One-liners, give or take

Ermac: the guy in zelda that lets you choose between another heart or a potion is the collective man

* Famous is lining up bartell drugs, burger king, the spice girls, hot talk 570 kvi, and no doubt all in a row. he proceeds to take them all out with one bullet.

Famous: wow, even braden hates andy dong?

DeuS: i love bands like seven mary three and metallica. they are so cool.

SPdreamer: "look at me, I'm I hate you Brooke"

Ermac: a perfect world, we'd all be gay

Ermac: endfest would be hip were it not $30,42364032684768uy0652478

Famous: i've seen more jokes ruined on this channel then any other place in the world

*** SPdreamer changes topic to "national merit scholarship semifinalist Chris Jenkins says "meh" to grades!"

*** Ermac changes topic to "<Arschloch> Hmmmmm.... not #teen? Well, it isn't #assfucks either, but you're in there..."

BobbyMcR: carrot top is so horrible.... if that movie is anything to go by, he's the worst human being who ever lived

Famous: steve largent: "hi... i'm on channels 4, 5, 7, 9, and 13, and i'm interupting the simpsons! no one cares about what i have to say! i played football!"

Mengle: If Erik Gaines wins, there will be a senior class memorial at my house right after school

Famous: "server is not running." *presses start server button* "server is not running."

* Ermac punches a random carlton kim in the face

Ermac: #paranoid can't join channel (it's invite only)

BobbyMcR: i was really full after eating dinner, but now i'm so hungry i could eat a dick

* Famous kills his dns server and returns to the conversation

Famous: that sarcasm detector always screws me over

* BobbyMcR vomits all over the place, all the while sporting a "thumbs up" sign

BobbyMcR: sometimes being a gynecologist is a lot like being a garbageman

BobbyMcR: "once a ho, always a ho... and all hos suck dick!" -- william shakespeare

big-me: the link to yer fucking southfucking park page on yer fucking homefuckingpage is fucking wrong

Mengle: Jerk, it seems that your "dumb-ass"itiveness screwed you over.

big-me: it's a good thing icq's main page doesn't have 2108572315**$R%^q3453424 mbs worth of images on it

big-me: fuck, my computer is running as slow as mengle running a mile

Ermac: "Damn, talking to a canadian is like talking to the local retard." - Carlton Kim

NewYrkDol: my dad was all "why is there dirty wet underwear in my tool case" tessa "sorry"

Famous: free speech online, motherfucker

big-me: being dead was fun, but i was too unproductive

*** DeuS has quit IRC (connection reset by little mexican guy with cable cutters)

NeonLike: fuck school... and vicariously fuck french

* Ermac screws photoshop in the nonsexual way

moonrock: my friends gf has a bony ass..she fell on mofo and hurt him

Ermac: "Man, when i first got into drama, people told me that i'd get all the chicks. When I became ASB president, I thought i'd get all the chicks. When I got into a band, they told me i'd get all the chicks. Now where the hell are they?" -- Alex Clark

Famous: if you actually kill some guy, you lose points on the driver's test

BobbyStyl: wow, and how odd that Sugar Ray would suck in midi format as opposed to how great they are in real life

Famous: as mark trenter of all in all would say... "what the? what the? what the? what the? what the? what the? WHAT THE FUCK??!?!"

*** Famous changes the topic to '"If we fail to use proper grammar, your meal is free!" -- new at Denny's'

*** DeuS has quit IRC (obscenity is the crutch of inarticulate motherfuckers.)

BobbyMcR: southern accents make one's apparent intelligence decrease by half

Famous: damn... my hard disk is thrashing like zach de la rocha

CowGrain: i'm am such a dumbass

DelMonte: I think I should be allowed to eat people if I make up for it by not eating animals

Famous: i should sit outside of mr. formal, and every time anyone comes out, go "oooh! well if it isn't mr. formal!"

Famous: i think they should give this whole microsoft trial to judge judy, she could get it over with in a half an hour

DelMonte: hey... I do know Less than Jake!

theDogg: I was doing a /play to show off complete weezer lyrics to the nobody hanging out in the 6 other channels I'm in and I got booted off for it. that pissed me off

theDogg: oooh. josh lange sent me an email with the title "kennedy quotes" this is gonna be the first good josh lange email ever!

BobbyStyl: The Old, Fat, White Guy's Guide to Ebonics that sounds like a quality book

Famous: "the devil took this lady's baby. it's really cool." -- my dad

CowGrain: I don't know a moises, but there's this moses guy hangin' out in the backyard. I think he's a lil crazy

DelMonte: "irc servers can SUCK IT!" - chris jenkins

Famous: "hey anthony, you like food, right?" -- mike rinehart, earlier today

Ermac: prostitutes aren't wastes of money

Famous: i had an alright mother's day... got my mom a card and some flowers, and besides that, didn't have to spend any time with her at all :)

Dagon: at ten it is news, at eleven it is "fucking old news, bitch"

Famous: "hmm... it's take 5.4 years to download my e-mail... wonder why? what fucking bastard sent me something via e-mail that i don't want? (5.4 years later.) ah! josh lange!" -- me, earlier

* DelMonte vomits on beef, therefore providing a greater quantity of material equally appetizing as beef

Famous: i've never cared for the argument/arguement arguement

Ermac: another fun filled night in..where the hell are we

Famous: how come whenever i get into trying to figure out netsplits i always feel the same way i did when i was trying to figure out all the stuff in "back to the future"?

Ermac: alas..i'm giving away my comedy :(

CowGrain: oh man you just missed absolutely nothing going on in the channel

DelMonte: there isn't a single french word that doesn't have some kind of bullshit floating around it

* CowGrain injects another vial of comedy, "maybe this will do me good"

SPdreamer: brookes mom: *thinking damn, I wish I had a coke.. but hrm.. I'm too lazy to go buy any..* hey brooke, you've been really.. good? you deserve a coke.. go buy a 24 pack. Brooke: yay.. coke! *goes to store*

Famous: it's the mofo comedy hour, everyone

* Famous is away, stupid laundry.... grr... *punches clothing in the face*

Famous: i rarely dream about sex... however i dream about topless chicks who walk aroud like it's normal and then get pissed off when i look at them! that sucks!

Famous: "Now this isn't gay porn, but this is some gay porn." -- Brian Rogers

moonrock: -mcrulz- lori's good at a few things... flirting, running at the mouth, annoying ppl, and acting like a blonde <--*cry* they are making fun of me :P

CowGrain: that reminds me of that time when a bunch of drunk high school students slaughtered a bunch of goats, cut off the goats head and put them in from of the school

BobbyMcR: i go to church every day, and if for some reason it's not open, i break in

Ciaran: i never thought having someone offer to strip completely naked for you could be so...wierd and dissapointing

BobbyMcR: when you work for a bank, you automatically get to keep all the money they get... that's the way it works

CowGrain: i eat muffins with my feet