Anthony S. is punctually correct.

Ermac: well well well

big-me: i think antonys on

Ermac: indeed

CowGrain: yah

big-me: let's talk pc now

big-me: punctually correct

*** Famous (famous@ has joined #SuperDeluxe

*** Lizadrin sets mode: +o Famous

Ermac: Good day.

big-me: How are you, Famous?

Famous: so how was filming gymnastics?

Famous: oh you guys are in "bastard good grammar mode" huh

CowGrain: but not me

Ermac: 'twas quite fulfilling of my attention span.

CowGrain: I never am

Ermac: Mofo, I am requesting of you to "go to hell".

big-me: Oh, it seems as though good fortune has struck you, for you recieved operator powers as indicated by your "@" in front of your nickname.

Famous: shane, every time i come on-line i get the -Lizadrin- You have 1 note waiting on Lizadrin.

Famous: how do i get rid of that

Ermac: Famous, perhaps you should "read your notes".

Famous: i did "read my notes"

Ermac: That is accomplished by typing "/msg Lizadrin notes password erase all"

Famous: oh, i didn't know how to erase

Ermac: Modest Mouse on KNDD. Quite pleasurable.

Famous: thank you!!!

big-me: Modest Mouse creates jolly good music.

Ermac: I agree!

CowGrain: mwahahahaha


Ermac: heheh

Ermac: I mean, ha-ha.

* Famous is back and no one cares

big-me: Ha-Ha.

Ermac: I laugh in advance at the sound I have yet to download.

big-me: Oh, so do I.

big-me: Oh, on the contrary, Famous. I do care.

Ermac: do I!

CowGrain: I don't

big-me: Then it is agreed. W\e both care.

big-me: We. I apologize for the typo.

Ermac: Apology accepted, my friend.

Famous: biggy... you changed yr password?

big-me: My password to what?

Famous: yr fox internet password... i'm trying to telnet in and i can't

big-me: Actually, I attempted to, and I thought that I actually did; however, it is still the same.

Famous: well somethin's screwed

Ermac: I believe the "somethin' screwed" would be you. Ha-ha!

CowGrain: yeah you are

Famous: does anyone here have a shell account i could use? i have 2000 mail messages to delete and that's a little slow over a graphic browser

CowGrain: umm... haha.. no

Famous: just this one time

big-me: I apologize, Famous, for I do not have a shell account.

big-me: Perhaps the next time you request one - i may have one.

Famous: you have a shell on fox but i can't get into the bastard

big-me: I apologize on behalf of Fox.

Ermac: Do you not have a shell of your own, Famous?

Famous: nopey, that's why i need one

big-me: Please do not use harsh language. For example: the term "bastard."


Ermac: That is also a hilarious quote from a hilarious show.

big-me: Do you know what bothers me about internet addresses?

big-me: Well, there is little to no capitalization at all. Even on proper nouns!

Famous: Please shut up. For example: "you."

Ermac: That also bothers me.

big-me: I cannot help but to feel some unwanted tension in here. What did I do to arouse some anger?

big-me: Ermac, do you know?

Ermac: big-me, if only I knew. However, it seems this anger was quite uncalled for. I give you my sympathies.

big-me: Thank you Ermac. I feel a bit unhappy; however, I have overlooked it. All is jolly over here.

Ermac: Good, good! I am happy you can see past this terrible mess.

big-me: Thank you. Ermac, you are so supportive and wonderful; I thank you for it.

Famous: big-me, I request your presence in channel #sleaterkinney. Swatchy is in there and would love to chat with you.

* CowGrain kills everyone

Ermac: Oh, golly, down I go.

big-me: Oh darn!

big-me: I have lost my life.

CowGrain: yes

Famous: i'm back sorry

big-me: You apology is accepted.

Ermac: I do believe you mean "your day", my friend.

big-me: Oh, dear!

big-me: I apologize. Please forgive me.

Ermac: of course, of course.

Ermac: So big-me, how was your day?

big-me: My day was fine. And you? How was you day?

Ermac: My day was quite acceptable, thank you.

big-me: That is well. I hope your future days continue to be acceptable.

Ermac: As of yours.

Famous: hey, what about my day?

big-me: Thank you.

big-me: Thank you.

big-me: Oh! I am so elated!

Famous: i have an acceptable amount of ram

CowGrain: elated? never heard of the word

Famous: things do not go slow when multitasking

CowGrain: hehehe

Famous: i am pleased with my processing speed

Famous: damn it, how come you guys never pay any attention to me anymore?

CowGrain: Cuz ummm stuff

Ermac: So big-me, are you doing anything joyful this weekend?

CowGrain: I have an even more acceptable amount of RAM

Famous: i hate to say, but i'm actually looking forward to talking with mike nelson

big-me: I will be going to my wonderful father's house, where I plan on not getting into arguements with him.

big-me: How about you?

Famous: shut up mofo!

big-me: Famous, that was uncalled for!

CowGrain: hehehe I is evil

Ermac: I most likely will be journeying towards Amber's house. I hopefully will have no arguements.

big-me: That sounds as though you will have a jolly good time. I wish your journey to be safe and fun-filled.

big-me: "=)"

Ermac: I as well. I hope your father spares your life.

big-me: Thank you.

Famous: yeah, make sure it's "safe" heh

big-me: By me typing an "=" and a ")"

Ermac: oh, an emoticon! I give you one as well: ":)"

big-me: I mean it as a smile.

big-me: Thank you!

big-me: I enjoyed that very much!

Ermac: I enjoyed my "emoticon" as well.

big-me: So, it is almost 10 PM.

Ermac: Indeed.

CowGrain: tup

Ermac: Silence, Mofo.

big-me: Yes, I agree with Ermac.

big-me: Well, folks, it is time for me to depart.

Ermac: Goodnight big-me.

big-me: I was delighted to speak to you all, and I shall see you on another day. I hope you will all be well.

*** big-me has quit IRC (PLEASE SHUT UP)

Ermac: -[Red Tide]- Punctually correct mode off.

Ermac: thanks, bitch-ass mofo

Famous: hey, i'm not the bitch-ass mofo

Famous: am i?

Ermac: yeah, sorry

Famous: bummer

big-me: How correct you are, Ermac.

Famous: what a way to end an otherwise cool week

Famous: don't even start that shit!!!!

big-me: Whatever do you speak of?

Ermac: Yes, I am.

Famous: i'm leaving

*** Famous (~anthony@ has left #superdeluxe

Ermac: Oh, bother.

Ermac: We made Famous cry.

Ermac: Did we not?

big-me: I believe we did.

big-me: What a shame.

*** Famous (~anthony@ has joined #SuperDeluxe

Famous: uh, i wouldn't come back but i have nothing better to do

big-me: We are happy to welcome you back, Famous.

Ermac: Very well, we will stop with the annoying 'correct' typing, will we not, big-me?

big-me: I am sorry, but that is the only I type.

Ermac: Is it? Very well, we will not change, then.

Famous: that is the only I type? haha

big-me: If one is going to type, one might as well do it correct.

Ermac: Very true, big-me, excellent point.

Famous: the only way you type, you mean?

Famous: hahaha

big-me: I apologize, I meant way I type.

big-me: Will you forgive me?

Famous: what a perfect week, of course ending with killing myself in front of my computer

big-me: You are actually killing yourself in front of your computer????

Famous: just being dramatic

big-me: Oh, how humorous.

Famous: I am attempting to indicate that I disapprove of your punctually correctness.

Ermac: Oh, quite.

Famous: D'oh, I might add.

Ermac: I understand, Famous, I understand.

Famous: I assumed as much.

big-me: Oh, and so do I.

Ermac: However, the fact that we are "pissing you off" is more satisfying than to not type un-punctually correct, wouldn't you say, big-me?

Famous: Fuck you, I might add.

Ermac: Do you?

big-me: I agree, Ermac.

* big-me covers his eyes when he observes the vulgar language.

Ermac: That is quite offensive, Famous.

*** Famous changes topic to "bad spellers of the world: UNTIE!!"

Ermac: Ha ha, quite an ironic retort that topic displays!

*** big-me changes topic to "Bad spellers of the world: UNITE!!"

Famous: Thank you for fixing my capitalization error.

big-me: You are quite welcome.

*** Famous changes topic to "Bad spellers of the world: UNTIE!!"

*** big-me changes topic to "No, need for more humor in here. We have enough since Anthony is here."

* big-me applauds Famous.

big-me: The server is back up.

Famous: coolnessocity

* big-me refuses to respond to that.

Ermac: I refuse as well.

Famous: you know, i had a great week until i got on irc with my friends

Famous: that's it

big-me: Das ist shade!

Ermac: wazzup foo?

Ermac: Excuse me.

Ermac: My brother had control of the keyboard for a moment there.

big-me: We forgive you.

Ermac: Thank you!! You are too kind!

big-me: No, you are too kind, and by reading what i just said, you have automatically accepted it.

Ermac: Read what?

* Ermac chuckles.

big-me: Ha-ha. I find that quite humorous.

Ermac: As do I.

big-me: Well then we agree.

Ermac: Yes. We do.

Ermac: It seems our dear friend Antony is not responding to us.

Famous: nope

Famous: i mean, not nope

Famous: i mean

Famous: er

big-me: Once again Anthony is displaying his wide range of humor.

* Ermac laughs. Out loud.

Famous: if all you guys are going to do is piss me off and be cool assholes, then i think i will leave

*** Famous (~anthony@ has left #SuperDeluxe

Ermac: It appears Famous is displeased.

*** Anthony-S (anthony@ has joined #SuperDeluxe

Anthony-S: hey hey hey

Ermac: Well.

Ermac: Hello, Anthony-S.

Anthony-S: i'm going to have to have a chat with "famous"

big-me: How are you doing on this fine evening?

Anthony-S: i'm doing relatively okay

Ermac: Are you doing well?

Ermac: That is well.

Anthony-S: thanks for the comforting e-mail

Ermac: Do you think it is well, big-me?

big-me: No, problem.

Ermac: And, pray tell, what is this "e-mail" you are talking about?

big-me: I believe it is well, Ermac.

Ermac: Very well, big-me.

big-me: E-mail is short for Electronic-Mail.

Anthony-S: heheh

big-me: It is an amusing bit of information is not it?

Ermac: Is it? By golly, big-me, you've gotten the best of me again!

Ermac: I laugh at your amusing anecdote.

Ermac: Ha. Ha. Ha.

Anthony-S: is not it?

big-me: Oh, Ermac, you are indeed a silly one.

Anthony-S: don't you mean is it not?

Anthony-S: you guys suck

Ermac: Oh, thank you, big-me, you are truly a gentleman.

big-me: Anthony-S, if you are to speak to us, please be punctually correct.

Anthony-S: You guys suck.

Ermac: That is correct, big-me.

Anthony-S: the server is UP!!!!

Ermac: We want the real Anthony-S, the punctually correct Anthony-S!

big-me: No, thank you, Ermac.

Ermac: Very good, Anthony-S!

Ermac: No, really, big-me, I insist.

big-me: Yes, we do!

big-me: No, Ermac, I insist.

Ermac: No we don't! I changed my mind.

Ermac: No, big-me, I insist.

big-me: Oh, how correct you are.

big-me: Oh, fine Ermac, I accept.

Ermac: Very well.

big-me: You are too kind.

Ermac: Ha-ha, no no, you are too kind, my friend.

big-me: No, Ermac, I believe you are too kind.

Ermac: Ha-ha, I believe you are incorrect there, big-me. You are too kind.

*** Anthony-S is now known as Famous-

Famous-: shut up!!!! you are driving me crazy!

big-me: Oh, let us just forget this all, Ermac. Shall we say that we are both too kind?

Ermac: Oh, yes, big-me, let us say we do!! Let us say we do.

Ermac: Be right back.

Ermac: I have returned.

big-me: Yes, you have.

Ermac: Are you sure, big-me?

big-me: We dearly missed you.

big-me: Yes, I am sure.

Ermac: Very well.

big-me: I shall return quickly.

Ermac: Oh, but I missed you as well!

Ermac: Fine, fine, I shall wait, I suppose.

Famous-: I say that you should all get bent.

Ermac: Jolly idea, Famous.

big-me: I have returned.

Famous-: I have just received a "Where It Is Located" MIDI file.

Ermac: Very well, Famous. Is it delightful?

big-me: What Tom-foolery do you speak of, Famous-?

Famous-: The MIDI file I have recieved sounds very much like the artist known as Beck. It is a delightful re-creation.

big-me: Oh is it?

Ermac: Do tell, Famous-!

Ermac: I am inquiring of you!

Famous-: What would you like to know, Ermac?

Ermac: I am fascinated of your "midi" of this so called "artist", "Beck".

big-me: What exactly is a "Beck?"

Ermac: Uh uh uh...that is not punctually correct!

Ermac: Do tell, is he related to "The Guy From Beck"?

Famous: Would you enjoy it if I was able to do a direct client-to-client send of the aformentioned MIDI file?

Ermac: Oh, I would indeed!

Famous: I believe that he is.

Famous: I recieved the file from the Warez FTP server that I have been granted access too.

big-me: Hurrah! Hurrah!

Famous: I will send you the file later as I am now busy downloading other files.

*** Shannie (Shannie@ has joined #superdeluxe

big-me: Welcome Shannie.

Shannie: hey peoples!!

Shannie: where is gabe??

*** big-me sets mode: +o Shannie

Shannie: hi Ermac!

Shannie: hi biggy!

Ermac: hey shannie

Ermac: oops

Ermac: I mean:

Ermac: Hey, Shannie.

Famous: Hello Shannie, please me punctually and grammatically correct in this channel.

big-me: I am elated at the fact that you have corrected yourself, Ermac.

Ermac: That is well, big-me.

Shannie: where is gabe?

Ermac: Gabe is not present.

Famous: Shannie, if you have not realized yet, we are using proper capitilation, spelling, and punctuation in the aforementioned channel. We are also being polite.

big-me: You are correct, Ermac..

Ermac: Thank you, big-me.

Famous: Big-me, did you just use two (2) periods after that sentence? I believe that is incorrect.

big-me: Oops, forgive me for adding an extra period at the end of my sentence.

Ermac: Well...I've always said, punctually correctness and politeness come hand in hand!

Famous: You are forgiven my friend.

Ermac: You are forgiven, big-me.

big-me: Thank you all.

Famous: Ha ha, I must agree Ermac.

Ermac: You are very welcome.

Shannie: ha ha, me too!

Shannie: what the hell is going on in here??

Shannie: are you people insane?

Ermac: I am very un-insane.

Ermac: Haha, there is a pun there!

big-me: I am very sane.

Shannie: laugh!

Famous: Shannie, we are just enjoying a small running joke that was created a rather long time ago.

big-me: Whatever do you speak of, Famous?

Shannie: oh, I see.

big-me: Ermac and I always speak like this.

Shannie: I guess I will be proper just like you people!

Famous: Big-me, I do not believe that you do.

Ermac: But of course, big-me. Why speak in unproper tone?

Ermac: Very well, Shannie!

Shannie: Sorry if I wasn't before.

big-me: Yes, Ermac, you are very correct.

big-me: You are forgiven.

Ermac: Thank you.

Ermac: All is forgiven, Shannie!

Shannie: Thank you

Shannie: Why are we typing like this?

Ermac: It is a hard and trying thing to do, Shannie, but keep trying.

* Shannie laughs at Ermac!

big-me: Yes, I could not agree more.

big-me: Keep on trying.

*** Famous changes topic to "We, the members of this channel, believe that the Wallflowers suck."

Ermac: The persaverence will always prevail!

Shannie: Why are we typing like this?

Shannie: I am very confused.

Famous: Have I created a jocular and appealing channel title?

*** big-me changes topic to "We only speak nice of others!"

Ermac: Because it is the correct thing to do, Famous!

Ermac: I am sorry.

big-me: How dare you speak maliciously of others?

Ermac: the answer was meant to be directed to Shannie, not Famous.

*** big-me is now known as Big-me

Ermac: Not to mention I did not capitilize "the".

Shannie: Okay, i understand!

*** Big-me changes topic to "We only speak nice of others!"

Big-me: Please do not do that!

Big-me: We shall only be kind.

Shannie: Do not do what?

Ermac: Kind is the proper way to go.

Famous: Excuse me.

Big-me: You are very correct, Ermac.

Famous: I am wondering what our fucking problem is.

Shannie: Are we getting an attitude?

Ermac: Please, no profanity!

Famous: Oh, excuse me again.

* Big-me is shocked at the profanity in this channel.

Shannie: Laugh!

Shannie: so whats new and exciting in your guys lives?

Famous: What is new and exciting in my life?

Shannie: yeah

Famous: I do not believe anything is new and exciting in my life currently?

Big-me: I only respond to those who speak punctually correct.

Shannie: well then dont respond to me

Ermac: Big-me, that is highly rude to ignore one simply because of their inhibition of typing.

Famous: Big-me, not everyone can be as punctually correct as we are. We must realize this and not discriminate.

Famous: I agree Ermac.

Shannie: hehe! yeah...

Big-me: Forgive me wise Ermac.

Ermac: I suppose I shall for now, Big-me.

Ermac: Oh indeed Shannie, boats indeed@

Ermac: Oh, phooey.

Ermac: Please forgive me for that glaring error.

Shannie: ok, you guys can type like normal people now...

Big-me: Thank you.

* Famous is highly upset because the kind person who supplies his warez his neglected to put his CD online.

Ermac: Ha-ha, that is your misfortune, Famous!

Famous: It truly is.

Big-me: Correct once again, Ermac!

Shannie: i am going...

*** Shannie has quit IRC (Leaving)

*** Now talking in #superdeluxe(theoriginal)

*** Ermac changes topic to "big-hyphen-me owns this channel!"

big-me: heheh, youre damn right i do!

Ermac: no I'm not

Ermac: I lied

Ermac: I own it!

Ermac: Ha-ha!

big-me: doh

big-me: well then here is your ops

*** big-me sets mode: +o Ermac

Ermac: see? What'd I tell ya

big-me: D'oh.

*** big-me changes topic to "Please be punctually correct in here."

Ermac: I advise you to shut up.

Ermac: Fool.

big-me: Sorry.

Ermac: What is up with that?

big-me: I do not know.

*** big-me sets mode: -o Ermac

*** big-me sets mode: +o Ermac

big-me: stop crying "ermac"

Ermac: ok "big-hyphen-me"

big-me: no, its not ok!

Ermac: ock

big-me: stop it!

Ermac: stop what?

*** Famous (anthony@ has joined #superdeluxe(theoriginal)

Famous: hey... what's going on?

big-me: hey!

big-me: what do you want?

Famous: what are you up to?

Ermac: your attention please: Famous sucks.

* Ermac will brb

big-me: no!

Famous: no?

big-me: no!

* Ermac is back

big-me: yes!

Famous: oh.

*** Famous has quit IRC

*** big-me ( has joined #superdeluxe

big-me: hey

Ermac: my's charlton

big-me: long time since i've been here...

Ermac: yeah really

Ermac: of one goes here anymore

Ermac: anthony stays out of here..he only goes to #ysib

Ermac: the bremerton people moved to #joefudge

Ermac: and the remainder kinda chill here :)

big-me: heheh

big-me: fuck'em

big-me: i'm superdeluxe4life

Ermac: fuck yeah!

Ermac: let's boot 'em all and start over

big-me: shiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeet

Ermac: you, me, and mofo

Ermac: and hubie occasionally

big-me: haha

big-me: that's ol' skool

big-me: i've wasted away for so many hours on this program

Ermac: least you haven't lately

big-me: heh

Ermack: it's still painfully boring here most of the time..hehe

big-me: haha

big-me: it is as i remember it

Ermac: too bad mofo isn't here..we could kick his ass

big-me: yeah...this would be the original crew

Ermac: with a few idlers

big-me: but of course

*** Famous ( has joined #superdeluxe

Famous: yo i hear c-dogg's back in the house

Ermac: Hello Famous. How is your evening?

big-me: right here

Ermac: hehe

big-me: How is your evening, Shane?

Famous: hehe this brings back memories *wipes tear*

Ermac: My evening is quite uneventful. Has yours been filled with cheer?

big-me: Mine has been fine.

Ermac: Very well.

big-me: Yes, it is well.

Famous: aw well, nice to see you again

*** Famous ( has left #SuperDeluxe

Ermac: hehe..loser

Ermac: he still cries over that

*** Famous ( has joined #superdeluxe

Famous: hey, i'm not crying over anything

Ermac: I take offense to your spying over our conversations.

big-me: Yes, I do as well.

Ermac: I would appreciate it if in the future you did not read our conversations without being in the channel yourself.

big-me: As would I.

Ermac: I appreciate your support, Carlton.

big-me: I appreciate you appreciating me. In fact, I would like to have sex with you.

Famous: Normally I don't "spy" on conversations as you put it, but I had a feeling that you were going to make fun of me as soon as I left.

Famous: I was rather curious, that is all

Ermac: I would enjoy sex with you. Would you like to be the "bitch" as it is called?

big-me: I think we could perhaps share the role.

Ermac: I take delight in your idea!

*** Famous ( has left #SuperDeluxe

big-me: I take delight in you taking delight. We both take delight!

big-me: what a bitch

Ermac: yeah really

Ermac: let's kill him tomorrow

big-me: let's do it tonight

Ermac: yeah!! we'll beat his ass!

big-me: i'd prefer not to touch him...was thinking more along the lines of throwing knives and guns...

Ermac: well..we could beat his ass with bats

big-me: yes!

Ermac: i think i have a few

big-me: always one step ahead...

Ermac: and then we can throw stuff at him too

big-me: i have a nice metal bat

big-me: yes!

Ermac: yay!

big-me: remind me to give you a hand job the next time is see you

Ermac: awww yeah

Ermac: believe me i will

big-me: sexcellent

*** Famous (famous@ has joined #SuperDeluxe

big-me: Greetings, Famous.

Famous: no!!!

Ermac: Antoine.

Famous: not more proper english!

big-me: Excuse me?

* Famous kills himself and carries his dead body across the street to dispose of it in a garbage can.

Ermac: How does one carry oneself?

big-me: I am elated at news of the death of Famous.

R2FIDO: thats pretty good for a dead man

big-me: I am unaware, Ermac.