Do you remember April-May 2000?
BobbyMcR: who was DA^BOMB?
Famous: someone cool who tried to take over #superdeluxe a few times
Famous: he actually did it once, using the most elite irc hax0r skill ever
Famous: that being, asking a newbie that didn't know better for ops
Famous: that being john
BobbyMcR: hehe
BobbyMcR: what 'uh' 'leet guy
Famous: john actually called me that day
BobbyMcR: he knew your number?
BobbyMcR: and what did he say?
Famous: "uh... anthony... are you on irc? can you get on irc? i think i just did something really bad"
Famous: or something like that
BobbyMcR: hehe
Ermac: here is my handle, here is my ass
Ermac: there are children in africa is starving for jokes, and you waste a perfectly good one
Famous: there are children in africa is?
Ermac: that's it
Famous: boy, aren't we all on top of our game tonight
DelMonte: the band "there are children in africa"
DelMonte: they're really political
Ermac: "explorer has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down." okay..i'll close it. "explorer has caused an illegal operation" said that already..close.. "no really, explorer has caused an illegal operation!!" okay!! close!!!!!!!! "EXPLORER HAS CAUSED AN ILLEGAL OPERATION!!"
DelMonte: haha
DelMonte: that happens to me all the goddamn time
Ermac: i hate that
Famous: with netscape and realjbox, i get it twice
Famous: kind of like a "one more time!"
Ermac: i am getting it infinite times
Ermac: screw you explorer crashing!!
*** Ermac has quit IRC (you desire images of a better tomorrow; i feed you these images.)
Famous: funny
Famous: out of you guys, my computer sucks the most
Famous: yet i get the least amount of crashez
DelMonte: yet ours crash much more often!
DelMonte: it's probably because der kommisar's in town
DelMonte: (uh ohhhh)
Famous: it's probably because i'm an upgrade+maintentance freak
DelMonte: yeah
DelMonte: my hard drive space is mysteriously disappearing
DelMonte: that happened on my old computer
Famous: i visit windows update like every other day
DelMonte: I don't know what's with that
DelMonte: I visit it somewhat frequently
DelMonte: and I get the "critical updates" like the next guy
Famous: i've downloaded all kinds of updates
Famous: including some i'm sure i don't need at all
Famous: from windows update and elsewhere
Famous: it's stupid... i'm like compulsive about it
DelMonte: Hebrew language support?
Famous: i didn't install the different languages
Famous: but i did install the lanugage support
DelMonte: I like the idea of having the option for japanese menu systems
DelMonte: but, haven't installed them
Famous: for no reason, other than than so the internet explorer that i don't use can tell me what the languages i never see would be if i installed the languages
DelMonte: fun!
DelMonte: if you were Korean, you'd use that goddamn IE!
DelMonte: bitch!
Famous: hm
Famous: netscape does similar shiz
Famous: i actually don't know much about the language stuff and what it does
Famous: i know netscape does come in a korean version, not the most recent version though
Famous: but those lanugages packs pertain to supporting webpages in different languages... character sets and stuff... and i think that's all built-in to netscape
Famous: but i honestly don't know... i speak english and so does everyone in else (except idiots who should be deported) in the best country, that being usa... so who cares about other languages
Famous: that's my actual opinion
DelMonte: hahaha
DelMonte: love it or leave it, bitches
Famous: okay
Famous: here, for the first time on network irc...
Famous: anthony's stages of room cleanliness
Famous: 1) "i just cleaned my room! better keep it clean!"
Famous: 2) "my room has been clean for a few days now... better put that back where it goes"
Famous: 3) "ugh... i'm tired... i'll throw this on the floor, and put it away later"
Famous: 4) "damn, my room is a mess, who cares? *throws plates and bottles on floor after eating*"
Famous: [the end]
Ermac: yay!
Ermac: my stage of room cleanliness consists of step 4
Famous: it, of course, eventually loops back to 1
DelMonte: heh
DelMonte: I rotate between 2 and 3 mostly
Famous: well, aren't you just chris jenkins
Ermac: it's true, ya know
Famous: "okay guys, a lot has changed in smashing pumpkins land since our last album... we need a song that points all this out. first of all, let's make it really rocking and distorted to show that we're rocking again. our drummer, jimmy, is back... make sure to add a 50 minute drum roll between every verse, okay jimmy? and, the final touch, a stupid part of the song where the music stops, but i keep singing. okay, everyone got that? great."
Famous: -- billy corgan, brainstorming for "the everlasting gaze"
Ermac: yeah...i noticed that too..stupid song anthem
DelMonte: heh
DelMonte: stupid singing only part
* DelMonte punches that part
Famous: <that part> "dunt dunt dunt... OW! dunt dunt dunt..."
Famous: "billy, this is stupid. which reminds me, uh... i left something in my car... i'll be right back." -- d'arcy
DelMonte: hehe
DelMonte: *car driving away sounds heard*
DelMonte: *airplane sounds heard*
Famous: "call mellisa." -- billy
DelMonte: *Hole music heard in the distance*
DelMonte: damn
Famous: oh
Famous: sorry... didn't mean to step on your joke
DelMonte: ah well
DelMonte: it was a little frogged up anyway
Ermac: shoulda called it
Ermac: just like volleyball
DelMonte: well, Anthony would've had to choose to pass to me
DelMonte: since it was his joke to start with
Ermac: perhaps
Ermac: the "set"
Ermac: and then chris with the "spike"
Famous: it's funny
Famous: "man, i just lost the bassist of my band, possibly because i'm an annoying pretentious idiot. well, let's go find the bassist from hole." -- billy corgan
DelMonte: hmmm... breadsticks
Famous: i could have had some today
Famous: but, i declined my opportunity
DelMonte: I ate about 400 of them at the olive garden today
DelMonte: they have damn good breadsticks
Famous: hehe
Famous: i went to pizza hut
Famous: and had some hella salad bar action
Famous: plus a veggie lover's personal pan
Famous: (just the pan, of course)
DelMonte: how did you get it from him?
Famous: "hey, that's my personal pan! give it back!"
DelMonte: "waiter! that man took my pan! my *personal* pan!"
Famous: i pulled it right out of his hands and then hit him over the head with it, of course
Famous: and since he doesn't eat meat, and is therefore weak and malnourished, it was very easy
DelMonte: hehe
DelMonte: no protein
Famous: yep
DelMonte: because that's the problem in American nutrition today
DelMonte: not enough protein
DelMonte: *cough*
Famous: protein can only be found in meat
DelMonte: yep
Famous: because... animals have "hiding places"
DelMonte: haha
Famous: where they have protein
Famous: and humans can't find them
DelMonte: they want to keep the protein from the humans so they can't function anymore
Famous: yep
Famous: but we just eat and kill them! bet they didn't see that one coming!
Famous: i probably won't until 2001
Famous: you know, when that whole space oddessy thing blows over
Famous: i'm going to clone carlos santana
Famous: basically, i'll find a cheap computer, and dress it in a tie-dyed t-shirt and give it big wig of nappy black hair
Famous: and program it to play the same annoying guitar solo all day long
Famous: it will be about 97% accurate to the real thing
Famous: am i the only person that realizes that every song has the same guitar solo?
Famous: and that it's stupid?
DelMonte: hehehe
DelMonte: carlos santana = sellout * (-1)
DelMonte: I couldn't believe it when I heard that song with him and some R&B guy singing about him in the song
DelMonte: that's so goddamn lame
DelMonte: "blah blah, guitar, carlos santanaaaa!" *guitar solo*
Famous: carlos santana, carlos santana, carlos santana, carlos santana
Famous: you are my buddy
Famous: you are my main man
Famous: you are so friendly in the mix
DelMonte: you are my friend to the friendly end
Famous: i can't wait for that one
DelMonte: you are my lovin' sweetheart
Famous: haha
DelMonte: you are on my side at last
Famous: hmm.. i have to find that "computer takes 5 minutes to do the simplest thing when more than two programs are open" patch fo windows 98
* Famous is away, under arrest by the "sony police" -- will be back in 5-10 years
Famous: stupid norton utilities
Famous: "here you go, your computer works 131283129% better!"
Famous: <me> alright... won't be needing you anymore... *uninstall*
Famous: "oh yeah?!?! that's how it is, eh??" *scrambles registry, set hard drive on fire*
Ermac: ha ha..chemical dependancy
Famous: exactly
Ermac: it's heroin for your computer, man
* Famous is away, back to bed, fred
Ermac: <fred> well..okay
Famous: <fred> i've only been mentioned here because my name rhymes with "bed" -- no reason to argue
* Famous is away, GODDAMN BED
Ermac: <fred> now i get no recognition :(
Famous: z! z! z!
*** Ermac changes topic to ' -- fred, only cool because he rhymes with "dead" and "bed"'
Famous: mmmm... christina aguliera on snl
A3kmed: hell yeah
Famous: if i could do any one teenage pop star... christina
Famous: of course, that's not saying that much
A3kmed: yeah
A3kmed: i don't know, n'sync is pretty hot
Famous: mandy moore is alright... though it would be against the law, in this state at least
Ermac: how old is she?
Famous: 15
Famous: and i'll be 19 in a month
Ermac: hehe that's went to with me
Famous: shane is "mr. age-of-consent"
A3kmed: christina would have to be my pick too
Ermac: yeah
Ermac: but if she sang to me like she does, i'd have to bitchslap her
A3kmed: although, i wouldn't mind seeing the top of brittny spears while she is sucking my cock
Ermac: "watch as i sing meaningless pop lyrics but act like they mean the world to me"
Famous: mmm... here she is again
Famous: she's doing like "real songs" for some reason
Famous: none of that genie in a bottle crap
Famous: she has a good voice... put your damn arms down!!
Ermac: this is like her 5th single
Ermac: she has nice lips :P
Famous: mm, true
Famous: i'm watching her on my 5" b&w tv, and i'm still turned on
Famous: booo!
Ermac: hah
Famous: what the hell?
Famous: this is obviously the same song
* Ermac plays the slide whistle (going down)
Famous: hehe
A3kmed: that crazy shane and his crazier slide whistle
Famous: <penis> well, that's all for tonight... thanks folks
Famous: ah, here's what's wrong with my computer
Famous: 10 INPUT "Would you like to do something on your computer besides talk on IRC?", a$
Famous: 20 if a$ = "yes" then END else CRASH
Famous: hmm... let's remove that
Ermac: hey..mine has that same code
Famous: of course, that program can be compacted
Famous: 10 if os$ = "microsoft windows" then CRASH
Ermac: yeah..i'm not sure why that was added
Famous: 10 if peek(user) = "shane" then CRASH
Famous: there
Ermac: damn..the nerve
Famous: i'm now running with no virus protection! ha!!
Famous: bring it on, bitchez!!
Ermac: ooh look at that bad boy go
Ermac: i never have virus protection on..i'm an asshole
* Famous downloads tons of files from small warez sites on the web
* Ermac downloads executables off of shady porn sites
Famous: ooh... send them to me!
Ermac: i'll trade!
Famous: hey, i just got this cool e-mail attachment from someone i don't know!
Famous: you want a copy?
Ermac: yes, and while you're at it, please send me 0423880235 forwards of stupid jokes and/or jokes that i've heard 00824 times
Ermac: assholes suck!
Ermac: hey screw you, carrot top..there are many non-dirty, non-perverted, extremely needed uses for assholes
*** Ermac has quit IRC (Read error 54: Connection reset by peer)
*** Ermac ( has joined #ysib
Ermac: mirc general protection fault crashes suck!!
Ermac: that's better, carrot top
* Famous is away, tv, food, being cool, etc
BobbyMcR: being cool?
BobbyMcR: must be a typo
Famous: yep
Famous: i mean "being col"
BobbyMcR: better
Famous: a colonel
* BobbyMcR .
BobbyMcR: just validating my existence
Lakritze: anthony?
Lakritze: are you there?
BobbyMcR: anthony's not here
BobbyMcR: he's at work
Ermac: he sucks, too
Lakritze: you suck
Lakritze: you work
Lakritze: at safeshit
BobbyMcR: i'd want to go to a store called safeshit
Lakritze: yeah
Lakritze: the food is easy on your bowels
BobbyMcR: i suppose
BobbyMcR: it's one of those health food fiber stores
A3kmed: go check out my mp3 page again, i just put up a remix
A3kmed: it got an "at least this version is OKAY" from bobbymcr
theDogg: the last one took too long to download
Ermac: yeah..i need a faster connect
A3kmed: that's weak
A3kmed: you'd do it if it was ysib
Famous: which reminds me, alex... we have some new ysib songs up
theDogg: I'm there!
A3kmed: bastard
DelMonte: "windows encountered an error accessing the system registry. Windows will restart and repair the system registry for you."
DelMonte: boo!
DelMonte: and I allowed it to, and the same damn thing came up
Ermac: hah
Ermac: just move the window
DelMonte: yep
DelMonte: that's my current solution
DelMonte: always best to ignore registry problems
Ermac: <window hidden in corner> hey! wait! you have to restart! listen!!!!
Ermac: i had to put that on ecco recycles cuz computela was being an asshole
BobbyMcR: dis
BobbyMcR: what's ecco recycles?
Ermac: my mother's business
Ermac: well..the place she works at
BobbyMcR: oh
BobbyMcR: ecco the dolphin?
Ermac: yep
Ermac: they recycle old sega cartridges of ecco the dolphin
BobbyMcR: good
Ermac: there's quite a market
BobbyMcR: yeah, i would think so
BobbyMcR: that game sucked
Ermac: yep, so people return them
Ermac: thus, they are recycled
DelMonte: what's with
Famous: ecco the dolphin
Famous: we went over this earlier with brian
Ermac: computela was being an idiot when i was uploading
Famous: <computela> duh... i'm computela! 1+1 is 3! duh huh! *trips on own feet, falls over, stands back up with face covered in blood*
BobbyMcR: but, gotta go
BobbyMcR: so see your ass later
BobbyMcR: (i hope!)
*** BobbyMcR has quit IRC ((wait, i'm not gay!))
*** Ermac has quit IRC (Read error 54: Connection reset by peer)
Famous: i hate shane
*** Ermac (ermac@ has joined #ysib
*** A3kmed has quit IRC (You're right! I can't commit...TO YOU! [dis!])
Famous: i hate kevin
Ermac: me too
Famous: yep, i hate a lot of people
DelMonte: I may or may not write a song titled "tony danza"... if not, the only change will be that his name will not have a track number next to it
BobbyMcR: what would the song tony danza even be about?
BobbyMcR: "this guy danza really sucks"
BobbyMcR: "first name tony, what a schmuck"
BobbyMcR: "i'll never ever watch his show?"
BobbyMcR: "who's the boss, hell i don't know"
BobbyMcR: "danza, tony, danza, lonely"
BobbyMcR: "no career, get out of here"
DelMonte: hehe
* DelMonte writes it all down on a notepad
DelMonte: keep 'em coming...
BobbyMcR: "danza, tony, danza only...the worst actor ever to come from a popular sitcom...tony danza, please get out of here"
BobbyMcR: dun-dun dun-dun-dun
BobbyMcR: dun-dun dun-dun-dun
BobbyMcR: dun-dun dun-dun-dun
BobbyMcR: ...dun dun-dun-dun
BobbyMcR: the "..." indicating the punk "pause" thing
DelMonte: actually, the music I've always had in my head but never wanted to record sounded all chixdiggit-ish... and the chorus would go "tony, tony danza, where'd you go... something something something your show"
BobbyMcR: i like my lyrics
BobbyMcR: but it's your idea...
DelMonte: yep
BobbyMcR: damn
DelMonte: well, I'll probably just take one of my emo sounding songs, give it emo sounding lyrics, and name it "tony danza" just for kix
BobbyMcR: you gotta put at least one reference to him in there
DelMonte: nah
BobbyMcR: or use 'tony danza' as a metaphor for rejection
BobbyMcR: or something
DelMonte: hehe
DelMonte: perhaps
soychicke: i like scientologists
BobbyMcR: heheh
BobbyMcR: they have the 'real' answers
DelMonte: that sounds like scientist... must be about the same thing, right?
BobbyMcR: hehe
BobbyMcR: yeah...must be
Lakritze: i like fat disco dancers that later go on to star in shitty movies about angels
Lakritze: yes
BobbyMcR: hey, travolta's a scientologist
Lakritze: real!!
Lakritze: i know
BobbyMcR: and kirstie alley, too, right?
DelMonte: what a coincidence, that you would be talking about the same person!
Lakritze: and so is that guy who was in that really bad puppet movie with that "monster" at the end
DelMonte: yeah, and a million other hollywood types
BobbyMcR: yeah, hollywood, schmollywood
DelMonte: uh... puppet... monster... bad... uh...?
soychicke: the muppets take manhattan?
DelMonte: "the monster at the end of this book"?
soychicke: that is the best movie.
soychicke: grover!
soychicke: grover is a scientologist?
BobbyMcR: wow
DelMonte: haha
BobbyMcR: grover seemed like such a level headed guy
BobbyMcR: "hi everybodeee"
DelMonte: yeah, who would've thought... furry, lovable grover
Famous: suing napster for facilitating music piracy is like suing my dick for getting your daughter pregnant
DelMonte: here comes your death
DelMonte: here comes your death
DelMonte: here comes your deeeeeeeeeeeeeath
DelMonte: here comes your deeeeeeeeeeeeeath
DelMonte: here comes your death
Famous: doo doo doo doot doo doo
DelMonte: now there's a song!
Famous: and everyone dies after hearing it
Famous: it's not like they didn't warn them
DelMonte: so is the only way to avoid death turning off the song?
Famous: yeah
Famous: you die at the end, if you keep listening
DelMonte: wow
Famous: your mp3 must be cut-off slightly
Ermac: for your safety
Famous: ...lucky you!...
DelMonte: yeah... otherwise I'd be dead by now
Famous: "heh... it's just a song, my death isn't really c..." *dies*
DelMonte: it vibrates at the proper frequency to cause the headphones or speakers, whatever, to spike out and attack
DelMonte: so you thought! ha!
Famous: damn you, chris
Famous: it's funnier when not explained!
Famous: but no... mr. atheist scientist boy
DelMonte: tsk tsk
Famous: has to have a reason for everything
Famous: you don't have faith in music's ability to kill!
DelMonte: this is a song about a superhero named Anthony Sucks
DelMonte: it's called Anthony Sucks's Theme
Famous: Anthony Sucks... it ain't no Shmanthony Sucks... yeah heh
theDogg: wow, I'm reading these other entries and hardly any of them are serious.
Ermac: hehe yeah..except that one guy was really pissed off we wrote a song called "mustard on my mouth"
theDogg: hehe maybe it strikes a personal chord from his past that he'd rather not dig back up
Ermac: he used to get beaten by his dad for having food on his face..poor kid
Ermac: liz is weird
Lizadrin: Anybody wanna cyber?
Lizadrin: strips naked
Lizadrin: i mean
* A3kmed touches liz' booby
* Lizadrin strips naked
Ermac: there we go
Lizadrin: i have trouble differenating between saying "strips naked" and doing so
A3kmed: hey shane, should we double up on her?
Ermac: threesome eh..nah..i've had enough of liz
Ermac: liz is loose
Lizadrin: What?
A3kmed: ouch
A3kmed: i don't mind, i have an abnormally large penis
Ermac: a match made in heaven!
Lizadrin: actually, that's just the better to accomidate both of you :)
A3kmed: yikes
A3kmed: that's hot
A3kmed: can i get a what-what?
Ermac: hoo boy
Famous: you know, if i had the option between having sex with jeri ryan, and having sex with seven of nine, i'd obviously go with seven of nine
DelMonte: yeah, definitely
DelMonte: for some reason she is a million times hotter on the show than in interviews/etc.
Famous: in fact, if i had the option between having sex with jeri ryan + getting $50, and having sex with seven of nine, i'd still go with seven of nine... unless i was short on cash
DelMonte: hehe
DelMonte: same here, same here
DelMonte: unless there were some danger of me bringing back some kind of borg contamination to present-day earth
DelMonte: I'd wear a condom
Famous: a metal one
DelMonte: hehe
DelMonte: excellent
Famous: yum
Famous: for you and her
DelMonte: that would be "fun"
Famous: anyway
Famous: eh, it would be more fun than sitting at home and talking on irc, despite the initial coldness
DelMonte: coldness?
Famous: of putting on a metal condom
Famous: because metal is cold, man
DelMonte: oh.... yeah
DelMonte: metal is inherently cold
Famous: i have ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, and relish in my fridge
Famous: and nothing on which to put them
Famous: because, let me tell you... "veggie medley" gardenburgers suck
Famous: however, "classic greek" gardenburgers rule
DelMonte: hmmm
DelMonte: maybe that's my problem
DelMonte: I'd been getting the wrong kind
DelMonte: is "classic greek" similar to subway's?
Famous: regular ones are good too
Famous: at least i think so
Famous: "classic greek" has feta cheese and good shiz in it
Famous: subway's is just regular, i think
DelMonte: hmm
DelMonte: weird
Famous: at least i think it's "classic greek"
Famous: it's greek something
DelMonte: greek asshole
DelMonte: that's what they're called
Famous: yeah
Famous: on the cover it has a picture of someone guy wearing a toga or whatever, and a caption bubble of him verbally assualting someone
Famous: it's funny
Famous: toga = greek, right?
DelMonte: yep
Famous: whatever those old greek assholes wore, yeah
DelMonte: greek = frats = toga
Famous: oh
Famous: of damn course
DelMonte: verbal assaults are the best way to demonstrate assholeness
DelMonte: is it a cartoon guy?
DelMonte: like little caesar... that guy rules
Famous: eh, must be
DelMonte: he should be stabbed to death by his own men
Famous: at least he's not the godfather
Famous: i think she'd move a bit to slow for you, chris
DelMonte: eh... I dunno about that
Famous: +o
Famous: now what do you think
DelMonte: oh, that, yeah, you're right
Famous: hehe
Famous: i see how you got confused
DelMonte: hehe
DelMonte: I love it when chicks slow for me
DelMonte: especially when it involves moving a bit
Famous: you obviously thought i meant that she would move, and her purpose for doing that would be "to slow for you"
DelMonte: hehehe
DelMonte: hoo boy
Famous: even though moving more than she currently was moving would mean she was speeding up
Famous: nerd humor!
Famous: yay!
DelMonte: perhaps it would be compared to a seperate reference point
DelMonte: she would move with respect to B in order to slow with respect to A
Famous: okay, now we're going "to far"
DelMonte: NOW it's nerd humor!
Famous: we will far
Famous: soon
DelMonte: nothing wrong with farring
DelMonte: you know... the fact that a song's title starts with "israel's so" is no guarantee that it will be good or bad
BobbyMcR: i don't git it
DelMonte: anthony would! *cry*
DelMonte: there's a BTS song called "israel's song"
DelMonte: and it's cool!
BobbyMcR: "israel's so stupid"
BobbyMcR: that's my song
DelMonte: yeah
DelMonte: stupid jewish homeland established after world war II
BobbyMcR: yeah
BobbyMcR: go back to russia!
DelMonte: I'm playing pinball when I really should be skankin'
DelMonte: that's not true
BobbyMcR: i agree heavily
DelMonte: pinball is infinitely better than skankin'
BobbyMcR: that's quite true
BobbyMcR: i'd always play pinball when given the choice between those two
DelMonte: the best way to go would be if you could play pinball and be close to the band during a show
DelMonte: just drag the pinball machine up there, crushing unsuspecting fans
BobbyMcR: hehe
DelMonte: I guess you'd have to push it rather than drag it for that
* BobbyMcR lol'z
DelMonte: but still
DelMonte: now if it were a Tilt show... that would be perfect!
* BobbyMcR no longer lol'z
Ermac: one at kgrg likes mxpx anymore
Ermac: because they totally dissed us for the last benefit show
Famous: oh yeah
Famous: well tom drank himself stupid, that's why
Ermac: day of: "oh, uh, sorry, we can't make it"
Ermac: next day, they play a show in bremerton
Famous: which inspired a wonderful "alcohol strengthening" bit on the best-ofs
Ermac: then they cancelled two or three possible make-up dates for the show
Ermac: and then we don't get their new song!
Famous: and then they call kgrg "gay-g-r-g"
Ermac: ooooh..
Famous: or well, they didn't... but wouldn't that be the dis
Ermac: i bet they do, man
Famous: yeah
Famous: fuck 'em!
Ermac: oh i will
Famous: [N] Unable to resolve i.hate.yu
Famous: damn
Famous: i want that address
Ermac: haha
BobbyMcR: .yu is ... yugoslavia?
BobbyMcR: yep
Famous: all the fun one can have with international top-level domains
BobbyMcR: yes, and all the fun one can have registering them, too
BobbyMcR: they should convince someone from western sahara to register
Ermac: haha
Famous: yeah, an icelandian could set up
BobbyMcR: similarly, an austrian could register ""
Famous: hehe
Famous: i can't wait for that site
A3kmed: it's a site dedicated to the furthering of african american civil rights in australia
BobbyMcR: yep
BobbyMcR: exactly
Famous: which wouldn't make much sense
Famous: since it's in austria
Famous: but whatever
A3kmed: fuck you
BobbyMcR: hawhaw
BobbyMcR: (dominican republic)
Famous: (belgium)
BobbyMcR: no.fx
BobbyMcR: (france, metropolitan)
Famous: (italy)
BobbyMcR: (estonia)
Famous: (morocco)
BobbyMcR: hehe
BobbyMcR: (faroe islands)
Ermac: haha
Famous: (the juvenile fan page in azerbaijan)
BobbyMcR: oh boy
Famous: (american samoa)
Famous: man, someone needs to register no.fx
Famous: that would rule
BobbyMcR: you'd have to be from metropolitan france
Famous: or know a guy
Famous: or be a hax0r
BobbyMcR: yeah
BobbyMcR: (russia)
Famous: too
BobbyMcR: (saint helena)
Famous: (italy)
BobbyMcR: well
BobbyMcR: (reunion)
Famous: (switzerland)
Famous: [N] Resolved to
Famous: yay!!
BobbyMcR: alright!
BobbyMcR: Copyright 1999
BobbyMcR: Last Modified Saturday, October 23, 1999 06:09:39
Famous: hahah
Famous: Copyright 1999
Famous: yeah
Famous: [N] Unable to resolve
BobbyMcR: i already tried
BobbyMcR: [sigh]
Famous: [N] Unable to resolve
BobbyMcR: how about
BobbyMcR: ?
Famous: [N] Resolved to
Famous: yay!
BobbyMcR: yay!
BobbyMcR: i don't think there's a webpage associated with it
Famous: doesn't appear to be one
Famous: usually all the one-letter domains are reserved anyway
Famous: some university in california owns through
BobbyMcR: ??
BobbyMcR: (syria)
BobbyMcR: nope
Famous: [N] Resolved to
Famous: heh
Famous: i'm in the
BobbyMcR: (macau)
Famous: (burundi)
Famous: [N] Unable to resolve
BobbyMcR: no,, or
BobbyMcR: or was there
Famous: no
Famous: there was
BobbyMcR: (antigua and barbuda)
Famous: [N] Resolved to
BobbyMcR: (ireland)
Famous: yeah
Famous: (iceland)
Famous: (israel)
BobbyMcR: (somalia)
Famous: (iraq)
BobbyMcR: haha
Famous: haha
BobbyMcR: (virgin islands [us])
Famous: the ultimate rocky vi site
BobbyMcR: yeah
Famous: (bahamas)
Famous: (armenia)
BobbyMcR: (djibouti)
BobbyMcR: (colombia)
Famous: (netherlands antilles)
Famous: dont.yu/think
BobbyMcR: i bet that one actually exists
BobbyMcR: (norway)
Famous: instead of "questions only" on whose line they should have "domains only"
Famous: two people would find it funny
BobbyMcR: yep
BobbyMcR: more like 1.7
Famous: (french guiana)
BobbyMcR: (croatia)
Famous: (burkina faso)
Famous: (burundi)
BobbyMcR: (oman)
BobbyMcR: (nigeria)
BobbyMcR: hahaha
Famous: (the fan page in moldova)
Famous: hey
BobbyMcR: (tuvalu)
Famous: not anymore
BobbyMcR: (reunion, macau)
Famous: no
Famous: i mean
Famous: tv isn't tuvalu anymore
Famous: microsoft or somebody bought TV
BobbyMcR: damn
BobbyMcR: those bastards
Famous: they're some third-world country... this company gave them millions of dollars
Famous: so they were like "hmm... top-level domain for computers we don't have... or 234892393249284239 dollars?"
BobbyMcR: (tajikistan)
Famous: (neutral zone)
BobbyMcR: hehe
BobbyMcR: neutral zone? what is that?
Famous: that's the space between the federation and romulan borders
Famous: in star trek
Famous: besides that, no clue
BobbyMcR: that's right
BobbyMcR: they predict that in the future, there will be a federation
BobbyMcR: and romulans
BobbyMcR: so they might as well keep it open
Famous: (mauritania)
BobbyMcR: hehe
BobbyMcR: i was thinking of how to incorporate MR into one
BobbyMcR: (lebanon)
BobbyMcR: hehe
BobbyMcR: (lesotho)
BobbyMcR: doesn't he say ain't no need to [something]?
Famous: oh yeah
BobbyMcR: (germany)
Famous: i need a new computer
BobbyMcR: yeah
BobbyMcR: dumbass
Famous: therefore, i need a credit card
BobbyMcR: ha, i'm the only dumbass with a 'cred' 'kard'
Famous: even though i could buy a computer with the money i have in the bank now, i should start "building good credit"
BobbyMcR: it's pretty easy to get a credit card
BobbyMcR: they have tons of applications they send out
Famous: 1. beat up some guy
Famous: 2. take his
Famous: 2b. if he doesn't have one, apologize and send him on his way
Famous: 2c. if 2b was necessary, find another guy
BobbyMcR: you might be able to get one through your bank, and have your dad cosign on it for you
Famous: perhaps
Famous: i don't know, i'll look into it
Famous: i don't really want to get one right now, but my dad has made it sound like if i dont starting "building good credit" i'll never be able to do anything
Famous: i'll be an invalid, basically
BobbyMcR: yeah
BobbyMcR: you can't move your arms and legs without credit
BobbyMcR: thus you frequently hear paraplegics saying, "hey, gimme a little credit"
BobbyMcR: [rimshot]
* BobbyMcR dies in a freak homicide accident
BobbyMcR: guys?
BobbyMcR: guys?!
Famous: i got "chex" today
Famous: and a "chekbook"
BobbyMcR: wow
BobbyMcR: you're l33t, as a result
Famous: yeah
Famous: i plan to "write many checks"
Famous: i wrote one today for union shiz
BobbyMcR: yeah, you writes 'em for credit card shiz and other things that you can't pay with credit card
Famous: you should be able to pay for your credit card shiz with the credit card
BobbyMcR: yeah
BobbyMcR: makes cents
Famous: yeah, i have to use checks to pay for union shiz
Famous: or
Famous: i could send them my debit card
Famous: "please charge 75.00 to this and mail the card back when you are done"
BobbyMcR: thank you
Famous: you guys should have a tv station
Famous: well i guess you do
Famous: on cable
Famous: good ol' UWTV
Famous: i watch it "often"
BobbyMcR: it's exiting
BobbyMcR: they have class lectures
BobbyMcR: and other shiz
Famous: yeah
Famous: you should have a show on UWTV
Famous: the "Fuck You -- I'm Brian Rogers" show
Famous: you'd stick it to the man, etc
BobbyMcR: hmm
BobbyMcR: what would the opening sequence be like?
BobbyMcR: [soul music plays]
BobbyMcR: "fuck you!"
BobbyMcR: "hah!"
BobbyMcR: "get back"
BobbyMcR: "fuck you!"
BobbyMcR: [funky bass lick]
Famous: different stills of you show every second, doing various things, smiling, flipping off the camera, etc
BobbyMcR: yeah
BobbyMcR: i can see it now...
BobbyMcR: "today's episode: CELL PHONES [echo]"
Famous: that would be awesome to have UW parody show
Famous: sketch comedy that makes fun of UW
Famous: on UWTV
BobbyMcR: "alright, so, i'm sitting in the computer lab hard at work on a programming assignment, or downloading millencolin songs off napster or whatever..."
BobbyMcR: "and a cell phone goes off!"
BobbyMcR: "and it's not just a normal ring either, it's 'fur elise' or that 'teasing' song or some bullshit like that"
BobbyMcR: "so my point is, cell phone users are stupid and should be killed...fuck them"
BobbyMcR: "--i'm brian rogers"
Famous: tune in next week...
BobbyMcR: [segue music]
BobbyMcR: [star wipe]
BobbyMcR: i think i'll start work on this show immediately
BobbyMcR: i'm sure they'd let me have air time!!
Famous: well, you'd have to sell it to them
Famous: "hey, you assholes... what would you rather have on the air? some dumbass lecturing... or me?"
BobbyMcR: damn
BobbyMcR: that could be the commercial for it
BobbyMcR: and you could help write the show
BobbyMcR: let's see...more ideas
BobbyMcR: how about one about "cheese--it's just not for use in soup"
BobbyMcR: ugh
BobbyMcR: broccoli cheese soup
BobbyMcR: what a horrible substance
Famous: mmm
* BobbyMcR punches you in the stomach
Famous: sorry, i would refuse to help in that "sketch"
* Famous vomits the broccoli cheese soup he ate earlier
BobbyMcR: you suck
BobbyMcR: i'm firing you
BobbyMcR: i'll probably rehire when i run out of ideas, though
BobbyMcR: ...
BobbyMcR: ...
BobbyMcR: ...uh...
BobbyMcR: welcome back
Famous: thanks!
Famous: now for our first "reunited" skit idea, how about a skit that sings the praises of cheese in soups in a humorous way
PrincessR: do you like math?
BobbyMcR: i like math
PrincessR: hey BobbyMCR, why do you like math so much
BobbyMcR: i don't know
BobbyMcR: it's 'cool'
BobbyMcR: it's kind of fun, the way it makes you think
BobbyMcR: you learn problem solving skills from it
BobbyMcR: and it applies to a million different things
BobbyMcR: i like the theory behind it too
PrincessR: What other reason, i want to know
BobbyMcR: i don't know
BobbyMcR: i'm good at it
BobbyMcR: that helps
BobbyMcR: why do you want to know?
PrincessR: If someone offer you a 1,000,000
BobbyMcR: 1,000,000 whats?
PrincessR: and they ask you why should you deserve the money , what would u say
PrincessR: 1,000,000 dollars
PrincessR: just wondering
BobbyMcR: okay
BobbyMcR: well, i've excelled in my scholastic achievements
BobbyMcR: i've offered hours and hours of help in the form of tutoring to my fellow students
PrincessR: anything else?
PrincessR: u need something special there that no one else would say
BobbyMcR: i continue to tutor high school students through the pipeline project
BobbyMcR: something special?
BobbyMcR: i don't know
BobbyMcR: i'm filling this out like i would a scholarship application
PrincessR: that's too common,
BobbyMcR: uh...
PrincessR: i need a better
BobbyMcR: i am a caring person with many friends?
BobbyMcR: i like making music
PrincessR: uhh, yeah i don't care about that, only about math
BobbyMcR: oh
BobbyMcR: okay...
BobbyMcR: i got a 5 on both calculus ap tests
BobbyMcR: i got a 1480 on the sat
PrincessR: uhh so.
BobbyMcR: i've gotten a 4.0 in the 3 math classes i've taken at the university of wa?
PrincessR: something that benefits the community
PrincessR: like tutoring
PrincessR: more on that
BobbyMcR: well, when i was in high school, i stayed after school for 1.5-2 hours every day to help out with math tutoring
BobbyMcR: and sometimes on saturdays too
BobbyMcR: i still tutor every week at nathan hale high school in mathematics
PrincessR: ahh,
PrincessR: anything else
BobbyMcR: oh, and i also spend a few hours a week in #calculus on EFNet helping people out
BobbyMcR: i also communicate by e-mail with my former classmates from high school with math help
BobbyMcR: and i've written some tests for my former math teacher for the high school math contest he holds every year
BobbyMcR: and i also wrote an entire contest for him back in 11th grade
BobbyMcR: the whatcom county competition they hold for 5th-8th graders, i believe
PrincessR: ahh
BobbyMcR: PrincessR: is that good enough?
PrincessR: yea,
BobbyMcR: i don't know if that's what you're looking for, but i suppose that's what i would say
PrincessR: can u help me with calc
BobbyMcR: well, if it's really quick
BobbyMcR: i should be going
BobbyMcR: i updated my page a bit, check the index page and the news section, and the how section
CowGrain: how to play bass in 2 easy steps
Ermac: bum
Ermac: bum
BobbyMcR: no, it's dun dun
BobbyMcR: you guys don't know how to play
Ermac: wahh
BobbyMcR: movies, movies, movies, movies, movies, movies, movies
BobbyMcR: if i wanna see movies, i wanna see starz
* BobbyMcR punches the choir [that oughta make 'em see starz!!]
* BobbyMcR is punched for a bad joke
BobbyMcR: ouch
BobbyMcR: i'm seeing starz!
BobbyMcR: what a crappy channel!
BobbyMcR: noooo
Ermac: boo
* BobbyMcR punches anyone who dares challenge the comedy of BobbyMcR
Ermac: hey-ow!
BobbyMcR: i used to connect to anthony's modem and we would 'chat'
BobbyMcR: at 2400 baud
BobbyMcR: using telix
Ermac: haha
Ermac: yeah that ruled
BobbyMcR: did you ever use telix?
BobbyMcR: it was a good program for back then
Ermac: i don't remember what i used
BobbyMcR: shut the hell up jones
BobbyMcR: the terminal program
Ermac: oh yeah
Ermac: how could i forget
BobbyMcR: great program
BobbyMcR: every once in a while a dialog box saying 'shut the hell up' comes up
BobbyMcR: that was kind of annoying
DelMonte: hehe... I can't help but think of that every time I look at the title of a book we had to read for history, "where the girls are"
DelMonte: of course, when I say "read" I mean "skim and BS a report on"
BobbyMcR: hehe
BobbyMcR: ah, bs reports
BobbyMcR: the magic of high school
DelMonte: "ah," indeed
BobbyMcR: i really haven't had to read jack shit since i've been here
BobbyMcR: of course, jack shit is not on the reading list, either
BobbyMcR: [rimshot]
Ermac: yeah..sadly..i agree with fred limp bizkit durst
BobbyMcR: what did f. l. b. durst say?
DelMonte: "i'm an idiot"
BobbyMcR: besides that...
Famous: "duh-uhh"
BobbyMcR: hmm
BobbyMcR: this is going nowhere!
Ermac: i don't remember exactly..something about how last time he remembered, getting new fans was good..and he makes more money off live shows and merchandising
Ermac: he's even doing a free tour sponsored by napster
DelMonte: shit
DelMonte: fred durst ins't allowed to say cool things
BobbyMcR: damn it
Ermac: trust in life was shattered
Famous: "i get $5 for every reb yankees cap sold in america!"
Famous: "i mean, red!"
Famous: "
Famous: "i'm stupid, and i can't spell!"
Ermac: ahh! extra quote!
BobbyMcR: "i mean, reb, you know, those guys from the confederate army?"
Famous: "wait, how did i know that? i'm stupid!"
BobbyMcR: "damn"
Famous: "i'm arguing with myself!"
BobbyMcR: "shut up!"
BobbyMcR: actually, i'm going to sue the internet for making it so easy to get illegal mp3s
DelMonte: I'm going to sue every ISP in the world because they facilitate the distribution of illegal mp3s
BobbyMcR: i'm going to sue the government for creating the internet in the first place
Ermac: i'm going to sue every person in the world for having some sort of opportunity to obtain illegal mp3s
CowGrain: mmmm veggie burger
Famous: mmmmmofo sucks
CowGrain: no no no
CowGrain: wah!
Famous: heh
* Famous is away, work, 2:30 - 11:30 PDT
Ermac: haaahahaaha
Ermac: what a loser
Famous: yep
Famous: a loser with a paycheck
Famous: since i get 37 hours this week
Ermac: not yet!! not til next friday, asshole!
Ermac: and i'm planning on killing you before then
Famous: well i'll get one for last week this friday
Famous: and i worked like... 30 hours that week
Ermac: yeah, but you won't be getting the one for this week! mwahaha!
Famous: if you can forge my signature, you can cash my check too
Famous: after you kill me
* Famous whispers his employee number and social security number to shane
Ermac: yay!
Ermac: thanks!
Famous: no problem
Famous: here is my debit PIN and credit card number too
Famous: *whisper whisper*
Ermac: yoink!
* Ermac decides not to kill anthony
* Ermac uses this powerful information to blackmail anthony
Famous: i'll do whatever you say! honest! *changes pin, reports cards stolen -- all behind shane's back*
* Ermac is arrested
* Famous also stole shane's wallet before he was arrested
* Ermac criez for the tables have turned
* Ermac , however, still has anthony's unchangable social security number, and assumes anthony's identity
Famous: thus, i am in jail
Famous: ...somehow...
Ermac: you sure are!
Ermac: *authorities throw anthony in jail*
Famous: (heh... that makes no sense at all)
Ermac: sorry, it's the logical process
Famous: <shane> i'm in jail... and i'm anthony schmidt! <authorities> let's go arrest anthony schmidt!
Ermac: yep!
Famous: now i'm here forever! *cries*
Famous: *chorus of "he's doing time in jail" by wesley willis plays in background*
Famous: the end
DelMonte: have either of you guys seen "10 years of fuckin' up"?
Famous: no
DelMonte: I oughta bring dat action over then
Famous: i was thinking about getting it for brian for last christmas
Famous: but i realized that was kinda unrealistic, considering it costed lots of money and i had to buy presents for tens of others
DelMonte: yep
Famous: it's funny how we don't use "tens" like we use "hundreds" and "thousands"
Famous: for example, "there must have been tens of people at the last ysib show!"
BobbyMcR: i guess it's not as impressive
DelMonte: perhaps not.. hehe
DelMonte: usually it just becomes dozens
DelMonte: because we're americans and shun all things metric
DelMonte: we like stupidass 12s
BobbyMcR: yeah
BobbyMcR: probably because we have 12 fingers
DelMonte: exactly
BobbyMcR: well, most of us, anyway
DelMonte: british people are missing 2
BobbyMcR: the reason we use SI system is because of the british, actually
BobbyMcR: but they later changed
Famous: yep
Famous: it's more because we don't like change
BobbyMcR: i think back when my dad was there, they still used 'american' stuff
Famous: well there's only one solution
Famous: kill everyone except for a few people that believe in the metric system
Famous: and have them repopulate the earth
BobbyMcR: 'believe in the metric system'?
BobbyMcR: hehe
BobbyMcR: it's like a cult
DelMonte: hehe
DelMonte: that sounds like a good basis for a song
Famous: also, it might be a good idea to make sure they have fairly good morals and are healthy and such
BobbyMcR: all secondary
BobbyMcR: it's a firm belief in the metric system that will keep us all together in the end
Ermac: mofo
Ermac: what kind of camera do you have?
CowGrain: I have a Canon umm...old mother fucker 310 or something like that
Ermac: haha..Canon OMF 310
CowGrain: yeah
CowGrain: it sucks some balls
Ermac: "The Canon Old Mother Fucker 310 - It Sucks Some Balls!"
BobbyMcR: i don't think the birthday bash can be at my house
BobbyMcR: i talked to my dad today
BobbyMcR: he said the deck is in bad shape
BobbyMcR: it is in danger of collapsing
BobbyMcR: and he doesn't want us to die while playing
BobbyMcR: although that would be a great show!
BobbyMcR: think of the publicity!
BobbyMcR: "fan base is built"
BobbyMcR: just like sublime
*** BobbyMcR has quit IRC (Leaving)
Famous: bobby
Famous: hey, pay the hell attention
* Famous kills brian to get him to pay attention
BobbyMcR: haw?
BobbyMcR: i'm dead!
Famous: there the hell you are
BobbyMcR: than-x allot
Famous: oh damn
Famous: the one fatal (literally! hyuk hyuk) flaw in my plan
* BobbyMcR dies (again)
BobbyMcR: aren't style sheets allegedly "for assholes"?
Famous: i don't know
Famous: no browser really does them "fully" yet
Famous: but they're standardized and shiz
BobbyMcR: will NS6 do it?
Famous: yep
Famous: ns6 will do everything
Famous: but you can't pee on it
BobbyMcR: hehe
* BobbyMcR can't believe he's laughing at that
Famous: okay, i've managed to find an alicia that sucks
Famous: she says "Here is my 411 info."
Famous: when describing herself
BobbyMcR: my 411 info??
BobbyMcR: redundant?
BobbyMcR: how about 'here's my info'
Famous: not to mention "411" sucks anyway
BobbyMcR: or 'here's the 411'?
Famous: but yes, redundant
BobbyMcR: yeah
BobbyMcR: 411 is dumb, man
BobbyMcR: i use 0-0
BobbyMcR: "oh, oh, it's magic [beep beep]"
BobbyMcR: "you know"
Famous: i use good ol' 555-1212
Famous: at work anyway
Famous: at home i use the damn phone book
BobbyMcR: make your own commercial then
BobbyMcR: "i use the damn phone book"
BobbyMcR: "anthony schmidt for US west"
Famous: it would be better than "i'm used everywhere, man, blah blah blah"
Famous: hehe
Famous: i have a great idea for the commercial
BobbyMcR: alright...
Famous: <guy at pay phone> i need to find a number, what's the best way to get information?
Famous: <me, coming out of the distance like arsenio or adam carolla in the 1-800-collect commercials> use the damn phone book! *throws heavy phone book at guy, knocks him over*
BobbyMcR: alright
Famous: <guy> "thanks!" *passes out or dies or something*
Famous: as you can see, it's ready to be filmed right now
BobbyMcR: i'll get the camera
BobbyMcR: you get the ability to teleport here
Famous: i certainly don't have a car or anything
BobbyMcR: i said teleport, stupid
BobbyMcR: not..."driveport"...or something...
Famous: do i really need to teleport in orfdkfjkdsf BOOOOOOO
BobbyMcR: nooooo...
BobbyMcR: you made fun of me
* BobbyMcR cry's
Famous: i have constructed fun out of you
BobbyMcR: that's a better way to say that
Famous: i wanna see subset again
Ermac: i wanna see YOU again
Famous: me?
Ermac: ...yeah
DelMonte: me?
Ermac: sure
Famous: my ass?
DelMonte: well, you're gonna see it, at least clothed, if you see Anthony
DelMonte: I can guarantee that
Famous: heh
Famous: nope
Famous: i won't get out of the car
DelMonte: heh
DelMonte: it's a drive-in concert
Famous: heh
Famous: yep
Ermac: that would be cool
Famous: the bands play far away and you hear the sound on those little am radio things
Famous: that you have to clip to your antenna
DelMonte: and you're probably thinking along the same lines as me now, anthony
DelMonte: I was thinking of how to make a pun on "at the drive-in" without being not funny
Famous: hm
Famous: at the drive-in didn't occur to me at all
Famous: hehe, the last drive in movie i saw though sure did :)
Famous: heh
Famous: shane
Famous: remember mystery men?
Famous: great film, right?
Ermac: yeah
Famous: i especially enjoyed the "movie" aspect of it
DelMonte: hey, I scored through movies too
DelMonte: like Dark City!
DelMonte: c'mon!
DelMonte: and Orgasmo!
Ermac: i've scored through a few drive-in movies myself
Famous: hey shane
Famous: remember... uh
Famous: what the fuck was that movie
DelMonte: haw
Famous: obviously i don't remember
Famous: lost highway
Famous: !!!
DelMonte: hooray for patricia arquette's tits
Ermac: ohhh yeah i remember that movie
Famous: i remember... listening to radiohead... after that movie
Ermac: if there's one thing i remember about that movie, it's...the movie itself...
Famous: yep, movies make me remember the movie
DelMonte: hey, I've scored while listening to OK Computer in its entirity!
Famous: it just makes sense
Famous: so has shane :)
Ermac: quite a few times, in fact
Ermac: good score music
Ermac: same with the new beck
Famous: eh
DelMonte: it's a good score for scoring
Famous: i could never do anything to beck
DelMonte: even new beck?
Ermac: the new beck is sexay
DelMonte: I could do stuff to new beck, but not old beck
Ermac: yeah
Ermac: well...
DelMonte: well, hell, I could do stuff to dropkick murphys
Famous: in fact, i could never do anything to any music that is purposefully turned on during a "getting it on" session
Ermac: if i had the chance to get it on, and old beck was playing, i don't suppose i'd turn it down
Ermac: haha..damn
DelMonte: yeah
Ermac: "i'm sorry, i can't perform with this music on."
Ermac: --anthony schmidt
Famous: like, i can masturbate when the radio is on... but not when a particular cd is on (or when shane's on the radio)
Ermac: haha..i almost spit out my cherry coke
Ermac: yeah..if no doubt was on, i would probably be unable to perform
Famous: heh
DelMonte: eh
DelMonte: I'd do that chick
Famous: uh oh
Famous: chris is going to get it
DelMonte: so I guess I'd screw to No Doubt
Ermac: you'd do gwen ste*ani?!!?!?!
DelMonte: yep
DelMonte: whoops, I should've censored myself there
Ermac: ljk;asdfasfkdUGH
DelMonte: huh?
Ermac: do you remember what gwen stefani looks like?
DelMonte: gwen stefani has a good body, and a half-decent face
DelMonte: at this point, I'd do her
Ermac: gwen has a nasty body..and an ugly're wrong!
Ermac: that's a fact!
Ermac: ..jack
Famous: heh
DelMonte: tell it like it is, jack
Famous: anyway, shane
Famous: as i was about to say
Ermac: luirasfjdks
Famous: like last week
Famous: i was about to masturbate
Famous: and i started
Famous: and then i realized you were on the radio
Ermac: hahaha
Famous: so i was like "ack!"
DelMonte: hahaha
Ermac: that is just wrong, yo
DelMonte: that's terrible!
Famous: and i stopped and turned the radio off
Ermac: phew
Famous: i can't listen to your voice and do that
DelMonte: which means, probably, a lot of people masturbate to you without thinking about it!
Ermac: yeah i was just about to say that
Ermac: i could be talking on the radio while someone is masturbating
Ermac: well..while they're listening to me
Famous: yeah, a few probably do it on purpose :)
DelMonte: I dunno... I've done that while guys I know were close enough for me to hear them talking
DelMonte: in a tent, for example
Famous: yeah
Famous: but that's different
Famous: because you aren't willingly allowing their voices to be heard
DelMonte: yeah, that's true... heh
DelMonte: it's almost as if you had a videotape of him on
DelMonte: or somethin'
Famous: yeah
Famous: hm
Famous: it would suck if i were like watching porn, and getting off, and then shane walked on
Ermac: it sure would
Famous: that would, like, ruin me for masturbation forever
DelMonte: on the tape, you mean?
Famous: yeah
DelMonte: ah
DelMonte: hehe
DelMonte: yeah
DelMonte: or, even worse, if it was porn, and you didn't see the guy's face for a long time, and then you saw it was shane
Famous: yep, worse
DelMonte: hehe
Ermac: lol..yeah..let me tell you what movies i'm in now, so you'll never pick them by accident
DelMonte: that would be TERRRRRRible!
Famous: heh
Famous: that would make for a good practical joke
DelMonte: haha
Ermac: hahaha
Famous: buy someone a porno movie
Famous: but dub like 15 seconds of yourself in the middle of it... not naked, just talking
DelMonte: haha
Famous: "hey, i hope you're enjoying this porn i bought you!" and such
DelMonte: hahaha
DelMonte: lol
DelMonte: eeeexcellent
DelMonte: right when the two chicks start getting on each other instead of the guy
DelMonte: good time for that
Ermac: haha
DelMonte: maybe about 10 seconds after that starts
DelMonte: if you could manage to do it during the "friend's" orgasm, that would be just great
Ermac: shut up mofo blah blah blah ljasfd;l;fasd
A3kmed: i know you all care so i will update you
A3kmed: "thinking about you (stereo therapy remix)" will be up by tomorrow
A3kmed: one of my friends remixed it and it rocks
A3kmed: he's pretty good
A3kmed: he made my song nearly respectable
t3kno: You mean he doesn't suck like you?
A3kmed: exactly, cockface
A3kmed: i have britney spears tattoos if anyone is interested
moonrock: woohoo
Reesie: me
moonrock: i have WWJD tattoos
moonrock: :P
BobbyMcR: boo
A3kmed: i'm working on a "wwjpd" campaign
A3kmed: "what would jason preistly do?"
Reesie: hehe
moonrock: i wanted him when i was like 8
BobbyMcR: wwsdd? what would some dumbass do?
BobbyMcR: that would be a great tattoo
* BobbyMcR slaps on a WWSDD tattoo
* BobbyMcR sees an open manhole
BobbyMcR: hmm...what would some dumbass do?
* BobbyMcR imagines the dumbass jumping down the hole
BobbyMcR: okay!
* BobbyMcR does the same
* BobbyMcR dies
A3kmed: you know what your problem is brian?
A3kmed: you're too shy, shy, hush hush, i do i do
A3kmed: what a great song
BobbyMcR: that's not the words...
BobbyMcR: isn't he saying "you're too shy, shy...hush-hush, eye-to-eye...too shy, shy, hush-hush...etc."
A3kmed: who knows?
A3kmed: but that song rocks
BobbyMcR: i'll do a punk cover of it
A3kmed: i'll do a punk cover of you!
BobbyMcR: by candlebox?
BobbyMcR: that would suck
CowGrain: liz is lagzored
t3kno: No shiznit
CowGrain: CTCP PING reply from Lizadrin: 3 minutes, 4.238 seconds
Lizadrin: The following bots rock: Lizadrin. <end of list>
t3kno: The following people suck: CowGrain <that is all>
CowGrain: The following people suck there own balls: Adam Kind <that is all>
CowGrain: their
t3kno: The following people don't make valid statements: CowGrain <he is an ass>
CowGrain: oh go write a paper
MatriXX: Vote has started!
MatriXX: Topic is: Is Jason cool?
MatriXX: 1. Yes
MatriXX: 2. No
MatriXX: 3. Who is Jason?
MatriXX: /msg MatriXX vote "number" to vote.
*** MatriXX was kicked by Lizadrin (flood)
*** MatriXX ( has joined #SuperDeluxe
Aaroin: exactly
MatriXX: exactly wrong
MatriXX: Time is out!
MatriXX: Vote results:
MatriXX: 1. Yes (No votes)
MatriXX: 2. No (No votes)
MatriXX: 3. Who is Jason? (No votes)
MatriXX: End of vote!
Ermac: yay