Kill all ISPs

Famous: alright i'm testing out new slogans for fox internet

Famous: Fox Internet -- "You've probably seen our broken down vans!"

Famous: Fox Internet -- "What? NT isn't scalable? Oh."

Famous: Fox Internet -- "Our bad."

Famous: Fox Internet -- "Oh, you want e-mail too?"

Famous: Fox Internet -- "The lousiest ISP in the west."

timlin45: I like the second one the best

Famous: thanks

Famous: Fox Internet - "153 re-dials and counting!"

timlin45: we have a winner

Famous: Fox Internet - "Connectivity issues will be addressed at the next GT."

Famous: Fox Internet - "To find out why web access is down, visit our network status page."

timlin45: how true

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Collisions are fun!"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Now featuring DNS!"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "You mean that there are two 56k technologies?"

Famous: Fox Internet - "It's not our fault!"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Member Services?"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "The network is down becuase of El Nino"

Famous: Fox Internet - "And they said you couldn't fit 100 users on a T1. Hah!"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "We believe in affirmative action. That's why no one here is certified"

Famous: oh here's a good one

Famous: Fox Internet - "Contacting host...."

timlin45: Fox Internet - "When you enjoy watching the little animation on your browser"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "You thought Microsoft was reliable..."

CowGrain: Fox Internet - "SP what?"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Bringing you the shit of today at the prices of tomorrow."

Famous: i like that one

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Dedicated to improving your meditation skills"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Still replacing those 14.4s!"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Line noise? Oh, maybe I should hang the headset up."

CowGrain: Fox Internet - "10 steps behind the rest"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Now featuring data compression!"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Now featuring PAP!"

Famous: (that's not funny unless you know what PAP is)

CowGrain: exactly

Famous: password authentication protocol

CowGrain: oh now it makes sense

timlin45: Fox Internet - "For an extra $5 we'll give you the REAL access numbers"

Famous: Fox Internet - "'That would go faster if you used IE.' Cha-ching!"

CowGrain: Fox Internet - "We thought we knew what we were doing"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "We believe in speed limits on the Highways"

Famous: Fox Internet - "The only state-wide ISP that started as a 6-line BBS running out of an apartment." (and that's true)

timlin45: Fox Internet - "And we never quit being a 6 line bbs"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "We've all read Network Essentials"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Those new lines should be in... (checking watch) tomorrow."

CowGrain: Fox Internet - "Bryon Mengle has a large head"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Shutup Mofo"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Dis."

timlin45: Fox Internet - "No really guys...we DO provide internet service"

Famous: hehe

CowGrain: Fox Internet - "We got a tech. support"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Data line: 777-1180. Tech support: 777-1180. Fax: 777-1180."

CowGrain: hehe

CowGrain: Fox Internet - "We used to be as dumb as a monkey, now were as smart as a chimp"

timlin45: now that one is money

CowGrain: no, you're money

Famous: Fox Internet - "Finally getting around to installing service pack 3."

CowGrain: Fox Internet - "Oh yeah keep an eye on the network status"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Proud to be serving Bruce Case."

Famous: Fox Internet - "We know how to 'get around' Bess."

timlin45: Fox Internet - "We support multiple platforms. DOS...Windows....Windows 95"

CowGrain: Fox Internet - "Did it to meet women"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "When you like being banned from every god damn IRC server in the world"

Famous: heheheheh

Famous: i love that one

Famous: Fox Internet - "Reverse DNS? Authentication? Resolving host name...?"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "IPv6???"

CowGrain: Fox Internet - "What do we do again?"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Don't stay on the net too long... we're expecting a call."

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Now leasing over 10 Ip's"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Would you like fries with that??? No wait..that's my other job"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Change is bad"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "When you're just one cheap bastard"

CowGrain: Fox Internet - "I got somehting that will fit in that hole, it's right here in my pocket"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Why isn't it working....most of the pins fit!!!"

Famous: Fox Internet - "No, really, class C license! I got the certificate right here!"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "We don't trust pentium math co-processors...that's why we have 386's"

CowGrain: Fox Internet - "We get more laughs than any comedian"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "2348 days without an upgrade"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Still using Netcom's DNS... and getting away with it!"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "You gotta problem with IE 3.0?"

CowGrain: Fox Internet - "Who's got a drinking problem?"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "eh?"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Tech Support is for losers"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "We keep our money in a shoe box"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Wait a minute, I thought we were still called ProStar."

CowGrain: Fox Internet - "Now working with AOL to improve service"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Now Running Windows for Workgroups"

Famous: hehe

Famous: Fox Internet - "Now using Windows 98 Dial-Up Server!"

CowGrain: Fox Internet - "New network location, inside of a wax covered carboard box"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Yes, that includes yr own domain."

Famous: Fox Internet - "Supporting our sysop's $200-a-day heroin addiction."

timlin45: Fox Internet - "yeah....we support what was that CCN again?

Famous: Fox Internet - "Protocols?"

Ermac: Blarg - "We're occasionally turn on our dial-up pools, allowing you to "dial in" with a modem and access the internet! Note we say occasionally."

Famous: Fox Internet - "At least we're not Blarg!"

Ermac: Blarg - "At least we're not Fox Internet!"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Screw you, Shane!"

Ermac: Blarg - "What the?! Hey...Shane's one of our customers!"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Get 'em drunk...then sign 'em up"

Ermac: Shane - "Screw you, Blarg!"

CowGrain: Blarg - "Oh baby"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Now with SMTP"

Ermac: Blarg + Fox Internet - "Shut up, Mofo!"

Famous: here's one for david:

Famous: Fox Internet - "We can recite all the layers of the OSI model. Except one. Guess."

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Where do you want to bottleneck today?"

*** Phi ( has joined #superdeluxe

timlin45: Fox Internet - "When you can't get any money for a 286 just set it up as a server"

CowGrain: Hi Phi

Ermac: Fox Internet - "Hi Phi!"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "We hire out of TJ's TIC class"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Endorsed by the Pointy Haired Boss"

CowGrain: would that be Shane?

timlin45: no from Dilbert smartguy

CowGrain: ok

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Now with a cache server"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Network Re... dun.. dan... cy?"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Whoops...unplugged the router again"

Phi: lol

Famous: Fox Internet - "Now using masking tape to keep that switch on the 'on' position."

Ermac: Fox Internet - "What the hell? I..uh...uh oh...I think it's time for my lunch break..."

timlin45: Fox Internet - "When you're just too lazy to switch ISP's"

Famous: Fox Internet - "When encountering an unknown problem, just reboot. Yeah, the whole thing."

timlin45: Fox Internet - "We have 16 megs of RAM"

moonrock: Fox Internet - "Correction.. we have 8 megs of RAM"

Ermac: Fox Internet - "Taking a security hint from our vans, we also have no expensive equipment in our main offices."

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Hey Bob! What's TCP/IP?"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Further Correction: We have 8 rams."

timlin45: Fox Internet - "and 2 goats...a duck...."

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Meh...this whole internet thing is just a phase anyway"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Don't neglect our local services!"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "We run Lunix ... I mean Linux"

Famous: Fox Internet - "Like a unlocked door to a bank in L.A. at 2am."

Ermac: Fox Internet - "hmm...I'd better get the manager...oh wait, I am.."

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Visit our webpage at"

Famous: Fox Internet - "[Connection reset by peer]"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Now sold through Amway"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "I don't know....I personally think 404 is a nice number"

CowGrain: g'night ppl

Ermac: Fox Internet - "later mofo"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "We still have a 300 baud modem:

timlin45: Fox Internet - "And we still use it"

*** CowGrain has quit IRC (Fox Internet - "reel to reel is always the best")

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Over 20,000,000,000,000 collisions served"

Famous: Fox Internet - "One hour later, this joke is starting to get old."

timlin45: key word...starting

Famous: Fox Internet - "Our PPP connections are as loose as yr girlfriend."

Famous: ooh there's a good one!

Ermac: yer mom!

Famous: see, there's life left in this joke yet!

timlin45: that's good one

Ermac: Fox Internet - "Yes, we reset carlton's counter."

Famous: Fox Internet - "Still kicking ourselves for not renewing our contract with FWSD." (most of you won't get that joke)

Famous: Fox Internet - "So... that's right-click on 'Network Neighborhood'? 'Properties'?"

timlin45: Fox Internet - "Bandwidth?"

timlin45: I'm going to bed y'all

Famous: ok

*** timlin45 has quit IRC (Fox Internet - "YOU'RE still using it")

Famous: Fox Internet - "Oh yeah, well I had sex with yr wife!"

Famous: doesn't make much sense, but, what the hell

Ermac: hehe

Phi: Fox Internet - "Visit our new webpage:"

big-me: i hate prostar

big-me: did i ever mention that?

Ermac: no, you are always telling me how much you "love" it

big-me: oh yeah

big-me: sorry, i mean i love prostar then

big-me: i hope i got that right

Ermac: that's better

big-me: anyway, here's my impression of prostar...

big-me: hi, we here at prostar suck. come here for a monthly fee of $9.95 where you'll receive a mail server that never functions correctly, and just to sum it up, a peice of shit server. sign up today!

big-me: wow, i'm uploading at a really fast rate!

big-me: 150 bytes/sec

big-me: amazing!!

Ermac: you go!!

CowGrain: wow like lightning

big-me: it is lightening!

big-me: blasted prostar!

big-me: i don't think i'll ever have enough time in my life to bitch about them

big-me: heheh

big-me: 74 bytes/sec!!!!!!!

big-me: im amazed at the speed!

CowGrain: wow faster than at school

CowGrain: during the day

Ermac: logger.cgi is a simple script that keeps a log of everyone who "hits" your page, keeping the information in one file (or more, depending on how you would like to set it up). Logger stores the username (if identd checking is activated on your server), domain name, IP address, Browser used, page that was hit, and the refering page.

Ermac: coooooool!

Famous: yeah, but no isp will give you access to their cgi, will they? prostar sure won't.

Ermac: I dunno, I'm gonna read about it

Ermac: it has examples too, heh

Famous: prostar says "no cgi, or we'll kick your ass"

*** Ermac ( has joined #SuperDeluxe

*** Famous sets mode: +o Ermac






Famous: hey man

Ermac: freak

Ermac: freak

Famous: yeah sure

Ermac: blarg is fucked

Famous: prostar is fuckeder

*** Ermac changes topic to "When I get a car, the license plate will be "IH8BLARG""







Famous: PROSTAR (sometimes) ROXS!

Ermac: YOU (always) SUXS!

Famous: i know

*** Famous changes topic to "ProStar sucks -- send mail to... oh, they'll never get it anyway"

Ermac: bastards!

Famous: "note to all internet users: our mail system is very easy to crack. thank you."

Ermac: haha


Ermac: "For only $20, you can have an easily hackable e-mail account!"

Famous: "For only $10, you can have a mail account that you can never get into!"

Ermac: "For $free, you can suck!"

Famous: "For $free, you already do!"

Ermac: "For $null, d'oh!"

Famous: "For $p$g, you can set up a command prompt metastring in DOS!"

Famous: i mean, you

Ermac: no you don't

Famous: i'll tell you what i mean!

Famous: i need some good warez to download while i go see a movie

Ermac: I want a new game

Ermac: I want 100k/sec, actually

Famous: Yeah!

Famous: i'd be happy if i could just get my mail

Ermac: I'd be happy if I was the only one getting my mail

Ermac: damn hackers!

Famous: yeah

Famous: if you're going to get steal personal info, let it be from a large company

Ermac: right

*** Famous changes topic to "check out prostar's lousy equipment!"

Famous: ah... nothin like crusin' at 3k/sec....

Ermac: you suck!

Famous: you usually get around 3k/sec on blarg, right?

Famous: cuz it's fast, right?

Famous: fast?

Ermac: actually i can get 2.5k so shut up!

Ermac: blarg is roxing

Ermac: *nosuchthingasscarasm*

*** Famous changes topic to "ladies and gentlemen, prostar's mail server is down again!!"

Famous: yay!!!

Famous: i mean boo!

Ermac: blarg is a dumbass

Ermac: i should beat "him" up

Famous: or get a "good" isp

big-me: it's actually a girl

Ermac: you "suck"

big-me: "shut up"

Famous: i've been "connected" since friday afternoon

Ermac: you're a "moron"

Famous: quotes "are" dumb

big-me: "who" "me?"

Famous: no "me"

Ermac: "?"

big-me: "ha" "-" "ha"

Ermac: By Golly, big "dood", I believe the excessive use of quotes is unnecessary.

big-me: I believe you are correct in pointing that out. I apologize.

Ermac: I accept!

big-me: That is great!

Ermac: Excellent!

Ermac: All is resolved!

big-me: Hooray!

Boob: My ex uses prostar

Boob: hes a dick ass freak

big-me: haha

big-me: hey, don't talk about anthony like that

big-me: if prostar were a person then i think it would be luke perry


Gabe: 2morrow the proxy server moves inside the firewall...

Gabe: allowing all attempts to bad sites to be traced to your machine

big-me: no more porn, mofo

Imagine: No more porno Shane

Imagine: heheh

CowGrain: yeah you know me

Imagine: moo foo and his hubie porno

CowGrain: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

big-me: hey, did you know that prostar/foxinternet is changing it's name to we suck shit?

Ermac: now i can't connect to any web sites

Ermac: "no dns entry"

Ermac: "no dns entry"

Famous: ha ha

Ermac: "piss off"

Ermac: "Kiss my ass..goodbye"

Famous: "dat sux"

Ermac: "no dns entry"

Famous: sounds like yr dns died

Ermac: sounds like you died

Ermac: live dns!! Live!!

Famous: coming soon to dv8... dns! live!

Ermac: oh yeah

Ermac: dns! Live!!

Ermac: damn blarg!!!

Famous: you know what's cool? getting your mail. oh yeah, i can't.

* Famous kills

Ermac: ha-ha

Famous: Permission Denied- You're not an IRC operator

Ermac: don't kill me!

Ermac: /kill Famous

Famous: let's face it people... no isp is good

Famous: if an isp were ever good, it would cease to exist

t3kno: Mine is great I got 6 k a second today

Famous: shut up

*** BobbyMcR has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

*** BobbyMcR ( has joined #superdeluxe

BobbyMcR: screw you freeI!!!

BobbyMcR: i paid for high quality service!!

BobbyMcR: and i demand it!!

big-me: god death prosuck

CowGrain: prostar and microsoft should join forces

big-me: haha

big-me: why do you guys hate microsoft so much?

Ermac: cuz they suck

big-me: thanks for explaining

CowGrain: because there are too damn big for there own good and they try to horn in on everything in exsistence

CowGrain: even your life as we speak

big-me: wow

big-me: i bet that's really true

CowGrain: right now there trying to figure out a way to make robots replace everyone but they can't make a stable software package to keep them going

CowGrain: they keep crashing

big-me: uh huh

big-me: wow...1.5k/sec on my download

*** big-me has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))

*** big-me (ck@ has joined #Superdeluxe

big-me: damn it

big-me: i hate prostar

big-me: disconnected me again!

big-me: what was the quit message?

Ermac: *** big-me (ck@ Quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))

big-me: answer me damn it

Ermac: *** big-me (ck@ Sux (Because he does)

big-me: thats what that means

big-me: its all coming so clear now

big-me: damn it

big-me: i thought i changed that

Ermac: guess not

Ermac: you can't change your "sux" message

big-me: oh yeah

big-me: damn it

Ermac: i still can't disconnect

Ermac: blarg charges me something extra if i'm online 24 straight hours

Ermac: i'm at 23:30

* Ermac sweats

Famous: just pull the freakin plug, man

*** Famous has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 361 seconds)

*** Famous has joined #SuperDeluxe

Famous: now see with prostar you'd never have a problem like that

Famous: because you get disconnected whether you like it or not