The origin of sarcasm blue

BobbyMcR: my favorite martian looks like a good movie

BobbyMcR: this color indicates anti-sarcasm

Famous: wow... blue is now the sarcasm color?

Famous: oops, wrong blue

Famous: i'm embarassed

BobbyMcR: 12 blue

BobbyMcR: not stupid 3 blue

Ermac: wait..if you used that color on that sentence, ahh! I'm confused!

DeuS: therefore making the partial usage indicate sarcasm

DeuS: so basically.. if you ever see blue, it means sarcasm. but, if the whole line is blue, does the sarcasm cancel itself out with each word so that all even-number-of-word sentences is not sarcastic and every odd-number-of-words sentence is sarcastic?

BobbyMcR: what the shit?

DeuS: ya

DeuS: ok like

DeuS: every word is sarcastic if it is blue, right?

Famous: wow, i think my "z" is key is broken

* DeuS cries