Do you remember February-March 2000?

CowGrain: doesn't anyone know what colors make a person eyes vibrate anymore

CowGrain: it's all about the color wheel

t3kno: No one cares about the damn color wheel

*** t3kno changes topic to 'Tigger the Movie - BOOOOOOO'

moonrock: adam shadup you

*** moonrock changes topic to 'Tigger the Movie - WOOOOOOOOO!'

*** t3kno changes topic to 'Tigger the Movie - WOOOOOOOOO! it stinks... << waves hand infront of nose >>'

*** moonrock changes topic to 'Tigger the Movie kicksass.'

*** DelMonte changes topic to 'Tigger the Movie kick sass.'

*** moonrock changes topic to '.'

*** joshieboi is now known as Ermac

Ermac: I am sooooo coool

Ermac: look at my hot ass

* Akkmed clinks glass with fork

Akkmed: ahem

Akkmed: i have an announcement


DelMonte: ah... hooray

Akkmed: a belgian foriegn exchange student

Reesie: wow

DelMonte: I saw stuff you said while I was idling

DelMonte: *snicker*

DelMonte: you just mentioned having "a really good day" or something

* KingEdwrd makes a psychic prediction that this "will" last

DelMonte: dis!

* Akkmed agrees

Akkmed: she's going back this summer

DelMonte: well, you're probably doing it all for the nookie, correct?

Akkmed: delmonte, you can take this cookie...

Akkmed: and stick it up your...

Reesie: yeah

Akkmed: stick it up your

Reesie: yeah

Akkmed: stick it up your...

Reesie: yeah

Akkmed: stick it up your.

Reesie: yeah, I'd say that's enough

Akkmed: hehe

CowGrain: The 2000 #SuperDeluxe members, you gotta love these guys

Akkmed: go here to see what mr. jenkins does in his free time...


DelMonte: wah oh

DelMonte: hey, some of these chicks are hot

Akkmed: heh heh

DelMonte: but on closer inspection, she's 15!

Arden: no wonder chris gets so many chicks

DelMonte: yep, that's how I operate

DelMonte: "I'll make you a star, baby!"

Arden: hehe

BobbyMcR: is that porn, by any chance?

KyreBanor: "i just want to take your picture...."

BobbyMcR: 'cause i'm in the library and i'm not sure if i should open that page

KyreBanor: ha ha

Akkmed: "All photos are by Chris Jenkins and are used by permission of the model "

Arden: no brian.. no porn

BobbyMcR: hmm

KyreBanor: damn!

DelMonte: I hate it when things aren't porn

BobbyMcR: if there's one thing i can't stand, it's that

* CowGrain pats Brooke on the head and gives her a cookie

SPdreamer: mm.. cookie

SPdreamer: so now.. do I go back to sleep

SPdreamer: or do I stay up?

SPdreamer: *sigh*

CowGrain: you sleep

CowGrain: cuz no matter what you will hahahaha

SPdreamer: and should I go to class at 1?

SPdreamer: or should I blow it off

CowGrain: if you need to you should

SPdreamer: all these decisions

CowGrain: yes so many

SPdreamer: and should I take a shower?

CowGrain: yes I can smell you all the way up here :)

CowGrain: j/k

SPdreamer: heres the plan

SPdreamer: I'll make cookies (they are in the oven, yay sliceable dough tubes)

CowGrain: haha

SPdreamer: after I consume this mini batch of cookies, I will then sleep

SPdreamer: but!

CowGrain: ...

SPdreamer: before I sleep, I will set an alarm for 11:35

SPdreamer: upon hearing this alarm, I will wake up and take a shower.

SPdreamer: I will then decide if I wish to go to class or not

CowGrain: or so you think

SPdreamer: no, I don't even think I will

SPdreamer: I'm just trying to be positive, I think

SPdreamer: there is very little chance I will go directly to the shower

SPdreamer: but still

SPdreamer: and you being able to smell me.. it's not as far fetched as you think!

SPdreamer: last time I showered was saturday

SPdreamer: woo!

SPdreamer: I rock

SPdreamer: I'm so gutter punk

SPdreamer: oh yeah, I happen to be wearing the same clothes from friday.. too

CowGrain: wow aren't you smooth

CowGrain: well greasy at least

SPdreamer: but I put them on at about 9:30pm... and wore them till about 1:30 the next day

SPdreamer: then wore them from about 10:30 pm to 1:30 the next day

SPdreamer: and, then 10:30 last night to the present

SPdreamer: the other times I was wearing my work clothes

CowGrain: yay work clothes

SPdreamer: which have been in need of washing for weeks!

SPdreamer: muhahaha

SPdreamer: well, the shirt.. at least

CowGrain: I sure would want to work with you then

SPdreamer: and I'm eating raw cookie dough

SPdreamer: *eat*

SPdreamer: well, maybe not weeks

CowGrain: well that sounds too apetizing

SPdreamer: I've gotta play it up

CowGrain: I guess you do

CowGrain: you do indeed

SPdreamer: it's all for dramatic effect

SPdreamer: *eating cookie cough*

CowGrain: that's enough dramatic effect for me thank you vrey much

SPdreamer: I have a dream that one day.. I'll be so lazy.. I won't even cut off slices to eat, I'll just take bites from the cookie dough tube

CowGrain: hahaha

CowGrain: what a dreamer

SPdreamer: and while I'm doing this, I'll be wearing a stained wife beater, drinking beer, and circling want ads out of the paper.. basking in the glow of my infomercial-showing-tv

* CowGrain starts to imagine this

SPdreamer: it'll be grand

CowGrain: oh and how

SPdreamer: my cookies are done!

CowGrain: yay!

CowGrain: hot cookie straight from Brookes oven to her mouth

CowGrain: blah blah black sheep have you any wool

SPdreamer: no sir

SPdreamer: wait..

SPdreamer: yes sir

SPdreamer: guess how many bags?

CowGrain: 23,045

SPdreamer: yes sir, yes sir 23,045 bags full!

CowGrain: yay!

* CowGrain gives Brooke five

SPdreamer: I will now list all the people these bags are for

SPdreamer: (muhahaa)

CowGrain: go right ahead

SPdreamer: ah, damn

CowGrain: looney

SPdreamer: you were supposed to protest

CowGrain: oh okay

CowGrain: no don't do it Brooke

CowGrain: that list would be to long

CowGrain: and umm..noo...

SPdreamer: oh! muahah!

SPdreamer: wouldn't you like to stop me! muahaha!

CowGrain: yes please I beg of you

SPdreamer: see what you have gotten yourself into!? muhaha!

CowGrain: I'll do anything

SPdreamer: ah, I feel bad

CowGrain: don't feel bad I did this to myself an stuff

SPdreamer: this is having an effect on my desire to list those people!

CowGrain: I didn't mean to

SPdreamer: it of course has nothing to do with the fact I'd have to list 23,045 people

CowGrain: hehe of course

SPdreamer: these cookies are very good

SPdreamer: one of those bags of wool is going to the pilsbury corporation

CowGrain: hmmmm...wool and cookies

SPdreamer: "Dear Pilsbury, I am so very pleased with your ready to slice cookie dough. Inclosed is one bag of wool"

CowGrain: hahah that would crack me up

SPdreamer: -- Black Sheep

SPdreamer: so look at the time

SPdreamer: I've finished my cookies and I think I will now go to sleep

Lakritze: i hate brian by the way

Lakritze: he is an uncaring dickface

BobbyMcR: hehe

KyreBanor: yeah...

BobbyMcR: i care about everyone

BobbyMcR: well, almost

Lakritze: fuck you brian

BobbyMcR: i care about you!

Lakritze: he doesn't care about me

Lakritze: "my name is brian...

Lakritze: and i just want sex"

Lakritze: that is all he says

BobbyMcR: "my name is andrea, and i just want oral sex"

Lakritze: !!!

BobbyMcR: that's all she says

BobbyMcR: heh

Lakritze: "my name is brian, and i like to fuck animals----because they don't complain about my lousy technique"

KyreBanor: ouch!

BobbyMcR: heh

Lakritze: it's true

BobbyMcR: yeah

BobbyMcR: my cat shadow...he was good

KyreBanor: damn..

Lakritze: and your dick is dumb

KyreBanor: that's something i didn't need to know..

Lakritze: and shadow coughed a furball after you did him

Lakritze: he said,"my name is shadow

Lakritze: and i am so glad that i am nuetered becasue sex is vile

KyreBanor: ahh!! make it stop!! make it stop!!!

Lakritze: brian taught me that"

Lakritze: "i ma brian rogers--and i am an asshole"

BobbyMcR: i'm a brian rogers

Lakritze: "i AM brian rogers--and i am an asshole"

BobbyMcR: you are?!

BobbyMcR: wow!

BobbyMcR: i thought I was brian rogers

Lakritze: you are such a penissucker

BobbyMcR: you call that a 'word'?

Lakritze: fuck you dickweed

Ermac: as limp bizkit + method man says, "shutthe@$*up!"

BobbyMcR: ???

Ermac: only the best song in the world, my friend

BobbyMcR: okay

BobbyMcR: you've got me there

Lakritze: "my name is brian rogers and i'm here to say, that i like dead critters in a major way"

Lakritze: "i like them gettin' cooked, and i like them really raw"

Lakritze: "just so long as there was lots of death involved"

BobbyMcR: "good thing this rhymes..."

Lakritze: it does

BobbyMcR: "...THIS RHYMES?!"

BobbyMcR: "barney! my chicken!"

SPrklMstR: man two oclock should be more exciting than this

Lakritze: hello it's me

Lakritze: mario

Lakritze: .....

BobbyMcR: hey, you fuckin' kid...aren't you a-gonna play the goddamn video game-a?

SPdreamer: although we've only known each other a bit already I can't sleep at night and I feel like shit

SPdreamer: (I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you )

SPdreamer: dandy warhols = cool

SPdreamer: its offical!

Reesie: the official seal of brookeness

SPdreamer: it's a little picture of me with a thumbs up

Reesie: hehe

Arden: boo dandy warhols :P

SPdreamer: boo?

Arden: boo.

Reesie: uh oh

Reesie: Laurie doesn't get a seal of Brookeness

Trouble00: hmmm....

Reesie: she gets one with a thumbs down... the seal of un-Brookeness

Reesie: diiis

* Trouble00 seals Brookeness

Arden: psh.. if getting the seal involves liking the warhols... then i'll happily get the seal of un-brookeness

*** SPrklMstR ( has joined #SuperDeluxe

CowGrain: Bobby!

SPrklMstR: Jesus!

CowGrain: who loves me?

KyreBanor: NOT ME!!!

CowGrain: awwww...

CowGrain: I can feel the magic

CowGrain: can even

* ErmacAWAY feels mofo's death

* akkmed feels mofo up

akkmed: shane you can't kill mofo, you're AWAY

*** ErmacAWAY is now known as Ermac

Ermac: bwahahhaa

Ermac: nothing can stop me now

* CowGrain kills Shane

akkmed: noooooooooo

Ermac: 8ball who's going to bed?

Lizadrin: Ermac, Whoever is willing

Ermac: how true

*** BobbyMcR ( has joined #SuperDeluxe

BobbyMcR: hi

SPdreamer: hey

BobbyMcR: hey-o

SPdreamer: yo

BobbyMcR: yo yo yo

SPdreamer: and a bottle of rum

BobbyMcR: 16 men on a dead man's chest

BobbyMcR: or something

SPdreamer: wow

SPdreamer: is that possible?

BobbyMcR: i think they mean treasure chest

SPdreamer: .. oh

BobbyMcR: i wonder who wrote that 'song'

SPdreamer: my grandfather

BobbyMcR: oh

BobbyMcR: the mystery is solved

SPdreamer: fulpx

SPdreamer: thats a word, right?

BobbyMcR: i think so

SPdreamer: cool

*** SPdreamer has quit IRC (Read error 131: Connection reset by peer)

BobbyMcR: dis

Ermac: yeah..i always thought his album name was just a joke

Ermac: but..he really doesn't give a f***

*** SPdreamer ( has joined #SuperDeluxe

*** Lizadrin sets mode: +o SPdreamer

BobbyMcR: wow

SPdreamer: INDEED

BobbyMcR: that's his album title?

SPdreamer: ACK


Ermac: yeah, it is


Ermac: it's also his catch phrase, i assume

BobbyMcR: GOOD



SPdreamer: ...

SPdreamer: okay, enough

Ermac: dis

BobbyMcR: wah

BobbyMcR: hey, don't you hate it when you have to go to the bathroom, but you can't leave your post at the computer lab?

Ermac: fdgj

Ermac: i usually leave a backback/coat

Ermac: that usually signifies "hey, i'm still here"

BobbyMcR: yeah, i would, but i don't know if i should trust some of these peepz

*** Ermac has quit IRC (he drove into a ditch, that son of a bitch)

BobbyMcR: well

BobbyMcR: maybe he had to go to the bathroom too

MsgCentre: probably

BobbyMcR: speak of the devil

BobbyMcR: no, really, speak of the devil

BobbyMcR: i think the devil is cool

Reesie: uh

BobbyMcR: now it's your turn

Reesie: devil's food cake, mm

t3kno: Satan Rules!

*** BobbyMcR ( has joined #SuperDeluxe

BobbyMcR: hi again

KyreBanor: booo!!!!

BobbyMcR: yay!!

KyreBanor: boo!!! hiss!!!

BobbyMcR: uh-oh

BobbyMcR: the audience hates me

KyreBanor: damn right!

* BobbyMcR punches the audience in its collective face

*** DelMonte has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))

SPdreamer: ah, dead boy

BobbyMcR: he'z ded

SPdreamer: no netmeeting fun with dead boys

SPdreamer: hard, fast, and easy - I'm all over you!

BobbyMcR: okay

SPdreamer: oh yes

* SPdreamer gives brian the sexay look

* BobbyMcR does that cartoon "mm-gulp!" thing

SPdreamer: !seen delmonte

Lizadrin: delmonte was last on IRC channel #superdeluxe 2 minutes ago.

BobbyMcR: haw

SPdreamer: why'd he leave?

BobbyMcR: [02:47:39] *** DelMonte has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)

BobbyMcR: [02:47:58] *** SPdreamer has quit IRC (Read error 131: Connection reset by peer)

SPdreamer: crazy :)

SPdreamer: my reset was "older"

BobbyMcR: [02:48:09] <BobbyMcR> what a buncha dickholes

SPdreamer: much like the hot lunch spoon game, I won

BobbyMcR: yes, much like that

SPdreamer: did you federal way kids play the hot lunch spoon game

SPdreamer: well... spork game, really

BobbyMcR: the back of the spork number/age game?

SPdreamer: yeah

BobbyMcR: of course

SPdreamer: it's really crazy how universal that was

BobbyMcR: i know

BobbyMcR: i'm sure kids in somalia do the exact same thing

*** Putopelo has quit IRC (I love Lori, she's a part of me)

Ermac: aw

Ermac: :~)

Ermac: :O~~~~~

Ermac: (that's me vomiting)

Pancakie: exciting

moonrock: hi shane!

*** Lizadrin (jsegura@RisingNet.NET) has joined #SuperDeluxe

*** CowGrain sets mode: +o Lizadrin

Ermac: liz is back!

SPrklMstR: yay

Lizadrin: Shut up Mofo!!!!!!

Ermac: my thoughts exactly

*** Ermac changes topic to '<Lizadrin> Shut up Mofo!!!!!!'

*** MatriXX has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))

*** MatriXX ( has joined #SuperDeluxe

CowGrain: haha

MatriXX: screw you

MatriXX: smashing pumpkins kick ass

MatriXX: at least the old stuff

MatriXX: like the infinite sadness kicked ass

MatriXX: I used to be in a bad ass punk band

MatriXX: but I really don't care for punk

MatriXX: we were called "The Outcrowd"

MatriXX: one of our guitarists was from Sri Lanka

MatriXX: he kicked so much ass

MatriXX: you ever heard of jefferson airplane?

MatriXX: they rock

MatriXX: i wonder who it is i'm talking to

MatriXX: i'm talking to liz

MatriXX: I'm canadian

MatriXX: you know that?

*** SPdreamer has quit IRC (Read error 131: Connection reset by peer)

CowGrain: jason had a bit too much fun talking to himself.. that frightens me

BobbyMcR: hey, did you see the recent "'Chair" related guestbook signing?

Ermac: yes

Ermac: i emailed her

BobbyMcR: what did you say?

Ermac: something like "you're a little later then everyone else, but thanks for the uneducated, assumption-based signing to our guestbook. blah blah blah we like the attention, etc. etc."

BobbyMcR: alright!

BobbyMcR: good job

* BobbyMcR pats shane on the back

Ermac: yay!

* BobbyMcR was wearing spiked gloves

Ermac: nooo my hand

Ermac: i mean..back..

BobbyMcR: yeah

BobbyMcR: ...maybe i touched your hand


BobbyMcR: i didn't do that

BobbyMcR: i would be gay

Ermac: fag

MatriXX: um

MatriXX: ok

*** CowGrain has quit IRC (Read error 54: Connection reset by peer)

BobbyMcR: i'll brb

*** BobbyMcR has quit IRC (Leaving)

*** BobbyMcR ( has joined #SuperDeluxe

BobbyMcR: is there a 'split'?

Ermac: nope

Ermac: just "ded" in here

BobbyMcR: oh

BobbyMcR: where is a certain jesus?

BobbyMcR: a 'personal' jesus

BobbyMcR: i think andrea wants to go too

Ermac: lori is prolly out

Ermac: with him

BobbyMcR: but i'm sure the car has at least 4 seats

BobbyMcR: unless he has others with him

Ermac: then it has less seats

BobbyMcR: yes

BobbyMcR: fewer seats, idiot

BobbyMcR: i hate you!!!

Ermac: yeah well i hate you for the making a mistake in the first place!!!

BobbyMcR: i hate you in the second place, then!!

Ermac: damn..second place is the first loser :(

BobbyMcR: yeah!!

* Ermac goes and kills himself

Ermac: (you didn't ask the question......)

BobbyMcR: hmm?

Ermac: ("are you suicidal?")

BobbyMcR: oh

BobbyMcR: are you suicidal?

Ermac: (too late you asshole, i'm dead)

BobbyMcR: damn

BobbyMcR: parentheses mean dead guy talking, i guess

Ermac: (yeah)

BobbyMcR: (okay)

BobbyMcR: (oh no, i must have died!!)

Ermac: (what the?! i didn't even notice you die!!)

BobbyMcR: (wow, that proves i'm took me 7 minutes to reply to that last comment)

BobbyMcR: well, hopefully jesus 'knowz' what he's doing

Ermac: shut up

BobbyMcR: wow

BobbyMcR: we're alive!

BobbyMcR: it's a miracle

BobbyMcR: yhg

BobbyMcR: g

BobbyMcR: gf

BobbyMcR: gf

BobbyMcR: gf

BobbyMcR: gf

BobbyMcR: andrea was typing randomly

BobbyMcR: but it spelled 'gf'

BobbyMcR: for appropriate

*** BobbyMcR is now known as Lakritze

Lakritze: I love my brian sooooo much

Lakritze: but sometimes i hate him

Ermac: aww

Lakritze: like now

Lakritze: because of him leaving me...

Lakritze: :(

Lakritze: but usually i love him

Lakritze: :)

*** Lakritze was kicked by Lizadrin (flood)

*** Famous ( has joined #SuperDeluxe

*** CowGrain sets mode: +v Famous

*** Lizadrin sets mode: +o Famous

*** CowGrain was kicked by Famous (+v this, you asshole)

Jiffypop: hmm...

Jiffypop: so? what's the word with mofo's party?

Famous: mofo

Famous: is going to be there

Famous: so it's going to suck

Jiffypop: thanks there ant

Famous: no prob

Jiffypop: :)

Famous: but hey, we could like... make fun of him and stuff

Famous: so it should be cool

Jiffypop: hehehe, there you go!

Jiffypop: way to find the silver lining!

Famous: see, i know how to make a party a party

Reesie: does anyone else here think that stanley kubrick is one of those psycho geniuses?

Famous: yes... stanley kubrick... the genius behind "pyscho"

Reesie: he didn't do psycho

Famous: REALLY?

Reesie: SHUT UP!

Reesie: *sniff*

Famous: OKAY!

Reesie: FINE!

Arden: now children..


Reesie: ME TOO!

Famous: SO... WHAT'S UP?

Famous: i'm going to call taco bell co. and complain

SPdreamer: good

CowGrain: yay

SPdreamer: do it every day for a month

Famous: i went to taco bell today, which is usually a bright point of my day

Famous: because taco bell rules

Famous: anyway

Famous: today i got watered-down pop, hard crunchy rice, and a stray piece of chicken(?!?) in my 7-layer burrito

Famous: it was the one in sea-tac mall land... next to deja vu

Ermac: wow, a piece of chicken can happen, but a watered-down pop in it?

Ermac: (wah, wah)

SPdreamer: mm.. crunchy rice

Famous: today i got the following: watered-down pop; hard crunchy rice; a stray piece of chicken(?!?) in my 7-layer burrito

Ermac: thanks

Famous: there you go... even though my first sentence was still technically correct, albeit phrased "confusingly" (even though you would have to be an idiot to not know what i'm saying)

Ermac: <--idiot

Famous: sorry, man

CowGrain: I didn't get it the first time

CowGrain: man oh man

Ermac: <mofo> <--idiot

Famous: hey mofo

CowGrain: yes Anthony

Famous: you know how i always call people losers and idiots when they go to bed?

CowGrain: you do?

Famous: yes, and there's a reason for that.... now go to bed

DelMonte: haha

Ermac: DIS!

joshieboi: anyone else notice how anthony is the comedian in all of the newish quotes? what's that about?

joshieboi: he's supa' leet

joshieboi: or maybe he's just supa' funny and i don't get it

MatriXX: shut up

* MatriXX sings to himself

* MatriXX is in love with courtney westburg still

MatriXX: dammit she is hot

Ermac: boo

MatriXX: no!!

MatriXX: courtney westburg is hot as hell

MatriXX: if only she knew how in love with her I was

MatriXX: dammit

MatriXX: her and that girl from drill team

MatriXX: i forget her name

Ermac: hailey williams?

MatriXX: yea!!!

MatriXX: dammit!!

MatriXX: she is hot as hell!!!

Ermac: ugh

MatriXX: what's wrong with you!!

Ermac: out of all the actual hot chicks on drill team

MatriXX: oh geez

Ermac: you had to pick the one..oh i'll be nice

akkmed: i am the luckiest son of a bitch in the world today

akkmed: i did something that every man half dreams of

akkmed: two chicks came into fred meyer

akkmed: one of them i had talked to before

Ermac: sex with them in the back room?

akkmed: no

akkmed: they took me outside to their waiting jaguar and i made out with both of them

Ermac: whoa..crazy

akkmed: yeah

akkmed: i know

akkmed: they got pictures of it too

akkmed: i'm going to get copies when they come in to develop them, they took the pictures, not me btw

Ermac: pictures of what?

akkmed: and i'm going to post them, just cuz this is the coolest day ever

akkmed: of me making out with them

Ermac: cool

Ermac: but where they hot?

Ermac: and why?

akkmed: yes they were hot

akkmed: and why what?

Ermac: did they make out with you

akkmed: why does the sun shine?

Ermac: certainly not to make out with kevin

Famous: so sublime has another album out

Famous: they've now released more albums after the death of their singer than they did before

Ermac: yep

Reesie: they sure seem to be doing well for a band whose lead singer has been dead for five years

* Ermac grabs the sublime sponge, squeezing it for years and years to demonstrate the metaphor

Reesie: hehe

Famous: hey shane, that's isn't... oh, never mind... i mistook that sublime sponge for the tupac sponge

Famous: they are very similar

* Ermac flips the sponge over, revealing the TUPAC sponge

Famous: if a member of ysib dies, we shouldn't tell anyone

Famous: and just keep releasing albums

Reesie: yeah

Famous: yeah, it would be cool to be popular enough where the band member's death increases the popularity of the band

Famous: there's a fine line... somewhere between blind melon and sublime

Ermac: well

Ermac: blind melon got a new singer

Ermac: sublime just kept re-releasing shiznit

Famous: but they aren't "blind melon" anymore... and they sure aren't as popular as they were doing "no rain" fever

Ermac: i thoguht they kept the name?

Ermac: well..they did for a while, at least

Ermac: the members of sublime are now in long beach dub all stars

Famous: yeah

Ermac: doing covers of sublime songs with different words and a different singer

Reesie: hehe

Famous: oh really... is that what they do?

Famous: ugh

Ermac: not literally :)

Ermac: but they sound exactly the same, maybe a little slower

Famous: oh

Famous: i see

Famous: hey, blind melon played blind melon songs with joe candlebox on vocals at some show after shannon's death

Famous: i bet it was the greatest thing ever

Ermac: haha

Ermac: ah, joe candlebox

Famous: "who can we find who is more of a dumbass than our old lead singer?" "um... is joe candlebox available?" "i could give him a call..."

Reesie: I'm seriously debating on whether or not the millennium expo would be worth the trouble... I wanna go :)

Famous: ?

Reesie: the seattle sci fi convention in march

Reesie: tim russ... the guy who plays darth vader... barbara march and gwyneth walsh... decent lineup

Famous: "thanks for coming everyone, and now... the guy who plays darth vader!"

BobbyMcR: so, how about fixedsys?

BobbyMcR: isn't that the coolest font west of the mississippi?

BobbyMcR: east of the mississippi, it's courier new

BobbyMcR: for whatever reason, they elected different "coolest fonts" for eastern and western US

BobbyMcR: don't ask me how it works, i'm just reporting the results of the election

SPdreamer: thanks, Brian

BobbyMcR: what does the red light/green light criggity-crap mean in napster?

Ermac: online/offline? not sure

BobbyMcR: hmm

BobbyMcR: what about yellow light then?

Ermac: yellow means..almost offline..

BobbyMcR: means...about to be offline, better floor it!

Ermac: yep

Ermac: and then you can speed your download up

BobbyMcR: yes

BobbyMcR: there's the new "gas pedal" feature in napster

UberBeth: !translate english german your mom is a ho

Lizadrin: Translating 'your mom is a ho' from english to german....

Lizadrin: Ihr mom ist ein ho

Arden: hehe

UberBeth: !translate german english ihr mom ist ein ho

Lizadrin: Translating 'ihr mom ist ein ho' from german to english....

Lizadrin: you mom are ho

UberBeth: eh....... close enough

Arden: you, mom, are ho

t3kno: There were like 300+ students in the computer lab all frantically working on last minute reports and such for there classes.

Akkmed: sons of bitches

t3kno: yeah

Akkmed: i say you take a gun to school and kill them all

BobbyMcR: yeah

BobbyMcR: no

BobbyMcR: wait

BobbyMcR: first make a list

SPdreamer: okay kids

SPdreamer: what movies should I rent tonight?

Ermac: me

SPdreamer: *writing down* Shane

SPdreamer: what else?

Ermac: hehe..actually..that movie isn't very good

SPdreamer: dissed

Akkmed: so what does it take to get on liz' good list?

DelMonte: oral sex

SPdreamer: she's picky, too

Akkmed: i don't go in for those sort of back door shenanigans

Ermac: yeah..good oral sex

SPdreamer: Shane!

Akkmed: i suck at oral sex, ;-)

SPdreamer: me too

SPdreamer: it's all good

Ermac: brooke, you rawk at oral sex

SPdreamer: thanks

SPdreamer: I'll have to "hook you up" sometime

Akkmed: can you give me any pointers brooke?

Ermac: excellent..

Akkmed: for the ladies of course

SPdreamer: um.. don't get it from chris

SPdreamer: (dissssss)

Ermac: ouch!

DelMonte: *looks around*

Akkmed: i felt that one over here in the valley

Ermac: son have a bitch

moonrock: SONE OF A SHANE

Akkmed: shane! you never told us you had a sone!

Ermac: alas

Ermac: i have a bastard sone

moonrock: his one any only

SPdreamer: aww.. Kelly emailed me!

SPdreamer: Hi, :-)

SPdreamer: My name is Kelly. I just turned 18. I'm still in high school.

SPdreamer: Me and my cute girl friends got really nasty at school and decided to show you what we did in gym class.

SPdreamer: You won't believe what you'll see!

Akkmed: wow

Akkmed: that's hot

Akkmed: what's the link i wanna see now

SPrklMstR: I wanna see!

SPrklMstR: forward it!

SPrklMstR: :)

Akkmed: my appetite has been piqued

SPdreamer: uh.. click the link

DelMonte: must... pay... money... to... website!

Lizadrin: [Reesie] Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations

*** Lizadrin sets mode: +o Reesie

DelMonte: Ceriggityreese!

SPdreamer: I don't get that kind of greeting

DelMonte: you kinda have to have a 2-syllable plus name

Ermac: brrrrriggitybrooke!

Reesie: hehe

SPdreamer: yay!

DelMonte: I slouch corrected

SPdreamer: thanks, shane

Ermac: wah..herbie in an hour :(

BobbyMcR: ??

BobbyMcR: herbie?

Ermac: havrey dagner

Ermac: you could go see them

BobbyMcR: no i couldn't

BobbyMcR: where?

BobbyMcR: ?

Ermac: umm

Ermac: sit/spin

BobbyMcR: and that is...?

Ermac: asshole

BobbyMcR: ??

Ermac: !!

BobbyMcR: @_@

BobbyMcR: (^_^)

CowGrain: it's there...

* CowGrain steals Brian

BobbyMcR: oh

BobbyMcR: i've been kidnapped

CowGrain: yes

CowGrain: now I shall ransom you for $4.75

BobbyMcR: alright

BobbyMcR: going once...

BobbyMcR: going twice...

BobbyMcR: sold to jesus segura!

BobbyMcR: alright, give me the $4.75

CowGrain: dammit

* CowGrain pays out

BobbyMcR: yay

CowGrain: oh wait...

BobbyMcR: i'll be going now...

* BobbyMcR begins to do that cartoon running thing

CowGrain: fawk!

* BobbyMcR starts running in place, ready to take off any time now...

* CowGrain begins to do that real life running thing with cartoon sound effects

BobbyMcR: interesting

CowGrain: it makes it sound like i'm going fast

Jiffypop: hehehe, i read "Jack in the Box Trainee Eats His Coat" yesterday

BobbyMcR: my original work

BobbyMcR: i'm a playwright, you know

Jiffypop: oh really?

Jiffypop: :)

BobbyMcR: yeah

BobbyMcR: i've written 'many' other things

Jiffypop: 'many', huh ... such as? :)

BobbyMcR: oh, i don't think i need to mention them here

* Jiffypop laughs

* BobbyMcR sings the "office 2000 sucks" song

*** IAmRob ( has joined #SuperDeluxe

BobbyMcR: are you rob?

IAmRob: Yes, yes I am.

Jiffypop: hi "rob"

IAmRob: Hi "pop".

BobbyMcR: rob, do you like the smashing pumpkins?

Jiffypop: :)

IAmRob: Only on Halloween ;)

BobbyMcR: there's a "the" in there to avoid confusion between the action and the band

IAmRob: Oh, yeah, I can't read.

BobbyMcR: rob, you're dumb

IAmRob: Yes, yes I am.

* Jiffypop puts a "Hi. My Name Is ... ROB" sticker on rob

Jiffypop: just seemed fitting

BobbyMcR: with the ellipsis and everything

*** KingEdwrd ( has joined #SuperDeluxe

Jiffypop: :P poo!

BobbyMcR: eddie

BobbyMcR: is

BobbyMcR: here

Jiffypop: thanks for that brian.

Jiffypop: :)

BobbyMcR: what brian?

* BobbyMcR plays several rimshots at the same time

KingEdwrd: hey hey

Jiffypop: we're the monkies

BobbyMcR: 'monkies'?

KingEdwrd: you know

KingEdwrd: "hey hey were the monkeys, people say we monkey around"

BobbyMcR: yeah, those guys are always busy singing

Jiffypop: hmm, i thought it looked wrong

KingEdwrd: yup

BobbyMcR: a little too busy, if you ask me

KingEdwrd: no way man

BobbyMcR: well, i guess that prevents them from putting anyone down

BobbyMcR: that's a plus

* Jiffypop cracks open a bottle of Fire

Jiffypop: yay for spawned snapple products!

* BobbyMcR grabs a bottle of scotch and watches lots of crotch

Jiffypop: "all natural"

BobbyMcR: fruiti-o's are all natural

Jiffypop: that's what makes them so good

BobbyMcR: uh-huh

*** CowGrain ( has joined #SuperDeluxe

Lizadrin: [CowGrain] <moonrock> bah bah black sheep have you any wool...

Jiffypop: yes sir, yes sir, three bags full ...

* CowGrain gives Ban a prize

* CowGrain falls asleep

Jiffypop: thanks!

* Ermac kicks the mofo

* Jiffypop pokes mofo

* CowGrain ows

* CowGrain giggles

Jiffypop: *poke, poke*

* CowGrain cries since he laughed and shane gave him a bruise

Jiffypop: :)

Ermac: yay

* CowGrain laugh/cries some more

Jiffypop: *poke, poke*

* CowGrain laugh/cries so much he dies

Jiffypop: oh no!

Jiffypop: :)

CowGrain: well there goes the mofo

Jiffypop: hey, you can't say that

CowGrain: yes I can

Ermac: die

Jiffypop: no. you can't.

* Jiffypop scowls

CowGrain: if Shane can do it I can do it

CowGrain: too

Jiffypop: yeah, but you're not cool like shane ... i don't think it works

Ermac: :D

CowGrain: nope it still does

Jiffypop: no. it doesn't.

Jiffypop: >:Z

Ermac: DIS!

* CowGrain looks through the laws from the start of the channel and says that he can

CowGrain: being a founding father...

* CowGrain implodes

Ermac: hurrah!

BobbyMcR: hehe, some 40 year old guy (at least he looks it) is talking to someone about his comp. programming I course

BobbyMcR: ha

BobbyMcR: i'm taking that next quarter

BobbyMcR: man, old people and college

BobbyMcR: not a good mix

* Jiffypop groans

BobbyMcR: there are some old people in my physics class

BobbyMcR: they don't know anything

BobbyMcR: but i guess i should be glad they're in there, lowering the curve and stuff

Jiffypop: :)

BobbyMcR: it's a shame we are reduced to that level of thinking

BobbyMcR: but that's college for ya!!

* BobbyMcR plays ending theme music

Jiffypop: *credits roll*

CowGrain: oh look vegetarian lasagna

Jiffypop: "yay"

CowGrain: oh look, vegetarian Brian Rogers.

BobbyMcR: wah

BobbyMcR: i'm not a vegetarian!

BobbyMcR: really, guys

BobbyMcR: look, i'm eating meat!

* BobbyMcR eats 'meat'

CowGrain: no you just play one in real life

BobbyMcR: damn, single quotes

BobbyMcR: well, i guess i am then

* CowGrain point and laughs at Brian or whatever

BobbyMcR: i prefer whatever to being laughed at

CowGrain: okay, I'll keep that in mind next time

Jiffypop: but what is 'whatever' really? ....

CowGrain: hot hot hot

BobbyMcR: hot! hot! hot!

Jiffypop: HOT! HOT! HOT!

BobbyMcR: HOT!!! HOT!!! HOT!!!

CowGrain: the food was hot

Jiffypop: suuuure

BobbyMcR: spicy or temperature?

BobbyMcR: wait, is that vegetarian lasagna?

CowGrain: temp.

CowGrain: yes

BobbyMcR: what are YOU doing eating vegetables??

BobbyMcR: mr. meat-eater

Jiffypop: hehe, grrr...

CowGrain: yes because that is all I eat

* CowGrain eats an entire cow to satisfy Brians

Jiffypop: several Brians ...

CowGrain: yes

CowGrain: I speaking to his many personalities

CowGrain: which are all named Brian

CowGrain: *phew* same myself there

CowGrain: same=saved

t3kno: Hey I flew over the UofW today

BobbyMcR: you sure did...

BobbyMcR: were you actually flying a plane...or "flying a plane"

* BobbyMcR makes the 'dropping acid' motion

t3kno: haha

t3kno: What is the 'dropping acid motion' look like?

BobbyMcR: [brings piece of paper up to tongue, licks it, eyes roll back]

t3kno: Ahhh nah I didn't do that fly by..

BobbyMcR: sure... *wink, wink*

t3kno: <<wink wink>>

BobbyMcR: here you go, adam

BobbyMcR: Low Cost International Phone Sex

BobbyMcR: This special International phone sex line is unregulated by any authority. No censorship, so anything goes!

BobbyMcR: Call 1-011-6PUSSY47

BobbyMcR: or are Gay line at 1-011-678-75MEN

BobbyMcR: i got this in my hotmail account

BobbyMcR: you'll want the second number, i'm sure

t3kno: I'll leave you the 2nd #

BobbyMcR: no, it's all yours

t3kno: Nah you'd use it more than me

*** KingEdwrd ( has joined #SuperDeluxe

BobbyMcR: no, i insist

t3kno: We will just give it to Eddie

BobbyMcR: okay, eddie

BobbyMcR: call: 1-011-678-75MEN

KingEdwrd: uhh

KingEdwrd: i'll try it later

Akkmed: <tv> it is my opinion that we need to take over all those countries and set their standards for tv veiwing

Akkmed: <Internet> that's where you're wrong mr. television, when everything is on me no one will be kept from seeing anything, people will have their minds expanded

Akkmed: <TV> isn't it true though, mr. internet, that you allow hardcore pornography onto yourself?

Akkmed: <Internet> yes but with proper adult supervision this shouldn't be a problem, if parents weren't so used to sitting children in front of some stupid box maybe they would spend time with their kids

Akkmed: <danrather> okay mr. internet, you are getting a little upset, take a breathe

Reesie: g'night

BobbyMcR: bye

Akkmed: <Internet> i'm sorry, it's just that this is a real sore spot for me.

*** Reesie has quit IRC (who wants that honey? as long as there's some money :))

Akkmed: <danrather> i understand, but you need to get a hold of yourself

Akkmed: <danrather> [to camera] as you can see it's going to be a close race. who will win? only time will tell.

Akkmed: <Time> that's right dan, and i'll tell all right after these commercial messages, stick around

Akkmed: night all

*** Akkmed has quit IRC (News Flash: When pizza is on a bagel you can eat pizza anytime)

Ermac: phew

Ermac: cool..fat mike is married to "erin"

SPrklMstR: thats my mom

BobbyMcR: bobby, does nofx ever come and visit?

SPrklMstR: this is Brooke, Actually

SPrklMstR: but yeah.. all the time

*** SPrklMstR is now known as SPdreamer

BobbyMcR: oh

BobbyMcR: your mom's name is erin?

BobbyMcR: she doesn't look like an erin

SPdreamer: no.. its "erin"

BobbyMcR: ???

SPdreamer: [00:32] <Ermac> cool..fat mike is married to "erin"

BobbyMcR: oh

BobbyMcR: i see

BobbyMcR: "erin"

BobbyMcR: the quotes are right there on the birth certificate

Ermac: <chris> duh, mah name's chris..i'll convert that there neon logo..duh..yeeeup

BobbyMcR: what are you talking about?

*** Ermac changes topic to 'we h8te chris'

BobbyMcR: neon logo?

Ermac: the neon logo you made

BobbyMcR: oh

BobbyMcR: whatever happened to that logo?

BobbyMcR: who has it?

Ermac: i might in my scrapbook

BobbyMcR: i don't think i have it anymore

BobbyMcR: i made a really good version of it just for you!

Ermac: i might have given it to chris tho

BobbyMcR: asshole

Ermac: yes he is

BobbyMcR: no, you!!

Ermac: :~~~~~~~~(!!!

BobbyMcR: :~~~~~~~~(

BobbyMcR: ow, my mouth!!

BobbyMcR: so how did your getting assignment plan work out?

t3kno: Turns out the teacher changed the date so its cool

BobbyMcR: well, that's good

t3kno: The main assigment I was worried about which was a lab I did yesterday in record time.. :)

BobbyMcR: whew

t3kno: So I now have the IT 217 record for building a computer.

BobbyMcR: that was your lab?

BobbyMcR: "building a computer"?

t3kno: Yep

t3kno: In under 30 min.

BobbyMcR: how does one do this?

CowGrain: magic

BobbyMcR: wow

BobbyMcR: i always i know

BobbyMcR: so macintoshes must be built using black magic?

Akkmed: what up with brooke?

Ermac: ?

t3kno: what up with you?

Akkmed: why is life so good to brooke?

Akkmed: (in reference to topic)

Ermac: everyone hates her

Severian: duh

Akkmed: my bad

*** SPdreamer ( has joined #SuperDeluxe

Akkmed: can a brotha get some ops?

SPdreamer: if I had some.. they would be yours

Akkmed: how sweet

SPdreamer: thats my middle name

Akkmed: what on odd name

SPdreamer: Brooke Sweet Perrin

Akkmed: i'm kevin fucking isaacson

SPdreamer: do you really fuck?

Akkmed: no, it's just a name

Akkmed: i make sweet, sweet love

*** BobbyMcR ( has joined #SuperDeluxe

BobbyMcR: hi

SPrklMstR: w3rd

BobbyMcR: yes, it is

BobbyMcR: so...

BobbyMcR: how about the concept of IRC, eh?

BobbyMcR: pretty crazy, huh?

SPrklMstR: yep

SPrklMstR: K-Razy

BobbyMcR: yeah

BobbyMcR: ...


BobbyMcR: some1 sux

BobbyMcR: his name is thou

Ermac: thou = kevin

BobbyMcR: no!!!!

BobbyMcR: wait, that's kevin's line

BobbyMcR: yes!!!!

Ermac: ah are filling in for the prompter

Akkmed: i'm not going to dignify that with a response

BobbyMcR: dis

*** DA^BOMB ( jas joined #SuperDeluxe

Akkmed: are you really da bomb or is that just a name?

DA^BOMB: are u really gay?

Akkmed: no, but i play one on tv

Akkmed: i'm sensing some anger

Akkmed: do you want to talk about it?

DA^BOMB: and who are you again?

Akkmed: depends, who are you?

DA^BOMB: a dangerous person

Akkmed: i bet

Akkmed: does mr. dangerous person have a name?

Akkmed: i'm sure that's not on your birth certificate

*** Ermac ( has joined #SuperDeluxe

Ermac: any hos here?

Ermac: oh good..da^bomb

BobbyMcR: so

Ermac: os

BobbyMcR: Mac OS

CowGrain: 9.0

* CowGrain takes a few things and sticks them up Brians Yeah!

Ermac: .634

BobbyMcR: 3.1415926535897932384626433

BobbyMcR: so, how about that "irc"?

Ermac: i declare this day "Busiest Day on IRC for 2000"

Ermac: there are still a lot more days in 2000, but there's no way today can be topped

BobbyMcR: i agree

BobbyMcR: oops, i flooded the channel!!

Ermac: yeah, slow down, buddy!

Ermac: we don't need to add to this busy day!

*** BobbyMcR ( has joined #SuperDeluxe

Lizadrin: [BobbyMcR] work sucks!!!

BobbyMcR: damn

BobbyMcR: the computer froze my ass

Ermac: hah

BobbyMcR: no

Ermac: -hah

BobbyMcR: good

Ermac: :X

BobbyMcR: :O

Ermac: B:O

BobbyMcR: this gawdamn mouse isn't working

Ermac: the B is my fist

BobbyMcR: uh...

BobbyMcR: looks like a guy with his sunglasses up

BobbyMcR: alright, problem solved

Ermac: ass

BobbyMcR: ?

Ermac: !

BobbyMcR: i like pringles

BobbyMcR: they were having a sale at bartell drugs

Ermac: pringles like you

BobbyMcR: pringles 99 cents each

BobbyMcR: (each chip, that is)

Ermac: wow! what a sale

BobbyMcR: okay, okay, it's 99 cents per can

BobbyMcR: joke's over

BobbyMcR: so i stocked up

BobbyMcR: nothing says loving like some guy

BobbyMcR: [some guy:] loving!

* BobbyMcR kills the guy

* Ermac loved that guy

BobbyMcR: sorry

* Ermac beats brian up severely in a fit of rage

BobbyMcR: no!!!

BobbyMcR: two wrongs don't make a right!!

Ermac: too late

* Ermac goes and kills himself

Ermac: some loving this guy had

Reesie: lauralee

CowGrain: Laurie!

Reesie: give me food

* Reesie sets up a donation fund: Food 4 Reesie

* Arden gives reesee some canned milk cookies

Reesie: sick

Reesie: sicksicksick

Reesie: that was gross

CowGrain: so Cerise what is this meal that Laurie speaks of?

Arden: sorry, it's the only food i have :)

Reesie: I'll eat 'em, Laurie. better than greek crap

CowGrain: who that fo'

Arden: hey!

Arden: screw you!

Reesie: Jesus, it was this time when we had to make cookies for something but Laurie had no milk so we used canned milk. it was nasty

Arden: at least i make my pbj right

Reesie: psh

Reesie: I think it was for the bakesale...?

Arden: actually we used canned instead of evaporated.. psh, what's the difference?

Reesie: ahhh that's right

Reesie: I told you there was a difference

Reesie: but you wouldn't listen

Reesie: "my house, my recipe!"

Arden: shut up1

Reesie: shut up2

* Arden kills reesie

Arden: shut up.

Reesie: and pbj is ALWAYS better with butter

Reesie: (my dying words)

Arden: it is not!

Arden: (my killing words)

Reesie: show some respect for the dead, do not argue

Arden: *kicks over tombstone*

Reesie: hey!

Reesie: ooh... frozen pizza... mmmm

Arden: haha "what do you want on your tombstone..?"

Arden: looks like all you get is my foot!

Reesie: "pepperoni (gross) and cheese!"

* Reesie eats Laurie's foot

Arden: you cant eat my foot you're dead you stupid ho!

Reesie: the dead can eat

Arden: they can dance, too

Reesie: where do you think they got "angel food cake?"

CowGrain: hold 'em back

Akkmed: dead men throw good parties

Reesie: indeed

Akkmed: me so tired

SPdreamer: weqhd

Akkmed: i'll take your keyed mumblings, brooke, as agreement

SPdreamer: good

SPdreamer: talked to chris lately?

Akkmed: no, why?

SPdreamer: well, tell him to burn in hell!

Akkmed: did he come out of the closet?

SPdreamer: *shrug*

SPdreamer: yeah

Reesie: hm

SPdreamer: he's actually bi sexual

Akkmed: is there real stryfe or are you being sarcastic?

SPdreamer: a little of both, I'm thinking

Ermac: i thought he said he was bi before

SPdreamer: has he?

SPdreamer: well, he's not

Ermac: oh

Akkmed: he's totally butt-ass-gay now

SPdreamer: he's a liar

SPdreamer: trying to make chicks believe he's so free thinkin'

Ermac: ha ha

Ermac: that's what i need to do

Ermac: "i'm gay..but..i just can't resist you..."

Ermac: <girl> "take me now!"

Akkmed: <chris> yeah baby, i'm gay *galglalgalg* <----(making out sounds)

SPdreamer: exactly

Akkmed: it took longer for my joke cuz i was trying to think of what making out sounds like

SPdreamer: well, both were funny

Akkmed: it seemed appropriate then to just randomly type "g"s "a"s and "l"s

Ermac: :Pq:

Akkmed: ahh

Ermac: "gay" chris ---> :Pq: <---chick he won over

Akkmed: i was looking more for a sound effect than a picture

Akkmed: sound effects are more effective than pictures

Ermac: you're more effective than pictures

BobbyMcR: hey, kevin...remember that project we did together about one of dickens' books?

BobbyMcR: and how 'good' of a job we did?

A3Kmed: no

A3Kmed: didn't we just get cliff's notes?

BobbyMcR: yeah

A3Kmed: <jafu> i'm shanking shots like a mofo

BobbyMcR: and we wrote like a 2 paragraph thing

A3Kmed: some guy in #tmbg knows mofo

BobbyMcR: that lasted about 1 minute

A3Kmed: i just remember that steinborn sucked

A3Kmed: mostly cuz she was jewish

BobbyMcR: she wasn't jewish

BobbyMcR: she was christian, ee-dyote

A3Kmed: but she's got a jewish-ey name, and that's enough for me

BobbyMcR: yeah

BobbyMcR: i 'h8' the jooze

A3Kmed: I h8 jews

A3Kmed: damn you

*** A3Kmed changes topic to '<BobbyMcR> i 'h8' the jooze'

BobbyMcR: jooze, rhymes with booze

A3Kmed: i get it, i get it

*** BobbyMcR changes topic to '<BobbyMcR> i 'h8' the...[Kevin]'

*** A3Kmed changes topic to '<BobbyMcR> i 'h8' the...[Heteros, me like the gays]'

*** BobbyMcR changes topic to '<A3Kmed> i 'h8' the...[Heteros, me like the gays]'

*** A3Kmed changes topic to '<BobbyMcR> I am gay, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. [kissing guy]'

BobbyMcR: have you ever read losing faith in faith?

A3Kmed: no

BobbyMcR: it's cool

*** BobbyMcR changes topic to 'anyone who changes this topic from now on is a Fundamentalist Christian'

BobbyMcR: the worst insult!!

*** A3Kmed changes topic to 'Brian Rogers has found God, can I get an Amen?'

A3Kmed: and so i finally show my true colors

BobbyMcR: damn

BobbyMcR: he's Gott me there

BobbyMcR: 'Gott' being german for 'God'

BobbyMcR: but you know ALL about that, don't you?

A3Kmed: no, why do you say that

BobbyMcR: mr. guy-that-took-'germin'

A3Kmed: no i didn't

* A3Kmed runs away

* BobbyMcR punches him

* A3Kmed remembers that he can't be punched though because he has run away, (wtg kev)

* BobbyMcR punches him anyway, despite objections

* BobbyMcR awaits his reaction...

A3Kmed: you are a dirty whore

* A3Kmed kicks brian in the groinal zone

BobbyMcR: ooh, sweet revenge

BobbyMcR: *dies*

* BobbyMcR died of a fatal 'groinal' injury

A3Kmed: mmmm...sweet, sweet revenge, tastes like meat

* BobbyMcR 's dead body "cries"

A3Kmed: me puts large steak in brian's mouth and squirts a1 all over him

A3Kmed: mmmm....

BobbyMcR: *wah-oh*

BobbyMcR: *(asterisks indicate "deadspeak")*

A3Kmed: where'd that sound come from?

* A3Kmed kicks brian in his frontal lobe

* BobbyMcR prays to god and comes back to life

BobbyMcR: yay

A3Kmed: nooooooo

BobbyMcR: my lord has prevailed once again

* A3Kmed kicks God in groinal zone

*** A3Kmed is now known as xtian_god

* xtian_god dies

*** xtian_god is now known as A3Kmed

A3Kmed: yay

BobbyMcR: uh-oh

BobbyMcR: that's no good

BobbyMcR: i am without purpose!!

* BobbyMcR killz his-self

* A3Kmed once again kicks brian in groinal zone

BobbyMcR: *nope, already dead, sorry*

BobbyMcR: *didn't do any good*

* A3Kmed kicked brian in groinal zone for fun

BobbyMcR: *oh*

BobbyMcR: *well, i suppose that is alright*

* BobbyMcR musters up the strength left after dying to sport a "thumbs up" sign

* A3Kmed eats brian's thumb

BobbyMcR: *if i were alive, that would have hurt*

BobbyMcR: *or should i say...*

BobbyMcR: *[annoying voice:] that musta HUUUUURTT!*

* A3Kmed surgically removes brians vocal chords

* A3Kmed then proceeds to eat them

BobbyMcR: *well, this is doesn't require vocal cords*

* A3Kmed surgically removes brian's deadspeak chords and prodeeds to eat them as well

* A3Kmed kicks brian in his deadspeaking mouth

A3Kmed: take that, speaking while dead boy!

BobbyMcR: *you must have removed something else, because i have vocal CORDS, not CHORDS*

BobbyMcR: *ha*

* A3Kmed eats brian's brain so he can no longer formulate smart ass remarks whilst dead

BobbyMcR: *deadspeak, my friend...if it required a brain, it would be actual communication!*

BobbyMcR: *(TM)*

* BobbyMcR lives again

BobbyMcR: alright, i've had enough

A3Kmed: what the?!?!?!?!?

A3Kmed: fuck it

* BobbyMcR befriends the little scamp known as A3Kmed

BobbyMcR: let's be friends to the end, man

BobbyMcR: to the friendly end

A3Kmed: hold me

SPdreamer: hey now

SPdreamer: wah

Ermac: you're an all-star?

SPdreamer: yes

Ermac: then i suggest you get your game on

SPdreamer: I think I will

* SPdreamer goes and plays

Ermac: excellent

Ermac: adam is lame

t3kno: Adam is GOD

Ermac: mistake

t3kno: And not one of those false buddha ones

Ermac: <madonna in new video..and her old ones too> hi my name's madonna..did i mention i'm not wearing a bra? well here, let me bounce up and down constantly in slow motion! *does so*

Ermac: i told you i would return when the robin leaves/makes his nest..

Ermac: which one is it?

DelMonte: makes his nest

Ermac: i can't 'member

Ermac: thank ya

DelMonte: it would have to be all stretched out if it were leaves

DelMonte: "I told you I would return.. when the robin lee-hee-heeves"

Ermac: er

Ermac: well i meant "when the robin (makes/leaves) his nest"

DelMonte: ohh

DelMonte: yeah

DelMonte: well, still makes

Ermac: i had to use a math formula

Ermac: hehe

DelMonte: and i still ain't never coming back

Ermac: sorry

Ermac: 8ball i'm sorrry

Ermac: 8ball i'm saw...ha ha reee

DelMonte: you're sorry?

DelMonte: you're sorry?

DelMonte: sorry we broke up

A3Kmed: what about your sorry?

SPdreamer: wihefiwa

Ermac: sorry i wanted only to kiss you

DelMonte: YOU'RE gonna be the one who's sorry

SPdreamer: what the hell song is this?

SPdreamer: aowjfoawjfaorj

A3Kmed: to take...a break...

DelMonte: first it was "butterfly," then it was "sorry," then it was "you're gonna be the one who's sorry"

A3Kmed: some... and have...some space........

A3Kmed: gimme my money back, gimme my money back, you bitch

A3Kmed: i want my money back

DelMonte: and don't forget

DelMonte: and don't forget

A3Kmed: to give me back my black t-shirt

DelMonte: I am jet black, I am stone cold

DelMonte: jet black, to the center

DelMonte: funny like a funeral

DelMonte: I need you to bury me

A3Kmed: i wish i hadn't bought you dinner, right before you dumped me on your front porch

SPdreamer: um

DelMonte: old man on the back porch

DelMonte: old man on the back porch

DelMonte: old man on the back porch

DelMonte: and that old man is me

DelMonte: old man, please stay a while

DelMonte: I know I've seemed too busy

Ermac: i'll make ya coffee

Ermac: i'll make ya toast

DelMonte: but now I'll make the time

DelMonte: please tell me one more story

Ermac: but, i want use butter

DelMonte: story of my li-hi-hi-hife

A3Kmed: will you use cheese?

DelMonte: story of my li-hife

Ermac: no!

Ermac: i won't use jelly

Ermac: i won't use any of these things

Lizadrin: Ermac, Hayol no, bitch!

A3Kmed: what will you uswe?

DelMonte: what, then, will you use?

Lizadrin: Ermac, We won't go there

Ermac: liz is lagged

Ermac: i'll uuuuse vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaahaahahaaaaaasoline

A3Kmed: mmmm

A3Kmed: vaseline

DelMonte: mmmm

DelMonte: kevin sucks

A3Kmed: i know a guy who goes to shows

* DelMonte throws up at the idea of eating vaseline

A3Kmed: and when he's at home and he blows his nose

* Ermac uses vaseline for "eating"

A3Kmed: he don't use napkins

A3Kmed: or his sleeves

* DelMonte uses vaseline for anal sex

Ermac: guys have inspired me to listen to old nerf herder next

A3Kmed: he don't use tissue or any of these

Ermac: new nerf herder rocks..although it's a short cd like the old one

DelMonte: he uses taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaangerines

A3Kmed: he uses maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagaaaazines

A3Kmed: no

DelMonte: (to blow his nose on, of course)

A3Kmed: that's the girl who wants her hair to be REAL orange

Ermac: "ow! my nose!"

Ermac: yeah

Ermac: and you can't get tangerines at the store, obviously

A3Kmed: that you buy at the store to color your hair bitch!

A3Kmed: it's unspoken

Ermac: can't buy it at "the store"

Ermac: i saw her at the club

DelMonte: she was hangin' with the french girl

Ermac: [french girl's name]

Ermac: in the first cd, she has lips just like cherry coke

Ermac: but in the new cd, she has lips like strawberry quik

Ermac: is that an improvement?

DelMonte: I would say so

Ermac: i suppose strawberry quick is a little "smoother"

DelMonte: I'd rather have a ho with strawberry quik lips than cherry coke lips

Ermac: haha..yeah..a ho

Ban: we're watching your lorifest vid

Ban: hehehhe

Ermac: that was a cute outfit..yellow glasses..tank top under mesh


Ban: rock your body right! backstreet's back ALRIGHT!!!

Ermac: hehehe

Ermac: i wanna ysib again

Ban: hehehe, your pants were really shiny in the "stage" lights

Ermac: scary

Ermac: i was just trying to attract attention to my lower know me

CowGrain: Magnum PI

Ermac: magnum FU

CowGrain: FU?

Ermac: F U

CowGrain: Magnum Fight Ummms

Ermac: Magnum FUCK YOU MOFO

*** Ermac has quit IRC ("your gonna die, mofo")

CowGrain: wouldn't that be Magnum FYM?

*** Arden ( has joined #SuperDeluxe

DelMonte: Laaaurie!

Arden: chriiis

MatriXX: blah

DelMonte: blaaaah!

MatriXX: blaaaaaaaaah!!!

Arden: that's often the reaction i have to chris..

*** Now talking in #SuperDeluxe

*** Topic is 'this year's board this! lineup: crap, crap, and more crap (and MxPx!)'

*** Set by Ermac on Fri Mar 03 13:48:15

NiSa: i finally got ice cream

DelMonte: yay!

NiSa: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

NiSa: yummie

t3kno: <<mmmm>>

BobbyMcR: bleh

BobbyMcR: cookie dough is only good as baked cookies

NiSa: no it's good in ice cream

BobbyMcR: nope

BobbyMcR: sorry, but that is incorrect

DelMonte: psh

DelMonte: cookie dough ice cream rules

Nisa: see everyone agrees with me Brian

BobbyMcR: yes

BobbyMcR: everyone = chris

DelMonte: awwww yeah

Nisa: so that's good's still 2 against one

BobbyMcR: well, i'll find someone...

Nisa: where's Adam?

t3kno: I'm here

Nisa: do u like Chocolate chip cookie dough?

DelMonte: "u"... hrmph.

t3kno: yeah

DelMonte: yay!

DelMonte: everyone does agree with her!

Nisa: does the cookie dough taste better baked?

Nisa: hehe

DelMonte: it gets old faster as cookie dough

t3kno: Cookies (baked) and ice cream are better though

DelMonte: but for any batch of cookies I would bake, I would certainly reserve some for consumption in dough form

*** S0meGuy ( has joined #superdeluxe

S0meGuy: hello, ladies and gentlemen

S0meGuy: i do not like cookie dough ice cream

BobbyMcR: ha

Nisa: in L.A. they have these things called Pazookies (warm cookies, and ice cream in the middle...its grubbin)

BobbyMcR: see??

BobbyMcR: ??

Nisa: lol

Nisa: talkin to yourself again

S0meGuy: what do you mean, Nisa_?

S0meGuy: i am completely independent of BobbyMcR

Nisa: S0meGuy is * NotBrian

Nisa: S0meGuy on #superdeluxe

Nisa: S0meGuy using Frontier GlobalCenter IRC West Server

Nisa: S0meGuy End of /WHOIS list.

DelMonte: haha

Nisa: BobbyMcR is * Brian

Nisa: BobbyMcR on @#JoeFudge @#superdeluxe @#YSIB

Nisa: BobbyMcR using [] Server in the Woods

Nisa: BobbyMcR End of /WHOIS list.

Nisa: lol

S0meGuy: it clearly says NotBrian

S0meGuy: which happens to be my name

S0meGuy: NotBrian UnRogers

S0meGuy: it's swahili

Nisa: that's great

*** Someb0dy (DoughRoolz@ has joined #superdeluxe

Nisa: hehe

Nisa: i can do that too

Someb0dy: Apparently there has been some discussion as to the desirability of eating cookie dough in ice cream

Someb0dy: I feel compelled to give my opinion on the matter

S0meGuy: yes there has, Someb0dy

*** Someb0dy is now known as Everyone

S0meGuy: what is it?

Everyone: It roolz

Nisa: lol

*** IAmEvry1 ( has joined #superdeluxe

Nisa: some of us are really bored tonite

IAmEvry1: hello

IAmEvry1: i have somehow heard the conversation in this channel

t3kno: all of us I think

Everyone: Hey, *I'm* everyone

IAmEvry1: my nick clearly states that I am everyone

IAmEvry1: and cookie dough ice cream is no good

Everyone: no, you are I am everyone

Everyone: I am everyone

* Nisa is about to die of laughter

IAmEvry1: it is clear that cookie dough ice cream sucks

IAmEvry1: who is with me?

S0meGuy: me!!

DelMonte: not me!

BobbyMcR: I am!!

Everyone: not me!

Nisa: not me!!!

BobbyMcR: well, it's 3-3

IAmEvry1: yes, quite a predicament

Nisa: 3 against 2

BobbyMcR: no

BobbyMcR: I say sux

IAmEvry1: i say sux

Nisa: im confused

S0meGuy: i say sux

Everyone: the number of "not me"s is greater than the number of "me"s and "I am"s

Everyone: so we win!

Everyone: 3-2!

IAmEvry1: you must be one of those "the millenium is 2000" bastards

Everyone: agreeing with IAmEvry1 vs. not agreeing with IAmEvry1

Everyone: you must be one of those guys who sucks

*** Smilie^ ( has joined #superdeluxe

*** OtherGuy ( has joined #superdeluxe

OtherGuy: hello, everyone

Smilie^: hi

OtherGuy: and iamevery1

OtherGuy: etc.

OtherGuy: i believe there is a debate going on here

OtherGuy: is that correct?

Everyone: I'm not willing to open that many irc windows

OtherGuy: the debate is about cookie dough ice cream

OtherGuy: and i say it sucks

Everyone: since I'm everyone, many people are typing as one through me

Smilie^: Cookie dough ice cream is the bomb

OtherGuy: uh-huh...

Everyone: 6 billion, actually

Smilie^: who's with me!!!

Everyone: yay

OtherGuy: sorry

OtherGuy: cookie dough ice cream sucks

Nisa: i's yummy

Nisa: no u suck

Nisa: heheh

OtherGuy: cookie dough ice cream will hereafter be referred to a CDIC

OtherGuy: CDIC sucks

IAmEvry1: CDIC sucks!

S0meGuy: CDIC sucks!

BobbyMcR: CDIC sux!!

Smilie^: sorry dude it does not

BobbyMcR: nope

Everyone: you suck CDIC

BobbyMcR: we're all clearalsdfa

* BobbyMcR laughs while typing

BobbyMcR: touché

IAmEvry1: still, the fact remains that "see dick" sucks

Nisa: lol

OtherGuy: agreed

S0meGuy: yep, i say CDIC is almost as bad as DIC, that old cartoon production company

S0meGuy: the one that did inspector gadget

OtherGuy: yes, among others

Smilie^: you guis must be bored to be debating CCCD ice cream

Everyone: I was thinking of the same thign

BobbyMcR: yeah, i remember that

DelMonte: thing

Everyone: right

Smilie^: goodbye lovely people

Everyone: CCCD ice cream?

S0meGuy: what the hell is that?

OtherGuy: hmm

Nisa: Chocolate Chip cookie dough

OtherGuy: oh

Everyone: "yoo GWEE"

*** Smilie^ has quit IRC (Leaving)

OtherGuy: well, it has been fun, and i'm glad we've reached an agreement

OtherGuy: cdic sucks

Everyone: (pronounciation of "you guis")

*** OtherGuy has quit IRC ((cookie dough sucks...but nintendon't))

*** S0meGuy has quit IRC (i agree...suck my CDIC, CDIC!)

*** Everyone has quit IRC ('fraid not)

*** IAmEvry1 has quit IRC ('fraid so)

*** DelMonte (DelMonte@ has joined #ysib

Famous: good morning

Famous: ah... he's away

DelMonte: Indeed I is

Famous: what a bastard you are

Famous: being away... what a nerve

Famous: it's a good thing you are here to talk about how away you are... wait a minute... BEING HERE?!?!?!

Famous: ash rules

Famous: here's why they rule:

Famous: 1) rockin' songs

Famous: 2) the hot chick guitarist

Famous: 3) i want to get with the hot chick guitarist

DelMonte: hehe

DelMonte: 4) you enjoy the rockin' songs?

Famous: yeah, there's that too

BobbyMcR: i heard your 'under the sea'

BobbyMcR: i heard you're under the sea

DelMonte: heh

DelMonte: it's true

BobbyMcR: both can be correct

BobbyMcR: if the price is right!

BobbyMcR: [theme music]

DelMonte: haha

DelMonte: all these sentences can be yours... if the price is right!

BobbyMcR: under my dick...under my dick

BobbyMcR: there'll be no...

BobbyMcR: uh

* BobbyMcR ends the parody

Famous: hey i was checking out that xscathedx guy's site

Famous: and saw he had a lot of your guys' stuff archived

Famous: and ysib

DelMonte: yep

DelMonte: and there's a picture of his ass, too

Famous: and that ruled how he registered

Famous: wonder how many people he's "tricked"

BobbyMcR: what's that?

Famous: this guy's domain is

Famous: and he has a subdomain called "107"

Famous: so if people go -- it goes to him

DelMonte: heh... I never thought about it

BobbyMcR: wow

Famous: the real end site is

BobbyMcR: that's pretty h-ip

Famous: he set to forward to

DelMonte: yeah, heh

Famous: christina aguliera's site

Famous: and from there i learned that christina aguliera is into KORN

Famous: hehe

BobbyMcR: that's int.

DelMonte: haha

DelMonte: wow

Famous: which makes her cooler from some reason, even though korn sucks

BobbyMcR: yeah, i guess so

DelMonte: she's just keepin' it fresh

Famous: eh... i don't have a problem with christina

DelMonte: I have a problem with her

Famous: she can actually sing, and she's actually good looking

DelMonte: I didn't until I saw the superbowl halftime show

DelMonte: and she was signing in it

DelMonte: her arm motions were annoying as all bullfuck

BobbyMcR: hehe

BobbyMcR: maybe 50% bullfuck

DelMonte: she's like "look at my arms! listen to the way my voice does that stupid whoa-ah-whoa-oo-oh thing at the end of every line! aren't I a li'l diva?"

Famous: i didn't see it

Famous: i saw a bit of that edward james olmos being a dumbfuck, though

Famous: "the magic of the millenium... blah blah blah... this makes no sense"

DelMonte: yeah

DelMonte: stupid edward james olmos

DelMonte: I thought he was cooler than that

BobbyMcR: okay, you're right

BobbyMcR: 100% bullfuck

Ermac: christina can't sing at all..and she does the dumb thing with her head too, which shows that she's living with the notes, or something

DelMonte: hahaha

Famous: i don't know

Famous: i guess we have to compare her to the lowest similar artists... that being britney spears

DelMonte: yep

Ermac: she's hotter than britney

DelMonte: she's definitely a better singer and a hotter chick than britney spears

Famous: and she's a god damn musical genius and the most beauftiful woman in the world compared to britney

Ermac: or, britney is less hot, if you want to think of it that way

BobbyMcR: britney is freakin' normal looking

DelMonte: yeah

DelMonte: that's exactly what I think

BobbyMcR: she is in no way more attractive than n-e-1 else in the damn world

DelMonte: talentless chicks aren't allowed to be famous and normal looking

DelMonte: it doesn't make sense

Ermac: britney meets the quota of "just yer average girl"s in mtv-world

Famous: here's how i look at it:

Famous: i'd do christina aguliera

Famous: and i wouldn't do britney spears... or well, maybe i would... but there would be a lot of hair pulling and clawing and screaming and stuff while i was doing it

DelMonte: haha

Ermac: yeah, i'd have rough sex with her

Famous: yep

Ermac: just so i could beat her ass and get sexual pleasure at the same time

Famous: exactly

Ermac: hehe

DelMonte: it'd be like "yeah, bitch... you like that? I'm just doing this so I can tell people about it later, what do you think about that?"

Famous: make her regret she ever met me

DelMonte: more psychological

BobbyMcR: yeah

BobbyMcR: show that bitch the what-4

Ermac: anal sex, of course

DelMonte: of course

Famous: but i'd make sweet love to christina aguliera, and enjoy it

Famous: so that's how i look at it

DelMonte: eh

DelMonte: I'd probably kick her ass too

Famous: so anyway

* Ermac kicks someone's ass

* BobbyMcR punches thee

Ermac: doh! i hast been punched!

BobbyMcR: thou hast

Ermac: thy shalt pay!

BobbyMcR: my shalt pays what?

Ermac: hehe

BobbyMcR: thy means 'your' sm4r7 guy

Ermac: thy = you now

Famous: thy suck = you now suck

Famous: and you do!

Ermac: thy = anthony is a dumbass

Ermac: hey guys, thy!

DelMonte: haha

BobbyMcR: 'thy' cool

Famous: anthony is a dumbass cool?

Ermac: th'y cool!

Famous: or you now cool?

BobbyMcR: where did you get the idea that "thy" means "you now"?

Ermac: thy = you now

Famous: yeah

Famous: he meant "thy" = "you" now

BobbyMcR: yeah, but i mean besides the fact that you made it up...?

BobbyMcR: oh

BobbyMcR: i misunderstood

BobbyMcR: but it's still wrong, any way you slice it!!

Ermac: February 13 - 8:00 - Alone Again, Natura-Diddily (BABF10)

Ermac: Maude Flanders dies (we think); Shawn Colvin guest voices as a church choir singer who consoles Ned

DelMonte: shawn colvin... how'd she get that gig? hehe

BobbyMcR: shawn colvin sucks my bitch

Famous: Shawn Colvin guest voices as a church choir singer who consoles Ned. Shawn Colvin also really sucks.

Ermac: yeah really

BobbyMcR: she had that one song...

Famous: well glad we are all in argreement there

BobbyMcR: what the dick was it?

Famous: "im stupid (note there's no aprostrophe because im stupid)"

DelMonte: sunny came home, wasn't that her?

BobbyMcR: yeah that's it

DelMonte: or sonny or whatever

BobbyMcR: and note apostrophe wasn't spelled right either

DelMonte: hehe

Famous: im stupid

Famous: as well

DelMonte: three layers of stupidity

Ermac: hehehe

BobbyMcR: yeah

BobbyMcR: trifold stupidity

DelMonte: the third of which contains two examples

Famous: "im stupid (note there's no aprostrophe because im stupid [and note i spelled 'apostrophe' wrong, also because im stupid])"

Famous: it was a #1 hit

BobbyMcR: hehe

DelMonte: "im stupid (note there's no aprostrophe because im stupid [and note i spelled 'apostrophe' wrong, also because im stupid(that apostraphe also isn't where it's supposed to be in)])"

Famous: wait, you spelled apostrophe wrong again, a different way!

Ermac: this never ends!!

BobbyMcR: no!!!!!!

DelMonte: but more to the point, I ended a sentence with a preposition

Famous: and you used a preposition at the end of the title

Famous: yeah

Famous: "The new single from Shawn Colvin [2 hours later] is currently climbing the pop charts..."

DelMonte: that would be a great song

BobbyMcR: break out the angle brackets!! < >

DelMonte: ow!

* DelMonte stabs Brian with an angle bracket, specifically, the left angle bracket

BobbyMcR: ouch

BobbyMcR: barq's has bite

DelMonte: whadda ya mean, barq's has bite?

* BobbyMcR pulls out a gun

BobbyMcR: i mean this!!

Famous: johnny! get down!

Ermac: haha

BobbyMcR: [bang! bang!]

Famous: no! johnny! for the love of god, don't die!!!

BobbyMcR: hehe

Famous: johnny!!

Famous: johnny!!

Famous: johnny!!

DelMonte: whadda ya mean, barq's has... *dies*

BobbyMcR: i like this commercial better

Ermac: you idiots made me LoL

BobbyMcR: barq's... the one with bite!

BobbyMcR: [end of commercial]

DelMonte: *shoots camera*

BobbyMcR: alright

DelMonte: (after the end of the commercial of course)

BobbyMcR: yeah

BobbyMcR: that's good

BobbyMcR: so, what would jesus do at this moment, being the only one w/ ops?

Ermac: he's lagged as all ass

Ermac: prolly gonna re-split

BobbyMcR: ass shit, that is

BobbyMcR: oops

BobbyMcR: what do you mean about all this 'split-shit'?

Ermac: you wait for a split, then get on that server and get ops

BobbyMcR: how does one find this so-called 'split'?

Ermac: #netsplit usually does a good job of reporting splits

Ermac: or watch the quit msgs

Famous: yeah

Famous: or... launch up some clones and feel it out

Famous: after a while you can just kind of get a sense for it

BobbyMcR: it's like riding a bike

Ermac: yes..exactly..

Famous: <guy riding a bike> whoa... there's a netsplit coming up

Famous: ugh... as much as i hate to admit it, stupid clowers was actually funny here

Famous: *includes quote*

CowGrain: so Anthony why is Liz such a bixnatch?

Famous: i'm not sure

Famous: maybe i'll look into it tonight

Famous: you can start eggdrop with -c and it won't go background

Famous: maybe that will give me some clues

CowGrain: maybe

CowGrain: Is all that stuff in the README?

Famous: maybe she's too embarrassed to show her face on irc

Famous: since she's forced to have the ident "jsegura"

Ermac: solved!

Famous: i just have to reassure liz

CowGrain: I'll solve you

Famous: "it's okay, they don't blame you for it... or like you any less"

Famous: i'll talk to her tonight

CowGrain: I bet you will just "talk"

CowGrain: do you know how to use the vhosts?

Famous: yeah

Famous: but they're all d-u-m


CowGrain: I know but it's better than

Famous: no

CowGrain: just use like 56k dialup or something

Famous: no... they're all stupid!! all of them!!

CowGrain: well FINE!

* CowGrain slams door

Famous: yay, he's gone

Ermac: wait, he lied!!

Ermac: he merely slammed the door!

Famous: hehe

CowGrain: yup

Famous: he just slammed the door and stayed in the room

CowGrain: CHAT request by Reveren ( port[4195]

CowGrain: and I I

CowGrain: am I I

Famous: so shane

* Famous steps in front of mofo

Famous: what's up?

Ermac: nothing much! but please, let us continue our conversation

Famous: i think we shall

* CowGrain waves his arms around trying to get someone to pay attention to him

* Famous kicks his leg backwards, into what he assumes is just empty space

Famous: i saw chris cornell today

Famous: it was a well show

* CowGrain falls to the ground, "ow"

Ermac: hey anthony, duck! i'm going to fire a gun at you!

Famous: okay

* Famous does so

* Ermac fires 5 bullets to where anthony was

Famous: hey shane

Ermac: yo

Famous: let me show you a new dance i invented

* CowGrain slows grasps his wounds and tries to get help from Anthony

Ermac: okay

* Famous jumps backwards one full step

* Famous jumps up and down in that area repeatedly

Ermac: that's an awesome dance!

Famous: you have to wear shoes with large metal spikes while doing this dance, of course

Ermac: hey anthony, will you dump this box of old syringes for me?

Famous: sure

* Famous steps forward one step

Famous: i'll just throw it all directly behind me

* Famous does so

Ermac:'s disposed of!

* CowGrain dies

Famous: shane

* CowGrain is away, Shane killed me

Famous: i hate to leave you alone in here

Famous: but i must brb

Ermac: okay, i'll just close my eyes and ignore any noises

Famous: oh... my mistake, there is someone else in here besides you and me... quoter!

Famous: but that is all

Famous: no one else... not even dead bodies

Famous: as silly as it is to suggest that

Ermac: of course!

Ermac: now go on, you silly guy!

Famous: i'm back

Famous: you know shane, i've noticed something odd about this channel

Ermac: what's that?

Famous: when i walked back in, there was a large bump in the floor

Famous: i almost tripped

Ermac: burn it!

Famous: you know, i could burn it

Famous: but i think the best thing to do would be to level it out

Famous: with a steamroller

* Famous does so

Ermac: i got our new and improved mousepad today

Famous: hip

Ermac: i should be getting our $1.01 check too

Ermac: i think i'll put that in our scrapbook

Famous: no way, man.. cash it!

Ermac: is tempting..i could buy..$1.01 worth of gas

Famous: no you idiot

Famous: don't you realize... you can call long distance anywhere in the country for just 99 cents?

Ermac: oh man!

* Famous is away, work, 4-8; laurie's 8-whenever

Ermac: cool

Ermac: i work 4-8 too!!

Ermac: wow!

Famous: we rule!

Ermac: haha..sure we do

Famous: they'll call us the 4-8 bros

Famous: are you going to laurie's at 8 too?

Ermac: yep

Famous: nooooo

Famous: heh

* Ermac is away, work, 4-8; laurie's 8-whenever

Famous: noooooooooo

Ermac: it's official now!

Ermac: you can't change it!

Famous: the irc narrator has spoken

Ermac: yep, he knows what's up

*** Famous changes the topic to ''

* CowGrain changes Anthony to

Famous: noo

CowGrain: hahahaha

Famous: :(

CowGrain: you now have the burden of

CowGrain: yeah

* Ermac icmps, unknowingly attacking anthony

Famous: dahhhhhfsadjjajzjzjzjzzfazzzzzzzzzzzz-------

Famous: [sound of "flatline"]

Famous: you should be able to icmp flood people in real life

Famous: i think the only equivalent to icmp flooding in real life is just throwing a bunch of various breakable things at people so they are preoccupied with trying to catch them

CowGrain: wow ign put showgirls under the "cult" genre

Famous: -l +n

Famous: [tuh doon see]

Famous: eh... get it?

BobbyMcR: yes

* BobbyMcR punches drummer

Famous: good thing the drummer took the blow, and not me

BobbyMcR: think again!

* BobbyMcR lunges for anthony, very slowly and ineffectively

*** drummer ( has joined #ysib

drummer: asshole

*** drummer has left IRC

* BobbyMcR is still lunging, giving anthony plenty of time to get away

* Famous is away, tv, etc

Ermac: it looks like he got,etc

* BobbyMcR finishes the lunge, realizing he accomplished nothing

BobbyMcR: damn

BobbyMcR: always several steps ahead

* Ermac is away, work 4-8PST

* CowGrain is away, Work 4-10PST

Ermac: hah

Ermac: you win

BobbyMcR: i (sexually) love people with T1s on napster

Famous: my computer is being the dumbass of the century

BobbyMcR: hehe

* BobbyMcR imagines a ribbon being place atop the monitor: "DUMBASS OF THE CENTURY"

Famous: yep

Famous: all computers of the 20th century were reviewed

Famous: mine won

BobbyMcR: yeah, they decided to exclude the vast wealth of computers from the 18th and 19th century

Famous: i found out why my computer was fucking up

BobbyMcR: why is that?

Famous: the power was getting plugged/unplugged

Famous: so it was freaking out switching back and forth power modes

BobbyMcR: that a d-i-s

BobbyMcR: a d-z

BobbyMcR: discovery zone

BobbyMcR: discover what i can do on my own

Famous: "like masturbation!"

BobbyMcR: hahaha

BobbyMcR: that's a bad message to send children...

Famous: [unfortunately, this version of the commercial never made it to the air.]

BobbyMcR: too bad

BobbyMcR: great potential for that commercial

BobbyMcR: hey, have you ever been 'weird tired'

Famous: yeah

BobbyMcR: like, "i'm wide awake...but there's something wrong"

Famous: yeah

Famous: it's like after you are past the point of sleepiness

BobbyMcR: [feels 'high,' begins falling asleep]

Famous: and you're almost "too" awake

Famous: yeah

BobbyMcR: [wakes up quickly, heart beats fast]

BobbyMcR: "what the hell? but i'm awake!"

BobbyMcR: [can't concentrate on anything more than 30 seconds, continually falls asleep and wakes up for the next half hour]

Famous: [dies]

Famous: [in the face]

BobbyMcR: yeah!

BobbyMcR: killin' in the face of!

Famous: huh!

BobbyMcR: [dun nut dun! dun dun dun dun...]

Famous: wow

Famous: the "nut" guitar sound

BobbyMcR: yeah

Famous: as only ratm can do

Famous: hehe ratm

Famous: rage automatic teller machine

BobbyMcR: hehe

Famous: whenever you try to make a transaction, they bitch you out about democracy and stuff

Famous: and supporting the class system

BobbyMcR: of course

BobbyMcR: "you capitalist scum!"

BobbyMcR: "you just made a cash advance on your credit card"

BobbyMcR: "thank you for using ratm"

DelMonte: Isn't Joe Linux's name Linus?

Famous: yeah

Famous: the inventor is linus

Famous: linus torvaldis

DelMonte: so shouldn't it be pronounced "LYE-nux"? :)

Famous: it should

DelMonte: yay!

Famous: but it isn't

DelMonte: I win!

Famous: i don't know why

DelMonte: hooray!

DelMonte: LYE! LYE!

* DelMonte jumps around

* DelMonte jumps up, jumps up and gets down

Famous: hey, he invented it... he can call it what he wants

Famous: for example... if i made a software program called "AnthOS"

DelMonte: I know, I know

Famous: i'd still be able to pronounce it however i want

Famous: so fuucccckkk you!

Ermac: how many ways can you pronounce "AnthOS"?

Famous: fuucccckkk you as well

Ermac: damn

DelMonte: ahh-nuh-those

Famous: hehe

DelMonte: nobody would use your OS just because of that

Famous: my os would be cool

Ermac: everything would be forced to install into the "program files" directory

Famous: you bet

Famous: that would be the default on everything, of course

DelMonte: hehe

DelMonte: cool

Famous: and if you tried to install elsewhere, a giant springloaded boxing glove (as seen in cartoons) would come out and punch you in the face

Ermac: "comes with FREE! Giant Springloaded Boxing Glove!"

DelMonte: hmmm... nobody likes having to buy new hardware... oh, never mind :)

Famous: the glove would have other uses though, or no one would install it

Famous: you could punch people looking over your shoulder or something

DelMonte: hehe

Famous: damn you guys... both of you! now i have to rationalize my stupid idea

Ermac: it also talks to you, like that stupid paperclip in office

Ermac: that'd be your mascot

DelMonte: yeah... it'd like "PING! [boxing round starting bell] anthOS!"

Famous: hehe

DelMonte: *boxing glove fills screen*

DelMonte: with logo, of course

Ermac: "Hi! I'm AnthOS the Giant Springloaded Boxing Glove! How can i help you?"

Famous: it would have to be something different than ping, though

DelMonte: dah, it's just the sound effect

Famous: because that could be confused with packet internet groper

DelMonte: it needs not a name

Ermac: chris meant *PING!*

Famous: okay

DelMonte: groper?

DelMonte: man, I wish I were a ping

Famous: Packet InterNet Groper

Famous: that's what ping stands for

DelMonte: huh

DelMonte: I figured it went back to some kind of morse code or radar thing

Famous: yeah, it kind of has a double meaning... since it's like "ping!" and you wait for signal to bounce back

Famous: that's why it's so clever

DelMonte: yeah

DelMonte: damn clever

Famous: oohhhahaha

Famous: quite clever indeed

DelMonte: I wish I had come up with that

Ermac: you did!

DelMonte: wow!

Famous: then you'd be the ultimate internet cool guy

Famous: wait

Famous: noooo... conflicting jokes!!!

DelMonte: and even I didn't know about it... I must not have gotten much credit for it

DelMonte: I am the ultimate internet cool guy!

Ermac: phew

Famous: ah

Famous: you saved that one, chris

Ermac: we were desynched for a second there

Famous: i felt the fabric of hilarity beginning to be torn apart

Famous: there's some link to a wesley willis interview from yaho

Famous: o

BobbyMcR: ya ho

BobbyMcR: bitch

Famous: the new search engine!

Famous: "damn, bitch... what's on the internet fo' a g like me?"

BobbyMcR: sheeeit...what you searchin fo', ya ho?

DelMonte: I know a guy who was listening to Metallica on Realplayer on a Mac today

DelMonte: that's about the least cool you can possibly get

Ermac: joe tae bo sold out to subway

Famous: oh yeah

Famous: billy heterosexual, i believe is his name

Ermac: haha

Ermac: why are all male fitness experts gay

Ermac: richard simmons too

Famous: yeah

Famous: i can see it now... "workout with tony danza"

Ermac: "'eyy, and now wes gonna be doin' sum situps!"

DelMonte: god, what internet porn has become is quite annoying though

Famous: yep

DelMonte: 99% of what masquerades as free porn is links to other sites masquerading as free porn

DelMonte: and then they have ad banners for other link sites masquerading as free porn

DelMonte: the attempts at trickery are fun though

DelMonte: "look, you're in an ftp site! you only have to click on this one thing..."

Famous: yeah, i don't understand... why don't we see, like, news sites with the same idea

DelMonte: hahaha

Famous: "go here for up-to-date news!"

Famous: "this site has moved... redirecting you to the real up-to-date news..."

Famous: "do you want real up-to-date news? visit here!"

Famous: "before you get real up-to-date news, please visit our sponsors..."

Famous: "NEWS!"

Famous: "Hot News!"

Famous: "Do you want some news?"

DelMonte: [picture of Ted Koppel] "I've got some news for you... HOT off the presses"

BobbyMcR: some1 sucks

BobbyMcR: his name is Famous who is not here

Famous: oh yeah?

Famous: little do you know, bitch!

BobbyMcR: damn

Famous: they gave me a 4pm lunch "insted" "have" 5

BobbyMcR: heh

BobbyMcR: to badd

Famous: yeah

Famous: i'm going to be one hungry asshole come 10pm

BobbyMcR: "Hungry Asshole"...the new product from swanson

Famous: how do you handle a hungry asshole?

BobbyMcR: hehe

* BobbyMcR lol'z

Famous: <300 lb. guy> "hey, you motherfucker... give me some goddamn food!"

Famous: i have no freaking clue for whom i will be voting

Ermac: i'm voting anti-bush

Famous: sounds good

Famous: yeah, i still think you should be able to do anti-votes

Ermac: yeah me too

Ermac: negative votes would rock

Ermac: it'd actually be nice

Ermac: "i'm not sure exactly who i want to win, but i know this person should not win."

Ermac: of course, knowing america, every candidates would prolly be in the negatives

Famous: yeah, the candidate with the least amount of negative votes wins!

Ermac: haha

Famous: which would mean the candidate that no one had ever heard of would win

Famous: which would be a great idea

Ermac: yeah

Ermac: doh

Famous: "steve fliggleflapper... the new president of the u.s.!"

Famous: well looks i'm going to be updating the shit out of liz tonight

Famous: i will not back up the file when i'm completed

Famous: just so you know

Ermac: you'd better not

Famous: that would be stupid

Ermac: yeah, i mean, it's a waste of hard drive space

Famous: 4 or so hours of work is nothing compared to 20kb

Ermac: yeah, and it's 4 hours of *possible* work..there's no guarantee you'll have to do that work

Famous: exactly

Ermac: meanwhile, you back it up, man..that 20kb is gone

Famous: yep

Famous: i have a "write once" hard drive

Famous: like a regular cd-r

Famous: once you write on it, that's it

Ermac: damn

Ermac: yet you still log your channels

Famous: i have to buy a new hard drive like every day

Famous: and for some reason i keep buying this kind

Ermac: yeah, the swap file probably kills you

Famous: yeah, it can't rewrite itself so it just keeps getting bigger

Ermac: get ahold of yourself, man!

Famous: no!!

Famous: i like these hard drives!

Famous: there's nothing wrong with that!

Ermac: stupid brand loyalty

Famous: yeah, it's a good brand

Famous: despite the fact that if i edit the first line of a huge file, it has to save another copy of the entire file

Famous: i have all my files dated

Famous: for example, if i were to write a document about this joke, it would say "joke that is not getting old 2-19-2000.doc" "joke that is not getting old 2-20-2000.doc" "joke that is not getting old 2-20-2000 revision 2.doc" etc

Ermac: that has to suck

Ermac: but i mean, the benefits of having a write-once hard drive!

Ermac: never have to worry about deleting things

Ermac: cuz you can't!

Famous: the benefits are... you never lose anything

Famous: yeah

Ermac: that's it. i believe we have fully discussed your write-only hard drive. thank you.

Famous: yes, it's "write-only"

Famous: meaning i can only write to it, not read it

Famous: now that's an even better idea

Ermac: son of a..

Famous: "ah, i have this important document! i must save it!" *saves*

Ermac: yeah!

Ermac: yay!

Ermac: i've revived the joke!

Famous: [two days later]

Ermac: you'd have to use a boot disk

Famous: "what the... where's my file?"

Famous: [mysterious guy coming out of the background, which is smoke for some reason] "well, billy... it's a 'write-only' hard drive! don't worry, your data is safe on there." *sigh of relief from guy that we just found out is named billy* "but you'll never be able to read it!" *yelling... billy kills himself*

Famous: yes, i must thank you for reviving the joke, shane

Ermac: alas..

Ermac: there was plenty of drama in the revival

Famous: hey

Ermac: i mean, who is this mystery guy?

Ermac: poor billy!

Ermac: hey, i saw good ol' who's da boss on tv today

BobbyMcR: i saw that recently

Famous: i saw who's the boss on the digital cable guide at laurie's

Ermac: tonya danza..was....!

Famous: but didn't turn it on

Ermac: ooh

BobbyMcR: whose the boss

SPdreamer: psh

Famous: ...for some reason...

*** SPdreamer ( has left #ysib

Ermac: whos the boss

BobbyMcR: ho's the boss

Famous: <SPdreamer> i love tony danza... these guys are clownin'... i'm outta here

BobbyMcR: hehe

Famous: ah "clownin'"

Famous: what a word

BobbyMcR: [03:52:47] <Ermac> tonya danza..was....!

BobbyMcR: wait a minute...TONYA???

Ermac: ooh

Famous: bwhahahhaah!!!

Ermac: i!

BobbyMcR: no, you mean his sister, tonya!!!!

* Ermac imagines tony danza with a wig, lipstick, and a falsetto voice

* BobbyMcR would 'love' to see T. Danza like that

BobbyMcR: t. nutz

Famous: it would turn me on

Ermac: Tony Nutz?

Famous: thornton is T-Nutz

BobbyMcR: yeah

Ermac: i'm aware

Famous: that's how we spelled it on his "nametag"

Famous: no, i'm pointing out the spelling to brian

BobbyMcR: what nametag?

Famous: we made a little sign in masking tape

Famous: over his door in the music room it says "OFFICE"

Ermac: ahh

Famous: so we made a sign over it that said " T-NUTZ' "

BobbyMcR: hehe

BobbyMcR: did he notice it?

Famous: so it said T-NUTZ' OFFICE

Famous: no

BobbyMcR: how long was it there?

Famous: a day or so... stupid webley

Famous: we made like 200 signs

Famous: he made us take them all down

BobbyMcR: webley a son of motherfucking asshole bitch

BobbyMcR: +is, somewhere in there

Famous: or :

Famous: it could be "webley: a son of motherfucking asshole bitch"

BobbyMcR: hehe

BobbyMcR: yeah

Ermac: hehe

Ermac: that's the name of his biographical movie

MatriXX: right when i'm about to see the pam and tommy lee movie they're all like "You must enter a credit card number cuz we don't think you're 18, punk ass"

DelMonte: the pam and tommy movie sucks!

MatriXX: dammit

MatriXX: i've been trying to see that damn thing for like 3 months

MatriXX: that sucks ass

CowGrain: haha

MatriXX: shut up

MatriXX: if they had Courtney Westburg on tape, oh hell, that would be the end of the internet, i'd be on it 24/7

MatriXX: dammit she's hot

MatriXX: i think i saw her mom today too

MatriXX: she bought a shop-vac from me at work

MatriXX: same last name, in the TJ/Totem area

MatriXX: she wasn't as hot as courtney though

DelMonte: why would courtney westburg's mom need a shop-vac?

DelMonte: she's already got courtney westburg!

Famous: i love my mp3 player

CowGrain: I love my mp3 player

Famous: shut up mofo

Famous: hm

Famous: i think it's time for a new script

CowGrain: no, I don't think so

Famous: oh i think it is

CowGrain: really, I don't think it's necessary

Famous: shut up mofo

* CowGrain takes Anthony's mp3 player

Famous: hey shane... like my new script?

* CowGrain skips the country

Ermac: haha

* CowGrain doesn't like it

CowGrain: it's no good for me

Famous: shut up mofo

Ermac: yay!

* CowGrain now has to do this

* Famous will have to rewrite his script

* CowGrain says, "don't evem think about it"

Ermac: on ACTION

* CowGrain says, "damn"

*** CowGrain is now known as Putopelo

Putopelo: yeah

Famous: shut up mofo

Putopelo: damn

Famous: shut up mofo

Ermac: hah

Ermac: you can't run!

Putopelo: nooooooooooo...

Famous: shut up mofo

*** Putopelo is now known as CowGrain

CowGrain: or

Famous: shut up mofo

CowGrain: maybe

Famous: shut up mofo

CowGrain: I

Famous: shut up mofo

CowGrain: can

Famous: shut up mofo

CowGrain: annoy

Famous: shut up mofo

CowGrain: anthony

Famous: shut up mofo

CowGrain: with

Famous: shut up mofo

CowGrain: it

Famous: shut up mofo

CowGrain: maybe

Famous: shut up mofo

CowGrain: so

Famous: shut up mofo

CowGrain: then

Famous: shut up mofo

CowGrain: he'll

Famous: shut up mofo

CowGrain: turn

Famous: shut up mofo

CowGrain: it

Famous: shut up mofo

CowGrain: off

Famous: shut up mofo

Famous: nah

Famous: *** Added *!* to ignore list for 30 secs

Famous: hehe

Famous: *** Removed *!* from ignore list

* CowGrain gives Anthony the finger

Famous: shut up mofo

Famous: well i'll turn it off

Famous: ...for now!

* CowGrain damns Anthony to hell which he believes in

Ermac: but it exists!

CowGrain: now you'll be able to activate your "useful" script with the press of a key

Famous: actually i activate/deactivate it by changing your user level

Famous: from 40 to 50

Famous: and back

CowGrain: well that's just great

Famous: you know, shane... i find the automated "shut up mofo" just isn't as enjoyable as doing it yourself, you know?

CowGrain: well time for bed

Ermac: yeah, it just doesn't have that personal push that we give it

CowGrain: as much as I enjoy chatting with you funny funny people I must depart

Famous: i mean we live in this day of modern convienences, but still... sometimes it's just much more satisfying knowing that you did the work yourself

Famous: so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor

CowGrain: okay I'm outta here

Famous: shut up, mofo.

*** CowGrain has left IRC (labor what now? shut up, mofo!)

Famous: hehe

Ermac: *content sigh*

Famous: i should add a "YAAAYY!!!" ON QUIT to my little script

Ermac: haha

Famous: i can see it now... it'll be #1 on

Famous: "Does Mofo ever bother you on IRC? Here it is, the ultimate 'shut up mofo' script! Much superior to all those 'shut up mofo' clones, this is the real deal, featuring..."

Ermac: hahah..ahh..mofoscript

DelMonte: I would just like to say: a guy I know has seen Mr. T naked.

Ermac: l;jksrjj;jkfjlkfasdjkl;sdf

Ermac: *explodes*

DelMonte: hehe

DelMonte: in the locker room at a gym

DelMonte: and I've known him for weeks and weeks and I just found out about this the day before yesterday

DelMonte: that would be my first-time-out-with-new-friends story if it happened to me

Ermac: hehe, obviously it's not first in his priorities for things people should..ah screw it, you already said it

Famous: you know, i pity the fool that has seen mr. t naked

Famous: (i'm sorry... but you knew it was coming)

DelMonte: *collapses*

Famous: that was such an awesome night.... shoot, dawk

Famous: dawg

Famous: fuck

Famous: it's getting tired

Famous: fjaslkdjgsdgjsa

DelMonte: haha

Famous: it's = i'm

Famous: or

Famous: tired = late

Famous: take your pick

DelMonte: it's getting tired and you're getting late

Famous: yeah

Ermac: sonva bitch

Ermac: i'm finding a bunch of old mofo digital cam pics

Ermac: hehe

Famous: "sun-vah" bitch

DelMonte: chicago sun-vah bitch

Famous: i could see that expression gaining popularity

Famous: "chicago sun-vah bitch! i stubbed my toe!"

DelMonte: sure.... :)

Ermac: hehehe

Ermac: sunva is the short way to say it

Ermac: like "dammit" vs. "god damn it"

DelMonte: god damn it is worse than dammit

DelMonte: even though dammit implies that God is doing the "damming" anyway

Famous: yeah

Famous: funny how you never hear people asking others to dammit

DelMonte: the souls in hell provide hydroelectric power for all the shit they keep running in heaven!

Famous: like "steve dammit"

DelMonte: hehe

DelMonte: steve has little damning ability

Famous: "hey steve, could you do me a favor, and dammit? thanks"

* BobbyMcR covers head to avoid insults

* Ermac throws cans

Ermac: avoid that, bitch

Famous: those

Famous: you mean

Famous: unless of course you are referring to the "throwage" of cans

Ermac: i suppose that could work too

Famous: then you can refer to that in the singular

BobbyMcR: hehe

BobbyMcR: throwsion, it's throwsion

Famous: oh

Famous: excuse me

Ermac: hehe

Famous: we all need to brush up a bit

Ermac: except brian

Famous: yeah

Ermac: he has 100% grammatical skillz

BobbyMcR: ha

BobbyMcR: i win

theDogg: maybe someday we'll get married, brian

theDogg: not to each other

theDogg: to girls

BobbyMcR: heheh

BobbyMcR: yeah, i was going to say...

theDogg: hahhaha

BobbyMcR: "we barely know each other"

theDogg: "listen, I really like you, but..."

*** Ermac changes the topic to ' -- the band needs to get together someday'

Famous: next time chris comes up for the weekend, we should put a big sign that says "ARIZONA" over the "WASHINGTON" of the UW sign and try to trick him

Famous: except for that he goes to arizona state

Famous: and there's probably more than one UW sign

Famous: and he wouldn't go there anyway

Famous: but... it would still be kind of fun

BobbyMcR: most of millencolin's ska-ish stuff is cool

BobbyMcR: some of it is 'ignoying' though

DelMonte: (pronounced skaysh)

BobbyMcR: that's what the hyphen's for, bitchj

BobbyMcR: -j

BobbyMcR: hey, this is BitchJ

BobbyMcR: w'zup, w'zup??

Ermac: w/zup!

A2Kmed: introducing BitchJ, now with ZUP!

BobbyMcR: heheh

DelMonte: heh

* BobbyMcR pats kevin on the back for a job good done

DelMonte: ZUP is one of those advertising ingredients that don't really exist

DelMonte: like retsyn

BobbyMcR: yeah

BobbyMcR: what the 'hill' is retsyn any-way-z?

DelMonte: it's for bitches

DelMonte: it turns them into hos

BobbyMcR: wow

BobbyMcR: but how is that good for the average

DelMonte: *breaks out chart*

DelMonte: see... the more females are hos instead of bitches, the more likely it is that you will have intercourse with one or more of them!

BobbyMcR: yeah, s'what i was thinkin'

BobbyMcR: okay, i agree

BobbyMcR: retsyn good, hitler bad

Famous: well chris

Famous: i have a question

DelMonte: yep?

Famous: i have heard that "bitches ain't shit but hos and tricks"

BobbyMcR: "suck on these balls and lick the dick"

Famous: yes

Famous: where does that fit into your chart?

DelMonte: hmm

BobbyMcR: i think anthony is trying to say that some believe that bitches are already hos

BobbyMcR: and thus retsyn is a placebo

DelMonte: when you use "bitches" casually, that's implying that they're tricks

Famous: ah

DelMonte: bitches technically includes both

BobbyMcR: like dumbo's magic feather, retsyn makes them believe they can be hos

DelMonte: exactly

DelMonte: soon they'll be including retsyn in crack cocaine

A2Kmed: ahh

A2Kmed: good, spin off products

BobbyMcR: "and for those of you who love our chewing gum...try crack cocaine!!"

DelMonte: so that when they no longer need it to be hos, they'll still use it

A2Kmed: how about a line of bitches, hoes, and tricks action figures?

DelMonte: for many bitches, the most convenient source of retsyn is not certs, but crack

DelMonte: well

DelMonte: since bitches includes both ho(e)s and tricks, the product line will be Bitches!

DelMonte: and it's Hoes vs. Tricks

A2Kmed: and maybe it would include actual retsyn for the child and play retsyn for the doll

A2Kmed: and when given the play retsyn the doll would transform somehow to a ho

DelMonte: it's like transformers

DelMonte: and many other action figures

BobbyMcR: hehe

DelMonte: yay!

A2Kmed: i'll e-mail product development and see what they think

* DelMonte changes to a business major

BobbyMcR: boo!!

BobbyMcR: you have transformed into an asshole!!

DelMonte: hehe

BobbyMcR: like all other biz majors

DelMonte: that's what retsyn does to guys...

* A2Kmed changes to a bitch major

DelMonte: wait a minute...

Famous: hehe

* DelMonte finds a Certs in his mouth

DelMonte: nooooooo!

Famous: so let's see... in one 24 hour period, we've got an invitation to play in calgary and a invitation to appear in a zine/comp cd

DelMonte: cool

Ermac: hey, let's do the zine/comp cd

Ermac: i tell's the fan pages

DelMonte: hehe

DelMonte: well, yeah

DelMonte: what zine is it?

Ermac: rolling stone, i'm assuming

DelMonte: yeah

DelMonte: and they want to include "let's play coprorate rock"

DelMonte: they thought it was a sincere endorsement

Famous: yeah

DelMonte: hehe

Ermac: hehehe

Ermac: "wow! despite all their other songs being laden with sarcasm and hatred, i think they like us!"

Ermac: -VP of Rolling Stone

Famous: "except they read spin too... ah well"

Ermac: "They're sarcastic there." - Joe VP

Famous: ah

DelMonte: "who are you talking to?" - secretary, entering office

Famous: "don't you mean 'to whom are you talking?'" -- assistant in charge of correcting secretary's grammar

Ermac: "Your both fired." - Joe VP

Famous: "excuse me... uh... i should probably just go." -- assistant in charge of correcting secretary's grammar

DelMonte: "Don't you mean 'Don't you mean "To whom are you talking?'?" -- assistant in charge of correcting the capitalization of the quoting of all secretaries

Famous: "Wait, we were writing this down?" -- assistant in charge of correcting secretary's grammar

DelMonte: "No, she's talking to Anthony" -- Joe VP

DelMonte: "Wait, why do you automatically assume I'm a woman?" -- assistant in charge of correcting the capitalization of the quoting of all secretaries

Famous: "Because we can see you, obviously." -- assistant in charge of correcting secretary's grammar

Ermac: "True, dat. and how!" -- Joe VP

DelMonte: "Oh yeah." -- assistant in charge of correcting the capitalization of the quoting of all secretaries

Ermac: "Will you guys get outta here? I fired y'all!" -- Joe VP

Famous: "Now, if there's an assistant in charge of correcting the capitalization of the quoting of all secretaries, how come she didn't catch the 'who are you talking to?' said by secretary, entering office?" -- assistant in charge of correcting secretary's grammar

DelMonte: "'Y'all'?" -- assistant in charge of correcting VP's grammar

Ermac: "'cuz she does capitalization, you idiot." -- Joe VP

Ermac: "*blows up*" -- Joe VP

Famous: "But as you can see, it wasn't capitalized!" -- assistant in charge of correcting secretary's grammar

DelMonte: "No, he's right... I was on a coffee break." -- assistant in charge of correcting the capitalization of the quoting of all secretaries

Ermac: "can't talk..blown up." -- Joe VP

Ermac: "and you're fired, assistant in charge of correcting the capitalization of the quoting of all secretaries, for missing that." -- Joe VP

DelMonte: "So we've established that the assistant in charge of correcting secretary's grammar is a man, and the assistant in charge of correcting the capitalization of the quoting of all secretaries is a woman, right?" -- assistant in charge of correcting VP's grammar

Famous: "Why can't you just look at them?" -- some random guy

DelMonte: "But I'm guaranteed 30 minutes of break time every day in my contract!" -- assistant in charge of correcting the capitalization of the quoting of all secretaries

Ermac: "Your fired!" -- Joe VP, to some random guy

DelMonte: "And my title doesn't say anything about correcting VPs, now, does it?" -- assistant in charge of correcting the capitalization of the quoting of all secretaries

Ermac: "But wait, if i said it to some random guy, odds are it wasn't the same guy who just said that stupid remark!" -- Joe VP

Famous: "My fired?" -- some random guy, not the same random guy that said that in the first place

DelMonte: "No, I believe he was referring to my fired." -- some random guy

Ermac: "What? yes!" -- Joe VP, confused

DelMonte: "This is all fucked up now." -- assistant in charge of correcting VP's grammar

Famous: "That 'I' should have been capitalized." -- assistant in charge of correcting VP's capitalization

Ermac: "Why did I hire you?" -- Joe VP, to assistant in charge of correcting VP's capitalization

DelMonte: "Hey, are you trying to get in on my territory?" -- assistant in charge of correcting the capitalization of the quoting of all secretaries

DelMonte: "Look, I have a bomb." -- Terrorist

*** DelMonte is now known as Terrorist

Famous: "No, our job titles are very specific... you handle secretaries... I handle the VP." -- assistant in charge of correcting VP's grammar

Ermac: "Oh, shit!" -- Joe VP

* Terrorist blows up the entire Rolling Stone coprorate building!!!!

Ermac: "I got 'im." -- Sniper on Roof

*** Famous has left #SuperDeluxe

*** Famous has joined #SuperDeluxe

*** Terrorist is now known as DelMonte

Ermac: "I killed the sniper!" -- Sniper in cahoots with Terrorist

Famous: yeah, when i think terrorism, i think people going after rolling stone

DelMonte: "We're all dead." -- Joe VP, Terrorist, assistant in charge of correcting VP's grammar, some random guy, some random guy, not the same random guy that said that in the first place, assistant in charge of correcting secretary's grammar, Sniper on Roof, Sniper in cahoots with Terrorist, and anybody else that's been involved here

DelMonte: hehe

Ermac: the terrorist died too?

Ermac: aw

DelMonte: of course

Famous: the terrorist always dies

DelMonte: "The bomb was strapped to my chest." -- Terrorist, from beyond the grave

*** ErmacAWAY is now known as Ermac

Ermac: hide your children, muthafuckas!

Famous: mine are already hidden

Famous: ..if you are following me...

Ermac: well shit

Famous: know, i "hid" them in a dumpster...

Famous: ...because i didn't want anyone to "find out"... if you catch my drift...

Famous: *nudge, nudge*

A3Kmed: workin today?

Famous: no

Famous: hell no

A3Kmed: me enither

Famous: i'm never going back to work again

A3Kmed: or tomorrow, whichever comes first

Famous: hehe

Famous: i have two days off

A3Kmed: me too

Famous: yeserday and today for you, eh?

A3Kmed: no, today and tomorrow

Famous: or

Famous: hmm... maybe we have the exact same schedules

A3Kmed: maybe

Famous: it's a conspiracy of some kind

Famous: i mean... think about it... have you ever seen me on irc when you're at work

Famous: no, you haven't

A3Kmed: nope

A3Kmed: maybe we are the same person

Famous: hmm

A3Kmed: like fight club

Famous: that could be true

A3Kmed: weird

* A3Kmed kills self

Famous: come to think of it, i've never seen you and me in the same room before

* Famous dies

A3Kmed: *are you still alive?*

A3Kmed: *shit*

Famous: *no*

A3Kmed: *we are the same person*

Famous: *yeah*

A3Kmed: *hey, that means i have a girlfriend*

A3Kmed: *sweet*

Famous: *and no one neither of us is alive to resusciate (sp) each other*

A3Kmed: *and so in finding our true identities we had to perish*

A3Kmed: *how ironic*

Famous: *how sad*

Famous: *we're going to go make some nachos now... brb*

A3Kmed: *yum*

*** DelMonte (DelMonte@ has joined #ysib

BobbyMcR: well (x3)

DelMonte: x3 (well)

BobbyMcR: x2 modem

DelMonte: ha, modem

DelMonte: modems are for jerks

DelMonte: data should be read with phone audio

BobbyMcR: correct

DelMonte: "one, zero, zero, one, zero, one...."

BobbyMcR: hehe

BobbyMcR: that's what i was going to say

BobbyMcR: the "internet operator" we'll call him

DelMonte: it seems like the ol' binary jokes come up a lot, heh

BobbyMcR: uh-oh, 10MB file!

BobbyMcR: "onezerooneoneoneonezerozero..."

BobbyMcR: [sweat drips from his brow]

DelMonte: "my life!"

BobbyMcR: "must maintain bandwidth..."

DelMonte: "Ahh... my life's work... now, to ask the other end what the file turned out to be..."

DelMonte: *pause*

DelMonte: "porn? oh no!"

BobbyMcR: hehe

DelMonte: *looks at camera*

DelMonte: *credits roll*

Famous: my mom also told me freei is hiring

Famous: they need phone tech support people

moonrock: for what?

Ermac: hehe

CowGrain: you have to have a modem sir...

Ermac: "is this thing realllly free? reallllly?"

moonrock: "why is it free!! I WANT TO KNOW!"

CowGrain: "no, the internet is not on your computer"

moonrock: "no i will not read the explanation on the webpage, tell me right now why its free"

Ermac: "will you perform oral sex on me?"

moonrock: hehe

Ermac: a common question for freei tech support people

moonrock: they usually say yes too

CowGrain: "will you perform oral sex on me over the phone?"

moonrock: so we wouldnt want to let the customers down or anything

Ermac: yeah..freei is also a free phone sex line

Famous: "yes, but you have to look at ads while i'm <depending on sex of caller, what you have to do>"

Famous: hehe

Famous: they should have that

Famous: ad-based prostitution

Ermac: haha

Ermac: they play ads in the background constantly

Famous: "sex for free! the only thing we ask is that we install a little ad banner on the headboard in your room"

moonrock: "i'll just plaster all these advertisements all over your room... "

Famous: "before i suck your dick, have you heard of"

moonrock: haha

moonrock: "wow i can order all my food online while youre sucking my dick! alright!"

CowGrain: *hooker pulls out charts and overhead projector

Ermac: oh man..i think we could make a lot of money

A3Kmed: and now this advertisement for the Association of Apple Farmers: "Fuck pears."