clever ideas?

ManicPop: i don't know

ManicPop: mice do squeek, perhaps that's intentional

ManicPop: to make it more "life-like"

DifferentAngel: dar.

ManicPop: since the point of a computer mouse is, of course, to make it as close to a real mouse as possible

Styrofoam: ...these motherfucking nuts in your mouth

ManicPop: it's me, warren g, the nigga with the clout?

Styrofoam: clout? haha


ManicPop: there you go, chris

Styrofoam: I certainly hope the homies CAN have none

ManicPop: but chris

ManicPop: then it ain't no fun!

ManicPop: i don't think you're listening to the song....

Styrofoam: hmm

Styrofoam: so...

Styrofoam: it ain't no fun if the homies can't have none

ManicPop: i know, i know

ManicPop: it's a double negative

ManicPop: i'm sure they'd apologize if they could

Styrofoam: it's two double negatives!

Styrofoam: so it's correct!

Ermac: it's like a quadruple negative

ManicPop: from now on, the song means to say "it is not any fun if the homies can't have some, therefore it is fun if the homies can have some"

ManicPop: i'm authorized to make that determination

Styrofoam: I'm in the process of converting someone from AIM to IRC

ManicPop: good

ManicPop: i really would like to get everyone back here

Styrofoam: nah, not a real-life person

ManicPop: fake person?

Styrofoam: yeah

Styrofoam: unfortunately, a fake person I enjoy talking to a lot (haw)

ManicPop: i know how it is

ManicPop: sometimes i get kind of attached to liz

Styrofoam: haha

ManicPop: then again, she's really the only female in my life that i'm on good terms with of late

Styrofoam: haha

Styrofoam: maybe you should get a cat or something...?

ManicPop: apartment

Styrofoam: the apartment allows bots but not cats? lame

ManicPop: heh

ManicPop: my apartment allows friendly bots

ManicPop: if they do war stuff, or people complain about them, they'll get taken out

ManicPop: that's the "bot policy" for most apartments

ManicPop: similarly, you can't have cats on most irc servers... but someone will allow them as long as they stay clean

Styrofoam: you have to set up a litter box to run them off of

ManicPop: yeah... some providers can get you a litter box on a t3, dual redundancy, running freebsd, for $20/month

Styrofoam: sweet

Styrofoam: pretty cheap for a cat

ManicPop: well, you compile your own cat, of course

ManicPop: that's just something to run it off of

Styrofoam: heheh... well, that did it for me

Styrofoam: *lolz*

ManicPop: yay!

ManicPop: i was wondering when this conversation would reach that "humor breaking point"

ManicPop: we should start a sitcom about irc quotes

ManicPop: it would be very "accessable"

Styrofoam: haha

Styrofoam: that's a big market

BobbyMcR: grastix: do you think i should read this email...... RIP HOLES APART WITH YOUR 12" DICK!

BobbyMcR: this is my mother, people

Styrofoam: haha

Styrofoam: I've seen references to these rip holes apart ads befre

Styrofoam: before

Styrofoam: ...what holes? any holes?

Styrofoam: can I unlock doors with my dick?

BobbyMcR: heh

BobbyMcR: i don't know

Styrofoam: man

Styrofoam: if there's anything I wish I could do with my dick...

Styrofoam: it's cause pain and physical injury to anyone I had sex with

SPdreamer: shane is so hardcore

Ermac: i'll show you hardcore

Ermac: *hardcore sex*

SPdreamer: again, such a tease

Ermac: that's not teasing! that's putting out!

SPdreamer: oh

SPdreamer: but um, I didn't get any hardcore sex

SPdreamer: I just read the words

SPdreamer: blasted internet! how you curse me!

Ermac: ah, sad

Guest31047: hey guys!

Guest31047: it's me!

Guest31047: guest31047!

Ermac: good ol' guest 31047

Guest31047: don't you remember those fun times we had...

Guest31047: shane, brian, guest31047... the three of us

Guest31047: we had some wacky times, that's for sure

Ermac: i've got a chance to be relevant today

Ermac: despite circumstance..i've got a chance

ManicPop: that's good

ManicPop: is that what ricky "bad" religion told you?

Ermac: indeed

ManicPop: heh

ManicPop: ricky religion

ManicPop: whatta guy

* BobbyMcR has returned. [gone:8h46s]

BobbyMcR: haw

BobbyMcR: ricky religion

BobbyMcR: well, your dum

BobbyMcR: you were gone 2 seconds


BobbyMcR: wait...that's not that long

Ermac: yeah it wasn't long

Ermac: not FUCKING LONG!!

BobbyMcR: FUCK!!





Ermac: YES









BobbyMcR: SHIT





ManicPop: there's a new driver for my sound card on here too

BobbyMcR: which carred is that?

BobbyMcR: i got a new driver for my ati all-in-wonder radeon too

ManicPop: the "we suck shit" card

ManicPop: ess allegro or something

ManicPop: "installing outlook express..."

BobbyMcR: haw

BobbyMcR: hawwwww

ManicPop: um, but i don't want outlook express

ManicPop: "still installing outlook express, i didn't hear you..."

ManicPop: then how did you know to reply?"

ManicPop: "um...."

ManicPop: IEXPLORE.EXE has caused a illegal operation....

ManicPop: eh, i think product activation is stupid

ManicPop: i think it's going to be a real pain in the ass to people that actually use their computers

BobbyMcR: yep

DifferentAngel: je ne comprend pas

BobbyMcR: it's bullhell

BobbyMcR: you have to 'register' your configuration over the internet or over the phone

ManicPop: typical windows user... doesn't understand the software he/she is running

BobbyMcR: otherwise you can't use the OS

DifferentAngel: oh right

DifferentAngel: i remember that crap

ManicPop: and if you change your configuration, it thinks you're on a new computer

BobbyMcR: if you make too many changes to the hardware configuration, the OS thinks you are "using it on 2 computers"

BobbyMcR: and then it locks your ass up

ManicPop: literally

BobbyMcR: and you have to call to get a new hardware id

DifferentAngel: really? hm

DifferentAngel: i was unaware

ManicPop: you can't defecate until you get a new hardware id

BobbyMcR: and i've heard they don't even have to give you a new ID

ManicPop: and believe me... that's not good news

BobbyMcR: it's at "their discretion"

BobbyMcR: so for the typical guy, let's call him Iddy Ut Computeruser

BobbyMcR: they won't notice anything

BobbyMcR: but for POWER USERS, like myself

BobbyMcR: it makes upgrading or switching out hardware a bicth

DifferentAngel: or, we could call "typical girl" laurie.. cause it hasn't made much of a difference to me thus far

ManicPop: iddy just buys a new computer when he wants something new

palkyle: power LOSERS

BobbyMcR: YEAH!

ManicPop: SHIT

BobbyMcR: i'm thinking iddy is not very smart

ManicPop: he uses windows

BobbyMcR: not sure what clued me in on that

ManicPop: okay

palkyle: time for another burito

DifferentAngel: yeah.. how dare he buy a new computer

ManicPop: i'm not going to find xp tonight

BobbyMcR: an entirely new computer? sigh...

BobbyMcR: build! build! build!

palkyle: building computers is great fun

ManicPop: i build computers from scratch

ManicPop: starting with base metals

BobbyMcR: heh

BobbyMcR: yeah

BobbyMcR: i design the cpu...motherboard...everything

BobbyMcR: it doesn't take long!

ManicPop: yo brian

ManicPop: how about some /mop action

ManicPop: in here and #ysib

ManicPop: please also make a pun about mops

*** BobbyMcR sets mode: +ooo IOQU Lizadrin ManicPop

BobbyMcR: i mopped the floor with ya'z!

ManicPop: thanks

BobbyMcR: i did what i was told

ManicPop: the lol-worthiness of building a computer from scratch is just now setting in

BobbyMcR: heh

BobbyMcR: ingredients:

BobbyMcR: aluminum

BobbyMcR: copper

BobbyMcR: 1 tsp of CFCs...

ManicPop: tools needed:

ManicPop: miniature welding torch

ManicPop: screwdriver

BobbyMcR: haw

ManicPop: metal... shaping... things...

BobbyMcR: and this is where the instruction sheet just trails off...

ManicPop: hehe

ManicPop: yeah, the text gets lighter and lighter

ManicPop: "i paid $30 for this instruction kit!"

BobbyMcR: yeah, i bought that 1000 page "computer from scratch" was a total rip off

ManicPop: the last 996 pages were blank!

IOQU: eventually it would become negative ink

ManicPop: sucking up ink from around the room

ManicPop: then you'll automatically request ops when you join a chan

BobbyMcR: well, i *was* considering teaming up with jackie chan

BobbyMcR: or joining a chan, if you will

* BobbyMcR awaits the death penalty

* ManicPop just walks away, disappointed and disillusioned

BobbyMcR: linking park sucks

ManicPop: i commend them for taking the initative to connect parks together

ManicPop: but besides that, i hate them

BobbyMcR: boo 2 instant winner

BobbyMcR: how could such a shitty band get 'gigs' with popular, good bands?

Ermac: let's rename our song "don't wanna be (instant winner)"

ManicPop: don't wanna eat any of their dinner

Ermac: lull

ManicPop: (you know... because they probably don't have good taste in food, either)

BobbyMcR: lowell

BobbyMcR: lowell, mass.

SPdreamer: did your school ever have lock ins?

SPdreamer: a bunch of kids sleep over in the gym

BobbyMcR: i think the band did

SPdreamer: were you are "locked in"

ManicPop: i'm sure they were

ManicPop: even if there were a medical emergency or something

ManicPop: "sorry, we don't call it 'lock in' for nothing"

BobbyMcR: 3 students died in there..

SPdreamer: cheating death is half the fun

BobbyMcR: Mindful of those criticisms, Bush insisted Friday that the bill protects, rather than erodes, civil liberties by increasing federal authorities' ability to prevent, rather than just respond to terrorist attacks.


BobbyMcR: increasing federal authorities' ability to do what they want

BobbyMcR: no 'restrictions' there

BobbyMcR:'s a crisis

BobbyMcR: we should give up freedom

BobbyMcR: good idea

BobbyMcR: don't worry, we'll "get it back" once everything is "okay" again...

ManicPop: i think we should all kill ourselves so the terrorists have nothing to terrorize

BobbyMcR: that's brilliant!

BobbyMcR: get bush on the phone!

BobbyMcR: he'll probably be happy to carry out the executions himself

SPdreamer: ojwofoffed

SPdreamer: (that is what we'll call it)

BobbyMcR: this new bill?

SPdreamer: no, getting executed by bush so that we'll be nothing left to terrorize

SPdreamer: guy one:where is sally? guy two: oh.. she was ojwofoffed.

BobbyMcR: i see

BobbyMcR: guy 2: hi! i'm guy 2!

SPdreamer: guy 3: I never get any play.. fuck you all!

BobbyMcR: guy 4: yo

SPdreamer: guy 5: guy 1 gets all the chicks, lets kill him

BobbyMcR: guy 4: why don't we just ojwofoff him?

Ermac: guy 7: hey guys, i'm out of sequence

BobbyMcR: guy 6: go to hell!

palkyle: insomniac is on, bOOOO!

* ManicPop sings in an operatic voice, "I BET THAT'S A GREEAAAT SHOOOOOOOOOWW!"

palkyle: with an excellent theme song

BobbyMcR: brought to you by the 'makers' of the 'stupid asshole' song...

ManicPop: from the production team that brought you "i want to be a stupid asshole"...

ManicPop: windows xp pro corp (winxp 2600 final) us-engl (512344182 b)

ManicPop: damn

ManicPop: i was getting Mbps speeds from this guy last night

ManicPop: why aren't there more cool people like that?

BobbyMcR: experiencing a slowdown?

ManicPop: nah

ManicPop: i'm still at 8 hours

BobbyMcR: i'm at 22:46

BobbyMcR: with 25%

ManicPop: but... i want things immediately

ManicPop: i should call at&t and say "d00d... you said i'd surf at 100 times the speed of analog modem!"

ManicPop: "but... i was downloading this... uh, large file... and it was only three times as fast!"

BobbyMcR: what was the file, sir?

ManicPop: "um... a really long song... public domain, of course"

BobbyMcR: you're under arrest!

Ermac: haha

ManicPop: "i think it was the star-spangled banner... all 300 verses"

SPdreamer: haha

ManicPop: "most people don't know about all the verses"

ManicPop: "i was in a patriotic mood, you know... gotta support our country!"

BobbyMcR: "well, i'm certainly patriotic enough to know about it! how dare you patronize me..."

ManicPop: of course, once i reveal i was downloading something patriotic, i'm un-arrested

BobbyMcR: right

BobbyMcR: you are awarded a medal

ManicPop: officer: "do you know how fast you were going?"

ManicPop: guy: "i was driving in 80... here in the USA, land of the free!"

ManicPop: officer: "very well."

SPdreamer: "I wanted my clip on flag to wave with pride!"

BobbyMcR: "freedom to slow down"

Ermac: "i killed this man, and ate 2/3rds of his brain in a delightful soup..but..uh..he was saying good stuff about bin laden!! I believe i'm protected thanks to the anti-terrorism act!"

BobbyMcR: yay

BobbyMcR: "your tax dollars at work...the anti-terrorism bill"

BobbyMcR: "because we don't really need freedom..."

BobbyMcR: "paid for by idiots"

BobbyMcR: [end of commercial]

* ManicPop hits reload less

* ManicPop notices "it works more often"

* Ermac is away, cleanin' shit [log:N/A] [page:N/A] [] [ICQ:1279925]

BobbyMcR: cleanin' shit

BobbyMcR: sounds like a thankless job

Ermac: it's quite rewarding, actually

Ermac: nothin' like the smell of freshly cleaned shit

ManicPop: do you have the piano song on the piebald double album?

ManicPop: "piano song in a minor" or whatever

BobbyMcR: i think so

ManicPop: it's pretty

BobbyMcR: this piano is out of tune

ManicPop: funny... piebald and out of tune...

BobbyMcR: yes

BobbyMcR: two things i wouldn't expect from those guys

BobbyMcR: the first being that they are piebald...

BobbyMcR: shut up!

* BobbyMcR hides in a corner

* ManicPop asks this scientician

ManicPop: "uhh.."

ManicPop: "windows xp is so great, windows xp can do this and that"

ManicPop: "why am i telling you this? you already purchased it..."

ManicPop: "uh..."

ManicPop: "gotta go..."

ManicPop: "Setup has been cancelled by installation banners."

BobbyMcR: well, resume the send when you get back, coolhead

BobbyMcR: okay

Styrofoam: may coolheads prevail

ManicPop: set a pass, ass

ManicPop: ...hole

ManicPop: i can't wait until monday morning

ManicPop: falafel time

Styrofoam: I can't bring myself to actually fry up something that is prepackaged

Styrofoam: if I'm taking the time to fry, I should be actually cooking!

ManicPop: okay, from now on, i'm making falafel from scratch

ManicPop: on a molecular level

Styrofoam: right

BobbyMcR: just like building a computer from scratch

ManicPop: yep

Styrofoam: good

Styrofoam: that is your sacred task

ManicPop: that's my new project

ManicPop: building a computer from scratch

ManicPop: from just base metals and plastic and stuff

BobbyMcR: no

BobbyMcR: you have to mine the petroleum, too

ManicPop: oh

BobbyMcR: and make the plastic yourself

ManicPop: of coruse

ManicPop: course

BobbyMcR: carouse

BobbyMcR: i think i've determined that Gnotella is responsible for crashing explorer

Styrofoam: what about the country that has been harboring Gnotella?

Styrofoam: are we going to make it pay?

BobbyMcR: hmm

BobbyMcR: i say we bomb guatemala

BobbyMcR: close enough to 'gnotella'

ManicPop: they're either with explorer, or against explorer

* Styrofoam attaches flags with the blue "e" logo to his car

BobbyMcR: yay

ManicPop: (i've had no such problems... i don't think explorer has ever crashed on here... but UNITED WE STAND)

Styrofoam: yeah

Styrofoam: no disagreeing

Styrofoam: just because it hasn't been proven doesn't mean we won't demand that gnotella is brought to justice

BobbyMcR: that's true

BobbyMcR: i don't need evidence

BobbyMcR: we know he's [gnotella] guilty, hand him over

Styrofoam: "they must not have heard"

BobbyMcR: i should try a little experiment

BobbyMcR: gather up 10 subwoofers and see if it sounds like a real speaker

Ermac: haha

BobbyMcR: maybe i can design the experiment such that i can use the 'ideal' value of .1 speaker = 1 subwoofer, and estimate the actual value in practice

ManicPop: heh

ManicPop: and anthony now gets the joke

ManicPop: i've been kinda slow of late

BobbyMcR: haw

BobbyMcR: these 10 subwoofers sound more like 4/5 of a speaker!

BobbyMcR: next thing you know...they'll be selling dolby 5.08 systems

ManicPop: New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani called Monday for "an absolute revolutionary new era in the sharing of information" between federal, state and local authorities. Giuliani spoke at a terrorism and homeland defense hearing in New York.

ManicPop: let's get these guys on gnutella too, then

BobbyMcR: a new york resident later questioned giuliani, "d00d, does that like mean i can like download linkin park mp3s, man?"

Ermac: hey brine, are you going to go see mulhullund dryve?

BobbyMcR: i dowt it

Ermac: boo

BobbyMcR: what time are you guise going?

Ermac: it's gonna be up there in seettle

Ermac: 9:45 or 10:30

BobbyMcR: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

BobbyMcR: maybe if someone can pick me up

BobbyMcR: i still have stuff to do, but...

Ermac: talk to jizzosh

BobbyMcR: or "jizz" for short

Ermac: that's what his good friends call him

Ermac: alright

BobbyMcR: i guess i can go, but i can't really be out 2 late

Ermac: we'll ask the movie to hurry it up

BobbyMcR: please do

Ermac: "due to brian needing to get home early, this film is condensed from its original version."

Ermac: dear anthony:

Ermac: "boo hoo"

Ermac: signed,

Ermac: shane

ManicPop: dear shane:

ManicPop: "i'm still making a valid point, you are boo-hooing just as much as i am, if not more"

ManicPop: signed,

ManicPop: anthony

Ermac: dear anthony:

Ermac: "that wasn't the point of the away message."

Ermac: signed,

Ermac: shane

ManicPop: dear shane:

ManicPop: "still, you're making a big deal about how people message you when you aren't there, then aren't there when you come back... maybe if they had some idea when you'd be back, they could be there"

ManicPop: signed,

ManicPop: anthony

Styrofoam: I'm too tired to understand this

Ermac: dear anthony:

Ermac: "would you rather i put an apology on my away message? i can boo-hoo all i want, and tell people what i want!"

Ermac: signed,

Ermac: shane

ManicPop: dear shane:

ManicPop: "i agree. we may both boo-hoo as much as we like."

ManicPop: signed,

ManicPop: anthony

Ermac: dear anthony:

Ermac: "this will conclude the letters i am 'sending' you."

Ermac: signed,

Ermac: shane

ManicPop: dear shane:

ManicPop: "okay... since this is the last, i won't bother to write back. wait a minute... SHIT!"

ManicPop: signed,

ManicPop: anthony

Ermac: ahooooga

ManicPop: [for those who weren't paying attention:

ManicPop: ManicPop: maybe if your away messages actually said where you were, what you were doing, or when you expected to be back, instead of some stupid song quote or "rar!", people would know when to be back to contact you

ManicPop: Auto response from Ermac Blarg: I HATE IT!! when people message me saying "HEY!! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!! MESSAGE ME WHEN YOU GET BACK!!!" and then they're not on when i'm back. muthafuckas! ! at least tell me what you want!!

ManicPop: (p.s. i know 5 people will reply to this saying "message me when you get this" don't bother, smartasses!!)

ManicPop: ]

Ermac: can't stop the boot

BobbyMcR: can't stop the boot...can't stop the boot

BobbyMcR: you can't stop the boot...can't stop the boot

BobbyMcR: you can't stop the boot...can't stop the boot

BobbyMcR: you can't stop the boot...can't stop the boot

Ermac: oh no!! you really can't!!

* Ermac is stampeded by the boot

BobbyMcR: haw

Ermac: must...rezzzzzstartzzzzz

*** Quits: Ermac (Quit: you really can't stop the boot)

ManicPop: well, as carrot top would say:

ManicPop: work... i am not particularly fond of it

* ManicPop is away, work, 6pm-3am PST [log:OFF] [page:ON]

ManicPop: did you install the system is works?

BobbyMcR: no

BobbyMcR: is it g0d?

ManicPop: it's antivirus, utilities, cleansweep, and ghost

ManicPop: cleansweep helps get rid of "junk"

ManicPop: ghost is a backup service or something

ManicPop: and the utilz are pretty useful

BobbyMcR: ghost is for disk imaging

BobbyMcR: perhaps it's the ghost of peter norton

BobbyMcR: who has 'died'

ManicPop: heh

ManicPop: they keep his body preserved though, so they can get a new picture of him every year for the norton utilities box

BobbyMcR: hawwwwwwww

BobbyMcR: kind of like how mIRC is updated only when a new picture of khaled is available?

ManicPop: well

ManicPop: not really

ManicPop: they do add new features every year, but there is a new picture of him on the box every year

ManicPop: just to squelch those rumors that he's died

BobbyMcR: right

BobbyMcR: they don't want you to know the REAL TRUTH behind Norton Ghost

BobbyMcR: story so far is pretty e-mough

BobbyMcR: which features william 88. fingerslouie on vocals

BobbyMcR: aka denis, the singer

Styrofoam: hah

Styrofoam: nice middle initial

BobbyMcR: yes

Styrofoam: short for 88,000?

BobbyMcR: it's actually a stylized 88, which can't be realized over IRC alone

Styrofoam: how sad

BobbyMcR: it's short for the full written number, eighty-eight

BobbyMcR: i'm not as dumb as you think i am, i might know a thing or two

BobbyMcR: i really don't care about nothing at all but i think the world of you

BobbyMcR: that's right...YOU

Styrofoam: don't know much about science books

Styrofoam: don't know much about the french I took

Styrofoam: that All song seems to follow the format of that old-guy-jones song pretty closely

BobbyMcR: hmm

BobbyMcR: sort of

BobbyMcR: except it's about apathy, not ignorance

Styrofoam: troo

Styrofoam: but apathy and ignorance beget each other

* BobbyMcR begins writing his thesis, "All vs. Old-Guy-Jones: Two Kindred Spirits in the Struggle Between Apathy and Ignorance"

Styrofoam: I would think they'd be in competition

Styrofoam: but you'll be doing all the thesis research, so I probably won't be able to argue against you

BobbyMcR: well, it's a sort of bittersweet partnership

Styrofoam: ah

Styrofoam: I guess there is irony in the thesis title

BobbyMcR: yes

Styrofoam: "vs." + "kindred spirits"

BobbyMcR: i'll have my PhD in no time

BobbyMcR: a PhD in writing idiotic theses, that is

BobbyMcR: Dr. Rogers, W.I.T.

* Styrofoam starts a new band called "Old-Guy-Jones vs. Everybody"

Styrofoam: DaWunda: well, I am going to watch crazy/beautiful now

Styrofoam: DaWunda: I'll talk to you later

Styrofoam: Styrofoamboots: okay

Styrofoam: Styrofoamboots: later!

Styrofoam: Styrofoamboots: have fun watching/enjoying the movie

Styrofoam: DaWunda: I'll probably fall asleep :)

Styrofoam: Styrofoamboots: I hope it's good/entertaining

Styrofoam: DaWunda: bye!

Styrofoam: Styrofoamboots: bye!

BobbyMcR: haw

Styrofoam: (later)

Styrofoam: DaWunda: that was a waste of time/horrible

BobbyMcR: what is crazy/beautiful?

Styrofoam: a kirsten dunst movie

Styrofoam: about craaazy teenagers getting in drug/etc. trouble, I believe

BobbyMcR: sounds/grate

Styrofoam: it's the sequel to face/off

BobbyMcR: of/course

palkyle: i don't want to eat fried foods anymore

BobbyMcR: why not?

palkyle: it's kind of like the "devil's way of preparing foods"

palkyle: I'm reading this health food book. it's saying for frying foods takes away the nurtients. those are important, right?

ManicPop: if you want nutrients, take vitamins

BobbyMcR: nurtients?

ManicPop: i want yummy yuumy falafel

BobbyMcR: you lose nutrients when you cook anything any way...

palkyle: but frying them is the worst

BobbyMcR: i don't know

BobbyMcR: boiling is pretty bad

BobbyMcR: unless you drink the water

BobbyMcR: stir frying actually keeps most of the nutrients

BobbyMcR: since you don't overcook the vegetables

BobbyMcR: and you keep all the 'juices' in the food

palkyle: boiling with only enough water to keep the vegetables from burning, and only long enough to cook them is okay

BobbyMcR: i like raw vegetables the best

palkyle: indeed

BobbyMcR: or very slightly cooked, a la stir fry

palkyle: wait, how do you stir fry something?

palkyle: I'm going to start colecting the water i used when i boiled the vegetables and put them in a hydroponic tank to grow new, healthy vegetables

BobbyMcR: haw

ManicPop: hehe

BobbyMcR: this guy...i tell ya

BobbyMcR: i fought the boot and the...boot won

BobbyMcR: i fought the boot and the...boot won....

ManicPop: i heard a new puddle of mudd song

BobbyMcR: haw

BobbyMcR: i bet it was gr8

ManicPop: "the ... song of the year" -- reviewer

* BobbyMcR attempts to stop the boot

* Ermac assists

BobbyMcR: hmm

BobbyMcR: this isn't quite working

* Ermac dies

* BobbyMcR is thrown back with great force

BobbyMcR: so would you say the boot is kind of like "master hand" in thabros?

Ermac: i would think so..but with infinite hit points

BobbyMcR: ooh

Ermac: the announcer would yell "STOP THE BOOT!"

BobbyMcR: hahhhhh


Ermac: haw

Ermac: i am going to look at a "strat guide" and see if jiggly puff can be cool

BobbyMcR: heh

BobbyMcR: "No results found."

Ermac: hehe

Ermac: Jigglypuff

Ermac: Complete the game using any fighter on any difficulty setting.

Ermac: hehe

Ermac: i love how easy it is to access jigglypuff

Ermac: "congratulations! you've turned the game on. you get the secret character JIGGLYPUFF."

BobbyMcR: "but i don't want jigglypuff!"

Ermac: "tough shit!"

BobbyMcR: "fuck you, game cartridge!"

Ermac: "perhaps we should have a real life battle!"

BobbyMcR: "let's go then... you and me, mano a mano!"

Ermac: "do i still get to be the announcer?"

BobbyMcR: "no, you get to have your ass kicked!"

Ermac: "shit!"

BobbyMcR: "that's right, asshole!"

Ermac: "round lose!"

BobbyMcR: "don't pull that shit with me!"

BobbyMcR: [punches announcer]

Ermac: "ow! fuck!"

BobbyMcR: "that's right... you want some more? come to my house!"

Ermac: "maybe i will!"

BobbyMcR: "prove it!"

Ermac: "uh..later! i have a game to announce! look, these computer players really want to play a match!"

BobbyMcR: "hey, this is my cartridge, and i decide who plays"

Ermac: "well, then, they want to play! choose those fighters!"

BobbyMcR: [flips off tv screen]

Ermac: "oww! it burns! my one weakness!!"

BobbyMcR: "i knew it!"

Ermac: "please, no more!! i'll never disobey you again, just don't flip me off!"

BobbyMcR: and so our story ends

BobbyMcR: the player found the announcer's one weakness and held it over his head for the remainder of the life of the cartridge

Ermac: [old grainy picture in storybook of player flipping off tv]

BobbyMcR: hahhhhhhhh

BobbyMcR: for some reason, this girl daisy says "hi" to you irc kids

Ermac: yay!

ManicPop: do you have a girl over, brian?

BobbyMcR: no

BobbyMcR: she is on AIM

BobbyMcR: i know her from classes

BobbyMcR: besides, she is having sex with jeff

BobbyMcR: heh

BobbyMcR: that would be funny if you knew both of them

ManicPop: currently

BobbyMcR: yes, right this minute

ManicPop: i hate it when girls talk on aim when i'm having sex with them

ManicPop: you know... i like a little bit of attention

BobbyMcR: yeah

Ermac: oh, that crazy martin lawrence

Ermac: who would have thought! You see, it seems like a traditional "modern day person sent back to the medieval times" movie, but...get this...he's BLACK!!!

BobbyMcR: SHIT!

BobbyMcR: A BLACK MAN?!?!

BobbyMcR: your kidding

Ermac: no!!

BobbyMcR: please say it isn't so!

BobbyMcR: i'll split my sides from laffter!

Ermac: hilarity ensues when these out-of-touch "whities" from the medieval times can't "chill" with this black dude!!

BobbyMcR: hawwwwww

BobbyMcR: welcome to the jungle gym

BobbyMcR: welcome to the jungle, jim

BobbyMcR: welcome to it, jim

Ermac: "thanks!"

BobbyMcR: : )

BobbyMcR: jim has been welcomed

BobbyMcR: he sent a thank you card

ManicPop: there's apparently more to this song than i knew

BobbyMcR: yeah

BobbyMcR: it's a long saga

BobbyMcR: about the struggle between a man and his welcome

BobbyMcR: the climax is reached when he picks out the perfect stationery for his thank you cards

ManicPop: heh

ManicPop: as soon to be seen in "[whatever the name of that song is]: the motion picture"

ManicPop: it would be funnier if i knew....

BobbyMcR: welcome to the jungle

ManicPop: ah

ManicPop: well

ManicPop: there's always "next time"

BobbyMcR: so, how about that new movie based on that TMBG song?

ManicPop: i hear it's called "welcome to the jungle: the motion picture"!!!

* ManicPop watches as brian ROFLs at the new, original, hiliarious joke

BobbyMcR: ROFL

ManicPop: much better

*** Joins: iHateDoods (

ManicPop: yeah, man

ManicPop: doods

ManicPop: i hate several

* iHateDoods .

ManicPop: well "said"

ManicPop: time to work on irc quotes!

ManicPop: time for the payage of attention!

iHateDoods: yay!

iHateDoods: i can't wait!

ManicPop: to pay attention?

iHateDoods: well no, i could obviously wait for that

ManicPop: hehe

ManicPop: and an excellent job you did

*** Joins: d00d (

ManicPop: uh oh

ManicPop: this can't be good!

*** d00d is now known as uhhhhh

ManicPop: sssh... i don't think he saw you

uhhhhh: *whew*

uhhhhh: that was my "alternative"

uhhhhh: well, i got this thing working, now i can go to bed. night

ManicPop: heh

ManicPop: good night

*** Quits: uhhhhh (Ping timeout)

iHateDoods: damn..i missed a dood!

ManicPop: heh

ManicPop: should have been paying attention