Our apologies to Brazil nuts everywhere

*** effigy sets mode: +b ~ehsm933!*@firewall.trendnet.com.br

DelMonte: who's that?

Famous: who knows

DelMonte: hmm

Famous: leave it, it's not hurting anything

SPdreamer: that's my grandma

SPdreamer: *cry*

Famous: damn

DelMonte: dis

Famous: yr grandma is in brazil?

Famous: on trendnet?

SPdreamer: yep

SPdreamer: I was actually born in brazil

SPdreamer: I moved here when I was 13

Famous: wow

DelMonte: that's pretty recent, yeah'

SPdreamer: yeah, impressive no?

DelMonte: no! i mean, yes!

SPdreamer: oh, I musta forgot to mention it Chris

DelMonte: did the brazillians hassle you?

SPdreamer: no, we hung out

SPdreamer: but my mom got offerend a job in Seattle that she couldn't turn down..

SPdreamer: "2 dollars a night, american money" we quickly headed over

DelMonte: american money kicks brazil ass

SPdreamer: yes, it's true

DelMonte: the only thing brazil has going for it is brazil nuts, and they suck

Famous: you know, i'm not even sure if .br is brazil

Famous: but i'm assuming so

SPdreamer: we found some drug lord to pay for our trip too.. I just had to smuggle some crack up here

SPdreamer: it worked out nicely

DelMonte: yay

DelMonte: you have mad crack smugglin' skillz

Famous: to pay the billz